Panther Commando

Chapter 2116: deafening cry

? People on the lake shore covered their mouths silently amid the loud gunshots and explosions, and their eyes showed horror. Looking at the book, ?k?a Shuhu. Only some veterans who have served in the army have flashed excitement and relief in their eyes. They are startled to see that the vigorous figures on the hillside are soldiers, and they are a group of rivals. Become a more powerful special soldier when you are in the army!

The situation on the hillside just now was changing rapidly, from when they saw a few figures rushing towards the side hillside, to a black figure suddenly shooting out from the surrounding grass, before everyone could recover from their panic, the two of them. The gray-haired old man has already pulled the young man who was pounced on the enemy like an arrow, and rolled out to the side of the hill! And then they saw that the gangster was already flying in the wind of the old man's fierce palm, and a blood mist had filled the air.

All these changes are so fast that everyone is dazzled, and each and everyone's heart is beating "bang bang" in this drastic change, as if they are experiencing the moments of life and death just now.

At this moment, everyone looked pale at the flames that erupted over the bamboo forest in the distance, and their hearts seemed to jump out of their throats, lest the black shadows rushing towards the hillside would be hurt.

With the violent explosion of fire, Wan Lin had already rushed to the front of the two old men, and his outstretched arms tightly pressed the two old men on the hillside. Shrapnel and bamboo branches and narrow pieces were flying above them. Long bamboo leaves. ? Everyone's eyes immediately looked into the air, a pink blood mist was filling the hillside, and the black shadow that was hit by the palms of the two old men was like a broken sack from the air. fall.

At this moment, a look of excitement suddenly flashed in the eyes of everyone. The gunman had been broken by the force of the two old men's palms, and then he was beaten to pieces by the whistling bullets. hole!

At this moment, two deafening roars of "Ow" and "Ow" suddenly sounded from the hillside, and a mass of yellow shadows suddenly rushed out from the side hillside, followed by a group of pure white people from the top of the hillside. Shadows, two groups of shadows, with one red and one basket of two angry beams of light, rushed towards the black shadow falling from the sky like a shooting star.

Two groups of lights and shadows swept across the black shadow in the air like lightning, and a turbulent column of blood suddenly spurted into the air from the shadow. The hillside fell.

In the bright red blood mist in the air, two small figures that passed by jumped up from the hillside, avoiding the blood mist in the air like a smog, and went straight to the two old men who had stood up from the hillside. Seven meters away from the two old men, he jumped up from the **** suddenly, like two meteors passing through the air, and instantly stood on the left and right shoulders of the tall old man. ?Want·

At this moment, the dazzling colored beams of light in the eyes of the two leopards have disappeared, the four bright eyes are flashing with light blue and pink luster, and a few sharp teeth are exposed in the wide open mouth, which is in the sunlight. A dazzling sheen is reflected in it.

The people on the lake shore were stunned! This is the first time that these martial arts practitioners, who have martial arts skills and often hold knives, guns and clubs, have seen such a thrilling scene, and the first time they have seen such petite, yet so ferocious little animals, all of them dumbfounded. Staring at the blood mist flying from the distant hillside like a wooden chicken, I was at a loss!

At this moment, an ear-piercing shout suddenly sounded from the two loudspeakers on both sides of the Xiwu Platform: "Okay! This is the split palm of Huaxia's internal skills, and this is the special feature of defending our Chinese people. Soldier! Good!!!"

Following the cheers that suddenly resounded on the lakeshore, the martial arts practitioners who had been standing on the lakeshore raised their arms and shouted loudly: "Okay!" "Okay!" "Well done! "…

The deafening voice suddenly resounded through the mountains. The people who practiced martial arts on the lake shore had the strength and lung capacity of ordinary people. At this time, the voices of nearly a thousand people shouting in excitement were deafening, and the whole mountain trembled in the shouts. The pale blue water of a curved lake is suddenly undulating and surging in the huge sound waves...

At this time, Wan Lin had already stood up from the hillside. He pulled up the two old men beside him, glanced nervously at them covered in mud, then took Xie up in front of him and glanced up and down, then raised his hand and patted him heavily on the shoulder. Slap: "It scared me to death, you are too brave, you dare to rush to face the opponent's muzzle! You can't be so reckless in the future, the guns have no eyes, it's too dangerous!"

Xie blushed, nodded embarrassedly, then turned his head to look at the hillside where the gangster fell to the side, raised his feet and ran over.

At this time, the voices on the lake shore were already resounding like a tsunami. Wan Lin turned and swept across the mountains. Seeing that Dali and the others had raised their guns and surrounded the group of mercenaries, Xiaoya, Lingling, Wu Xueying, and Wen Mengzheng Running towards him, he was obviously worried about the safety of the two old people.

Wan Lin turned his head and glanced at the cheering lakeshore, and saw Mu Hongzheng on the wooden platform holding the microphone and smiling at him. He raised his hand and waved it twice at the cheering crowd on the lakeshore, and then ordered to the microphone: "Clear the battlefield immediately! Vigorously and vigorously, carry the enemy's corpse to the hunter's courtyard. Zhang Wa brings the leopard to search for the equipment thrown by the enemy, and must not let any weapons be left in the mountains. The rest of the personnel go to the mountains to retrieve us. Gather your own equipment in the hunter's courtyard."

After he finished speaking, he pointed at Zhang Wa to the two leopards on Grandpa's shoulders, and asked them to follow Zhang Wa to find the weapons and equipment thrown by the enemy into the mountains.

Wan Lin quickly gave the and turned around to wave goodbye to Mu Hong in the distance, but as soon as he turned around, he saw a group of people holding a camera suddenly emerge from the dense crowd on the lakeshore. The person with the camera equipment was trotting all the way towards him.

He frowned, and immediately said into the microphone: "Evacuate immediately, hurry!" Then he turned to look at the two old men and said in a low voice: "Old Master, Grandpa, let's go back to the hunter's courtyard?"

The two old men nodded, the old man's eyes flashed, and he glanced at Wan Lin, whose face was a little gloomy, then looked up in the direction of his own Lingxiu Mountain, opened his mouth to ask what? But he immediately closed his mouth with a worried look on his face, turned around and walked up the hillside with the old man of the Wan family.

Wan Lin didn't say a word, and walked silently up the mountain behind the two old men. Xiaoya and a few people running around saw that the two old men were fine, so they quickly turned their heads and ran towards the mountain where they had just changed their clothes, looking for a few of them to hide. Weaponry in the grass.

Dali and Kong Dazhuang quickly gathered the mutilated enemy corpses together, then grabbed the enemy's arms and legs respectively, and strode up the mountain.



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