Panther Commando

Chapter 2119: army rules

Wan Lin saw him chasing after him, and pulled Xie Chao over and said, "Tell him, let him accept it, I don't know if it's enough? But this is the rule of our army, and we have to pay for meals and accommodation. !"

Hearing Wan Lin's resolute words, Xie Chao quickly raised his hand to stop the hunter, looked at him and said solemnly: "My eldest brother gives it to you, take it, this is the rule of their troops, take it!"

At this time, Xiao Jiu also ran over excitedly, took the stack of banknotes from the young master and put them into the hands of the hunter: "Uncle, you can take it, this is given by my brother Wan, you you are welcome!"

The hunter saw that the young master and Xiao Jiu both let him hold it. He held the banknotes in his hand and looked at Wan Lin and the others without saying a word, with a grateful expression on his face. They are very simple people in the mountains, and at this time he @pig@pig@island@novel www.zHUzhUdAo.Com really doesn't know what to say?

Wan Lin and the others were VIPs brought by the old master. He was very honored that they were able to come to this small courtyard. He didn't expect that they would keep so much money now, which really surprised and moved him. .

Lingxiu Mountain has always been relatively closed. Although these hunters are basically self-sufficient, their income is very meager. This thousand yuan is equivalent to their living expenses for half a year, so this money is for him, a hard-working and simple hunter. That said, it is indeed a small amount of income.

The old master and the old man of the Wan family led the crowd out of the hunter's courtyard, and walked quickly from the side of the mountain around the lakeshore to Lingxiu Mountain.

At this time, everyone turned to their hearts like arrows. The old master, Xie Chao, Shanhua and Xiaojiu were eager to see Lingxiu Mountain and their dead and wounded relatives after the drastic change, while Wan Lin and the others were worried about Cheng Ru, Lin Zisheng and several injured comrades in the Guoan team. , Everyone's footsteps are in a hurry, and one by one, they quickly walked down the hillside.

When everyone hurried to the foot of Lingxiu Mountain, night had already fallen. At this time, the Lingxiu Mountain was pitch black and no light could be seen. The giant long sword that stood high on the top of the mountain had disappeared. A feeling of depression.

Wan Lin followed the old master and grandfather to the foot of the mountain. Wan Lin looked up at the top of the mountain, and then called into the microphone: "Qi Chu, I am the head of a leopard. The battle is over, and the intruding enemy has been captured. J! How are your wounded? Do we need our doctor?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Qi Hong's happy voice came from the microphone: "Great! Several of our wounded are not seriously injured. The sanitation staff have already dealt with them, and there is no danger for the time being." "Okay, you are in the mountainside tent. I'll be there right away," Wan Lin said immediately.

After Wan Lin finished speaking, he took two steps to catch up with the grandfather in front of him and said in a low voice: "Grandpa, take Xiaoya and the others up first, there are many wounded people on the top of the mountain, take Xiaoya to treat them first. I'll go to Qichu over there. After saying that, he turned his head and ordered behind him: "Zhang Wa and I will go to the Guoan team to see, and the rest of the staff will follow Grandpa up the mountain." "Yes!" Zhang Wa and the others behind him replied immediately.

Wan Lin immediately bent down and put the little flower lying on his shoulders on the ground, turned his head and walked quickly towards the mountainside where Qi Hong was, Zhang Wa followed closely behind him with a gun. Xiaoya and the others continued to follow the old head and grandpa up the hill.

Wan Lin and Zhang Wa quickly walked into the bamboo forest where Qi Hong was, and from a distance they saw Qi Hong and a dozen national security soldiers standing straight outside the bamboo forest to greet them.

Wan Lin and Zhang Wa just walked to the place where they were more than 20 meters away from the bamboo forest, when Qi Hong's majestic voice sounded: "Salute!" Then several dazzling flashlights lit up together, and several bright beams of light came on. It shone on the hillside in front of Wan Lin and Zhang Wa.

Wan Lin and Zhang Wa then walked brightly and quickly up the hillside, illuminating them with flashlights in their left hands as they walked, and returning salutes with saluting national security soldiers in their right hands.

At this time, the two of them were very excited. Although this group of national security soldiers lacked mountain combat experience, they were very brave in the battle. No one flinched in the battle. It is indeed a group of national security soldiers with a passion. Without their assistance at that time, they would not have known how hard the battle would have been.

The two walked to the bamboo forest. Wan Lin and the two stood at attention and returned the salute to Qi Hong, who saluted him. Wan Lin followed and stepped forward and hugged Qi Hong vigorously. Then he turned around and said loudly to the surrounding Guoan soldiers: "Brothers have worked hard. Now, on behalf of all the officers and soldiers of the Leopard Commando, I thank you!" After speaking, Zhang Wa and Zhang Wa raised their arms to the national security soldiers in front of them, and saluted a standard military salute.

At this time, he did not conceal his troop number, and directly revealed his identity as a leopard commando to these comrades who fought alongside him.

"Shu", the surrounding Guoan team members raised their hands to salute in unison, and everyone's eyes flashed with excitement. They have witnessed the performance of these special forces in battle. The scene of Cheng Ru and Kong Dazhuang bravely rushing down the hillside facing the enemy's bullet rain made their blood boil, and they were able to fight side by side with such brave and good leopard team members. , their hearts are filled with a sense of pride.

Wan Lin and Zhang Wa followed Qi Hong into the tent, where a torch made of pine branches had already been lit, and the red fire reflected the inside of the tent bright red.

Qi Hong excitedly pulled Wan Lin and Zhang Wa to sit and then asked nervously, "What happened to the top of the mountain last night? The mountain was shaking, are you all alright? It's scaring us to death."

Wan Lin knew that Qi Hong and the others heard the loud gunshots and explosions from the top of the mountain last night, and then heard the loud noise when the boulder on the top of the mountain collapsed. He must have been very anxious, but he was eager to chase the fleeing mercenary. He didn't even bother to inform him of the battle situation. He smiled and briefly explained the situation, and then asked in a low voice, "How are your casualties in this battle?"

Qi Hong's face darkened immediately, he stood up and said, "Report, our security team sacrificed three members in this battle, two were seriously injured and five were lightly injured. The injured are not in danger for the time being." He followed up and said: " During the day, I have ordered the battlefield to be cleaned up. In this battle, except for the unknown situation on the top of the mountain, five enemy bodies were found on the hillside, plus the four enemies that were eliminated in the mountains the day before yesterday afternoon, a total of nine enemies were killed.”

Wan Lin raised his hand and pressed him to sit down, with a cold light in his eyes and said: "It seems that the enemy participated in this treasure hunt for a total of 14 people, except for the nine enemy corpses you found, we are in Lin Four people were killed at Zhonghe Peak, and one person was killed at the martial arts conference, which may include two members of the Takahashi family. Hehe, if you dare to enter our China and do mischief, then let them stay here forever!"

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