Panther Commando

Chapter 2135: rise into the air

The old man waved his hand, pointed to the old head next to him and introduced: "This is the old head of Lingxiu Sect", then turned around and said to the old head: "This is Lin Er's head, who is in command of thousands of troops. What about the general?"

Li Dongsheng turned around and took a closer look at the old man with white hair, then straightened up and saluted the old man. The old master was shocked, and quickly raised his hands and clasped his fists and bowed to salute. He did not expect that the general would salute him first.

Li Dongsheng put down his arm, grabbed the old master's hand and said, "I heard Wan Lin's report on your sending your grandson to be a soldier, and I am very moved. Our Chinese army needs a young man with great skills like your grandson. We need the strong support of your martial arts seniors, and I thank you on behalf of the army!"

At this time, Wan Lin also pulled Xie Chao, who was a little nervous, and walked over. He pointed to the head of Xie and Chao and said, "This is the current head of Lingxiu Gate, this is the young head of Lingxiu Gate, Xie Chao, the old head. Sect Master He Xie is to send him to our troops."

Li Dongsheng turned his head and looked at Xie Chao up and down, nodded and said, "Good boy, as long as the physical condition is passed, I will accept this soldier!"

Xie Chao was overjoyed, he straightened up suddenly and said shyly, "Thank you first... first..." In his excitement, he forgot the word "chief" that Wan Lin and the others said, and stuttered for a long time without saying that "chief" Character.

The people around laughed, Wu Xueying ran over, "giggle" and said with a crisp smile: "It's the chief." Xie Chao blushed and quickly said, "Thank you chief!" He followed his five fingers and raised his arm suddenly, wanting to learn Lin them look like salute.

Wu Xueying grabbed his raised arm and said with a smile, "Don't salute like that, or General Li will kick you down the mountain."

"Hahaha", Li Dongsheng laughed, stretched out his hand and took Xie Chao's arm and said with a smile: "Don't listen to this ghost girl, how can I be so rude? Don't worry, these military etiquettes will have special personnel in the army. taught you."

After Li Dongsheng finished speaking, he turned his head to look at the old man and the old head of the Wan family and said, "If there is nothing else, we will return." The old head took a deep look at his grandson and granddaughter, then nodded and said in a low voice : "Let's go, please, Chief!" Said, clasped his fists and saluted Li Dongsheng.

Li Dongsheng raised his hand to support the old master, turned his head to look at Wan Lin and ordered, "Go!" "Yes!" Wan Lin replied loudly, then turned around and shouted: "All of them... Salute!"

A group of leopard team members lined up neatly beside the helicopter, looking at the Lingxiu disciples standing on the rocks one by one, and raised their hands to salute.

"Complete the ceremony, get on the plane!" Wan Lin called after him, then put down his arms and turned to the old master and all the other disciples. Let's go!"

The old man of the Wan family cupped his hands to the old head and head Xie and said, "Take care, wait for me to see you in two years!" Then he turned around and followed Wan Lin strode towards the helicopter door.

"Grandpa, Dad" Shanhua suddenly broke free from Xiaoya's hand and ran over, hugged the old master and cried, as if she realized at this moment that she was about to stay away from her two loved ones.

Xie Chao also walked over to his grandfather and father, and said with red eyes: "You two elders must pay attention to your health, I will come back to see you when I have time." Then he pulled Shanhua towards the helicopter.

The helicopter roared into the sky, Xie Chao and Shanhua were lying beside the porthole and looked down. The figures of the old master and a group of Lingxiu disciples became smaller and smaller, and their eyes became red as they stared at There was no movement outside the window.

Wan Lin sat next to Li Dongsheng and reported the details of the battle in a low voice. Li Dongsheng's face was very serious, and he listened carefully to Wan Lin's report.

At this moment, Wu Xueying looked at the white clouds outside the porthole, and suddenly remembered the golden clouds and colorful halo that appeared on the mountain top in the west just now, she turned her head and asked Xiaoya next to her in a low voice: "Sister Xiaoya, the mountain top in the west just now appeared. What's the matter with the mysterious Buddha's light? It's so beautiful, I've never seen such a beautiful scene before."

Xiaoya smiled and looked at Xie Chao and Shanhua who were sitting opposite, and said in a low voice, "This is a rare natural landscape. Just now, everyone at Lingxiu Gate regarded this scene as a symbol of auspiciousness. So I didn't dare to explain, so as not to undermine the self-confidence they had just built up."

At this time, Shanhua pricked up her ears and faintly heard the whispers of Xiaoya and Xiaoya. She got up and staggered in the bumpy cabin and ran to Xiaoya and Yingying. Xiaoya and Yingying quickly reached out and grabbed her arm and dragged her. to the side.

Shanhua sat beside the two of them, looked at Xiaobai who was lying on Xiaoya's lap with fondness, and picked it up and put it on her lap. Xiaobai, who was squinting his eyes, suddenly opened his eyes and saw that Shanhua picked him up, and immediately opened his mouth to express his anger. Xiaoya quickly reached out and touched its head and said with a smile: "Shanhua likes you, Get down!" Xiao Bai wagged his tail and lay on Shan Hua's lap.

Shanhua lowered her head and kissed Xiaobai's head, then turned her head to look at Xiaoya and asked, "Sister, what did you just say about the Buddha's Light on the top of the mountain in the west? I don't understand."

Xiaoya looked at her and said, "I just told you, Sister Yingying, that it is a very rare phenomenon of light and It is a natural phenomenon formed by the sunlight shining on the surface of clouds and fog through diffraction and diffuse reflection. Wonder."

Shanhua blinked her two big eyes and asked in surprise: "At that time, I saw a lot of figures shaking in the colored light in the distance. Isn't that a person?"

Xiaoya looked at Yingying, who was also staring with wide eyes, and explained with a smile: "This strange sight is a unique circle-shaped rainbow formed by tiny ice crystals and water droplets in the clouds under the sunlight. People call it a rainbow. For the Buddha's light, because this scene seems to be a big Buddha radiating dazzling golden light, and there are many believers around listening to the Buddha's teaching. In fact, it is the sun that casts our shadows on the clouds, and there is no one inside. I don't know what you found No? It was early morning, the sun was in the east, and this kind of Buddha light was produced in the west. If the sun was in the west in the afternoon, then this phenomenon would appear in the east."

Wu Xueying suddenly realized: "I said why I saw it on the top of the mountain in the west, it really seems to be the appearance of the Buddha in the west, it's amazing. When I used to go out to play, I often saw this kind of foggy weather, but why didn't I see it? Have you ever seen such a beautiful sight?"

Xiaoya said with a smile: "This phenomenon is indeed extremely rare, and it requires a high degree of coincidence of geographical environment and climatic conditions to appear. It is rarely seen in mountains like Lingxiu Mountain. Mountain flowers, you have never seen them before, right? "

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