Panther Commando

Chapter 2146: nasty little doctor

readx(); When Jin Yue saw Wen Meng in the ward, she was happy, but then her eyes showed panic again. She knew that Wen Meng and Wu Xueying belonged to Guoan, but the two of them acted together with the Hua Leopard team many times. When Wen Meng suddenly appeared here, someone in Hua Leopard must have been injured.

She grabbed Wen Meng, who was approaching, and hurriedly walked into the house, asking nervously as she walked, "Who is injured, is it serious?"

She asked anxiously, her eyes were already looking towards the hospital bed next to her, only then did she see that Wan Lin was sitting on the hospital bed with his eyes slightly closed, with his right hand on the back of a wounded wounded in bandages. She immediately understood in her heart that Wan Lin was using her profound internal strength to heal the wounded.

She turned around and waved to the nurse behind her, and said in a low voice, "It's alright, you go out first and close the door." The nurse glanced at Wan Lin, who was sitting on the bed with eyes closed, in surprise, and turned around lightly. He walked out and closed the door softly.

Seeing the nurse walking out, Wen Meng replied in a low voice, "It's Lin Zisheng and Cheng Ru who are injured, and the injury is not serious." Jin Yue was relieved when she heard that the injury was not serious, and pulled Wen Meng walked to the window and quietly watched Wan Lin heal Lin Zisheng.

After a while, Wan Lin slowly put down the right hand that was on Lin Zisheng's back, followed by a posture of receiving energy and circulated his infuriating energy twice in his body, and then opened his eyes and looked down at Jin Yue. .

Jin Yue hurriedly stood at attention and saluted, then hurriedly walked to Lin Zisheng without waiting for Wan Lin to return the salute, bent over and glanced at the bandages wrapped around him, and asked in surprise, "Why are you injured so badly, have you done a detailed examination? "

Wan Lin waved his hand between his foreheads and replied with a smile, "It's fine, it's mainly bruises, except for the fracture of his left arm and the lack of qi and blood, the rest is fine. I just gave him a little bit of conditioning. , several blocked meridians have been opened."

At this time, Lin Zisheng also moved from the hospital bed to the side of the bed, wanting to go down and say hello to Jin Yue. Wen Meng quickly ran over and hugged him and said, "Don't come down, lie down!" Then he slowly supported him against the head of the bed.

Jin Yue looked at Wen Meng's movements in surprise, then covered her mouth and turned her head to smile at Wan Lin, apparently seeing that the relationship between Wen Meng and Lin Zisheng was not normal anymore.

Wan Lin nodded with a smile, and then asked, "Where's Lao Qi?" A melancholy look flashed in Jin Yue's eyes, and then she replied with a bit of frustration: "Don't mention it, I haven't seen him for more than half a month. There are very few phone calls. Once I call, I can’t say a few words. He will say that he has something to talk about in a while, but there is no more news. Alas, it seems that their special forces brigade has been very busy recently.”

Wan Lin nodded, knowing that Hong Tao, Kai, Wei Chao, and Wang Hong were busy with the formation of the special forces brigade, the recruitment and training of troops, and the workload was huge, which was indeed enough for them. At this time, Wu Xueying and Zhang Wa walked in with grandfather. Jinyue turned her head to see grandpa who was surprised, and quickly turned around to support grandpa's arm and shouted, "Grandpa, your old man is here too!"

Grandpa replied with a smile, "Hehehe, I'm not worried about the injuries of these boys, come and have a look." After saying that, he walked to the side of the hospital bed and sat down, raising his hand to grab Zisheng's right wrist.

The old man counted Zisheng's wrist pulse, turned his head and asked Wan Lin, "Did you just treat him?" Wan Lin said quickly, "Yes, I feel that his blood is not smooth in several meridians, and he probably jumped from a height. The internal organs were caused by violent vibration, so Yun Gong gave him a little bit of grooming."

"Very good, I said how does he feel that the blood in his body is very smooth?" Grandpa said with satisfaction, then turned around to look at Wen Meng and smiled: "Girl, don't worry, the child will recover soon." She took out a small bamboo tube and handed it to Wen Meng and said, "You give your child a raw one every morning, noon and night." Wen Meng excitedly took the bamboo tube and said, "Thank you, grandpa." She knew that the pills grandpa gave must be a panacea, right The restoration of the offspring is of great benefit.

"Stinky girl, be polite to me." Grandpa said with a smile, then stood up and said to Wan Lin, "I took a look at the injuries of Feng Dao and the others. They have basically recovered, and they can be discharged from the hospital. Just go back and change the medicine regularly. "

Wan Lin turned his head to look at Jin Yue with joy, and Jin Yue quickly said, "The injuries of several of them have recovered very quickly, and they can be discharged from the hospital. Thanks to the herbal medicine that Grandpa left last time, the medicinal effect is very miraculous."

Jin Yue said, turned around and pulled Grandpa's arm and said coquettishly: "Grandpa, the Chinese medicine you concocted is amazing! Hee hee, can you give me more?" "Hahaha, this thing is not superfluous, then It contains extremely precious medicinal materials, which are not seen in the market at all, do you really think I am a wholesale market here?" Grandpa replied with a smile.

Everyone laughed when they heard it. Wu Xueying smiled and pulled Jinyue and said, "Stinky girl, you are really greedy. Grandpa's medicine is reserved for our leopards. You are not allowed to make bad ideas!"

At this time, Xiaoya also walked in, and Jinyue quickly and affectionately greeted her. Xiaoya took her hand and said with a smile, "I just came back from your director. He said that the air knives can already be discharged from the hospital, as long as they pay attention to nursing care, it will trouble you, the big doctor, to issue a discharge certificate."

Jin Yue smiled and slapped Xiaoya lightly and said, "If you hadn't told me, I really wouldn't want to let them out of the hospital. I feel relieved to see you special forces members every day. Strangely lonely."

At this time, Brother Feng Yu was walking in from the The two immediately stared at Jin Yue when they heard Jin Yue's words, and said in unison: "Little girl, I said that I have applied for many times, why is it Don't let us be discharged from the hospital? It turns out that you are the troublemaker!" The two raised their fists as they spoke.

Jin Yue shrank her neck and said in a hurry, "I'm going to issue a discharge certificate", followed by making a grimace and got out from the two of them, covering her mouth while running and "giggling" with a crisp laugh.

Xiaoya and the others all laughed, knowing that Jinyue hoped that the Fengyu brothers would be discharged from the hospital after a complete recovery. This was also a concern for their health. The hospital's medical environment was better, so that they could recover from their injuries.

Wan Lin immediately looked at Xiaoya and asked, "How are the test results of Zisheng and Chengru?" "I just saw their test results, and neither of them has any major problems. There is no problem with their actions." Xiaoya looked relaxed. replied. Wan Lin laughed after hearing this, and then said, "Then go to the director and ask for leave for these wounded. We'll go to Mr. Yu's house for a banquet in a while!"

Xiaoya smiled and looked at Zisheng who was leaning on the hospital bed and asked, "Children, do you need to rest for a while?" "No, no, it's all because this aunt Mengmeng put me on the bed!"


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