Panther Commando

Chapter 2139: prudent


Wan Lin nodded, turned to look at Li Dongsheng and said, "Deputy Minister, do you remember what happened when you took us to Changbai Mountain to dry rice bowls a few years ago? The situation in Lingxiu Mountain is similar to that of dry rice bowls. When we reached the top of the mountain, we could not receive any radio signals, and all electronic equipment could not be used normally. 一 see w?·1?·cc”

Li Dongsheng nodded, turned his head and glanced at Gao Li next to him, a worried look flashed in his eyes. At that time, the situation of being born in the dry rice bowl was indeed a bit frightening. At that time, they entered the dry rice bowl wearing chemical-proof equipment, but Wan Lin and the others did not bring any chemical-proof equipment when they entered Lingxiu Mountain this time. I really don’t know if it is there. Are there radioactive substances?

Gao Li looked at Wan Lin with a dignified expression and said: "It seems that the gem on the top of Lingxiu Mountain is indeed an extremely rare unknown substance. All of you combatants have come into close contact with these gems. All the team members went to the military hospital for a check-up.”

Wan Lin was stunned for a moment, then he understood that Minister Gao was worried about radioactive substances on Lingxiu Mountain, he grinned and replied: "It's okay, Lingxiu Gate has been living on the top of the mountain for hundreds of years, it will be alright, the old master is all right. It's almost a hundred years old, and my body is still strong."

Gao Li and Yu Jing laughed when they heard his words, the nervous expressions on their faces were swept away, and they secretly said in their hearts: If something happens, it is impossible for Lingxiumen to live on Lingxiu Mountain for generations. ??Look at the ??book?www?w?·1·cc Yu Jing then said cautiously: "Of course it's fine, but for the sake of prudence, you should go to the hospital for a checkup tomorrow, just treat it as a physical examination."

Li Dongsheng followed suit and said, "Yes, you must be careful about this. You all go there tomorrow. I'll call Dean Yang to make arrangements now." After speaking, he got up and walked to Gao Li's desk and picked up the phone.

Wan Lin looked at the resolute Li Dongsheng and nodded helplessly, Gao Li said with a smile: "Yes, we must have a medical examination, so that everyone can rest assured. In addition, the young leader you brought also needs to undergo a strict enlistment medical examination. ".

After talking about the physical examination, Yu Jing turned her head to look at Wan Lin and asked urgently, "Continue to talk about the strange place of the gem. I heard Vice Minister Li briefly say that this gem is very likely to be obtained from the dry rice bowl. That green stone, the little flower, and the two gems on Xiaobai's chest are somehow related, very strange!"

Wan Lin hurriedly recounted the situation of seeing the gem in the cave, and immediately described to Yu Jing how Xiaohua and Xiaobai saw the gem and the sudden light of the gem on their chests. ?to read the book 1?k?a book nshu cc

At this time, Li Dongsheng had come back after arranging the medical examination, and the three of them listened to Wan Lin's story with wide eyes in surprise.

Wan Lin finished telling the situation when the sword-shaped boulder on the top of the mountain collapsed, reached out and picked up the little flower lying beside him and put it on his lap, and then said to several people: "In order to thank our Wan family for their great help, Two cold beads were given to me and Xiaoya, and one of mine is here with Xiaohua."

He said, looked down at Xiaohua and said, "Xiaohua, show that cold pearl to the elders." Xiaohua was lying lazily on Wan Lin's lap, when she heard Wanlin asking for a cold pearl, she immediately Standing up, a blue light suddenly appeared in his eyes, and he looked at Yu Jing and the three of them vigilantly, his mouth tightly closed.

Wan Lin quickly said with a smile: "Xiao Hua, I'm just showing you, I don't want you." The blue light in Xiao Hua's eyes flickered twice, and his eyes swept across the faces of Yu Jing and the others, followed by staring at Yu Jing with wide eyes. Jing, seems to understand that it is mainly Yu Jing who wants to see this gem. In the past, when Yu Jing was conducting experiments, he borrowed a necklace with gems from Xiao Bai, so he understood that Wan Lin was mainly observing this cold pearl for Yu Jing.

Yu Jing saw Xiaohua staring at her with straight brows and staring at herself. She laughed out loud, "Puchi", and quickly stretched out her hand to Xiaohua and said, "Xiaohua, I just want to see, I don't want you, I promise!" Then she quickly put her palm up Standing up, Xiaohua made an oath gesture.

"Hahaha", Gao Li and Li Dongsheng both laughed, and Li Dongsheng followed with a smile: "Yu Da designer, Xiao Hua has already regarded you as a thief, but your reputation is ruined." "Fuck you, you are the only one." What about the thief, Xiaohua is fine with me." Yu Jing said, reaching out and holding Xiaohua on her lap, coaxing it and saying, "Show me, I'll buy you and Xiaobai chocolates later."

Xiaohua's big mouth immediately opened, and the vigilant blue light in her eyes suddenly disappeared. She then raised her right paw and slowly put it into her mouth, and then took it out again, holding her paw tightly. The blue light in her eyes flickered as she looked at Yu Jing's grin. Mouth, as if to say, "You have to say what you say!"

Yu Jing hurriedly smiled and stretched out her hand and said, "I'll buy it for you, don't worry!" As she spoke, she stretched out her hand to Xiao Hua's raised right paw, wanting to take the gem in its paw.

Wan Lin quickly reached out and pulled Yu Jing's hand away. At this time, Xiaohua had already opened her right paw. A pale blue light ball with a icy chill suddenly emerged from Xiaohua's right paw. The light blue gem on the necklace on the chest also flickered, and two groups of blue lustre were flowing in the two small gems.

Yu Jing shuddered suddenly, and clasped her arms around her chest, she exclaimed, "Why is it so cold!" Gao Li and Li Dongsheng, who were sitting across from the sand, couldn't help shivering. Wan Lin quickly stretched out his hand to hold the cold bead in his hand, and a warm aura gushed out from his right hand to wrap the cold bead tightly, preventing the cold air from hurting several elders.

Only then did Yu Jing understand why Wan Lin stopped her The breath of this cold pearl alone made a chill in her heart. Freeze into popsicles.

At this time, the cold air had been tightly wrapped around the palm of his hand by the infuriating energy that Wan Lin had forced out, and the temperature in the room also returned to normal. The three of Yu Jing stared at the cold beads in Wan Lin's hands with wide eyes, and their eyes showed a look of astonishment.

Xiaohua tilted her head to look at the surprised Yu Jing and the three of them, and then she grinned widely, pointing her right paw at the three of them, looking like she was schadenfreude.

Wan Lin smiled and stretched out his left hand to hug Xiaohua from Yu Jing's leg, and then put the cold bead in his right hand to its mouth, Xiaohua put the cold bead in his mouth, and then quickly closed his mouth tightly, his eyes The flickering blue light also disappeared suddenly, as if at this moment he was relieved.

Yu Jing watched Xiao Hua swallow the cold beads into her mouth, and then let out a long breath, then looked at Wan Lin in surprise and asked, "Such a small cold bead is so gloomy and cold, in the cave of Lingxiu Mountain. It’s not like a thousand-year-old ice cellar, how did the disciples of Lingxiu Sect practice?”



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