Panther Commando

Chapter 2151: Han Gong Hua Liquor

? Everyone was stunned when they heard Li Dongsheng's words. No one spoke for a long time, and they all stared blankly at the finger-thick radish stick. www/xshuotxt/com After a while, Xiao Shanhua stretched out her head and asked in surprise, "Uncle, can you join the army with this radish stick?"

"Hahahaha" The people around couldn't help it, they hugged each other and laughed. Li Dongsheng pulled Shanhua in front of him, put the radish stick in her hand into her mouth and said with a smile: "Little girl, how can a radish stick join the army?"...

The new and old members of the entire Leopard Commando met at Yu Jing's house. Everyone took advantage of this rare opportunity to talk about the blood and rain that they had experienced together in the past, and enjoyed the comfort after killing the enemy. These wolves-like men and charming girls all raised their glasses excitedly and frequently, enjoying the fun of gathering together with their comrades and killing the enemy.

When the wine was half full, Wang Hong, who was sitting next to Xie Chao with chopsticks holding vegetables, suddenly stopped his chopsticks in the air and turned his head to look at Xie Chao beside him in surprise. Qidong asked in surprise, "Old Wang, what's the matter?" Wang Hong stared at Xie Chao and said, "Why do I look so cool next to this kid?"

Wei Chao on the side also turned his head to look at Xie Chao in surprise and said, "Yes, the more I drink, the hotter I usually get. Why do I feel cold?" Di loosened and exclaimed, "Good boy, why are your hands so cold? Good guy, it's colder than ice cubes", Hong Tao and Qi Dong also stared at Xie Chao in surprise, not understanding that this boy drank so much liquor. Why are your hands so cold?

Wan Lin and the others laughed when they saw Hong Tao and the others in surprise. They knew in their hearts that Xie Chao might be overwhelmed by alcohol, and he had already used cold energy to dissolve some excess alcohol in his body, so he had unknowingly appeared on his body. The slightest chill.

Wan Lin immediately looked at Xie Chao. After seeing that he had drunk so much white wine, his dark face was only slightly red, but he still couldn't see the slightest expression. He held the wine glass in his right hand and held it steadily to his mouth. The full glass of wine was not dripping, and his hands seemed unusually stable.

At this time, Hong Tao and the others also suddenly understood that this kid must have mentioned internal skills. Their eyes were fixed on the wine glass he held to his mouth like Wan Lin, and their eyes were full of surprise.

Wan Lin turned his head and glanced at Hong Tao, the former instructor of the special operations team also turned his face and glanced at Wan Lin, and nodded silently. Wan Lin smiled, raised his finger and pointed at Xie Chao, who was a little embarrassed, and said to a few people around him: "See if you don't see it, this is the cold work of Lingxiu Sect just mentioned."

At this time, Wu Xueying also stretched her head and smiled at the Qidong people: "Several big instructors, our little brother Xie Chao has a magical kung fu? I have already booked Xie Chao, and let this natural air conditioner follow us when summer arrives. How many sisters?" "What about winter?" Yu Jing asked with a smile, "Ah?" Wu Xueying shuddered suddenly, and quickly raised her finger to point at Wang Hong and said, "You can't want this kid in winter, I'll leave it to you in winter. They are."

"Hahahaha!" Qidong and the others all laughed. Wang Hong raised his hand and patted Xie Chao's shoulder in praise, "Good work!" He raised his glass and said, "Come, let's have a toast!"

Wang Hong's glass collided with the glass held by Xie Chao, and with the crisp sound of glass collision, he raised his head and poured a full glass of white wine into his mouth, his eyes full of relief...

The next morning, several talents from Wan Lin walked out of the guest rooms of the Military Region Guest House one after another. Everyone had a good drink at Yu Jing's house last night, and didn't leave Yu Jing's house until late at night.

At this time, Xiaoya also walked out of the next room with Xiaobai in her arms. She turned her head and saw Wan Lin walking out of the room. She greeted him with a smile and asked, "I drank so much wine last night, is Grandpa okay?"

Before Wan Lin could reply, the little flower on his shoulder had already jumped up to Xiaoya's right shoulder. She stuck her head out and pushed Xiaobai in Xiaoya's arms. On his left shoulder, he raised a paw to greet Wan Lin.

Wan Lin smiled and said to Xiaoya: "It's fine, this wine is fine for Grandpa", then raised his finger to Xiaobai and Xiaohua and said, "You two little things, you cheated on eating and drinking last night, just didn't give it to Sister Yu. Hanzhu, Big Sister Yu is angry, what do you guys think?"

Xiaoya laughed out loud. When they came out of Yu Jing's house last night, Yu Jing sent a few people to the door, then pointed at her and Wan Lin with a blushing face and said viciously: "I will definitely bring these two little things to me tomorrow, I am angry. I'm dead!" After shaking her pink fist at the two leopards, she was so dizzy that she hadn't forgotten the cold pearl.

At this moment, the two leopards heard Yu Jing also grinning and laughing, but then their eyes flashed, and their right paws all covered the gemstone pendant on their chest, and their grinning mouths were also tight. Closing it, his eyes showed a nervous look.

Wan Lin shook his fists at the two leopards, smiled and said to Xiaoya: "Bring Xiaobai and Xiaohua to the Weapons Research Institute, Yingying, Zhang Wa and I will take Xie Chao and Shanhua to buy some clothes. They are too conspicuous in the city wearing mountain clothes. By the way, you can give me more Xiaoya smiled and nodded: "Okay, come in, the mountain flowers are already up" and said, She turned around and walked into the room. She lives in a triple room with Lingling and Shanhua. Lingling's home itself is inside the military compound, so she went straight home after leaving Yu Jing's house last night. .

The two walked into the room, Shanhua was walking out of the washroom, she saw Wan Lin coming in, she immediately ran over and grabbed Wan Lin's arm excitedly, looked up at Wan Lin and said, "Brother, last night was great, Yu What is the name of the one that eldest sister gave me? It's delicious. There are so many delicious foods, so delicious." Wan Lin patted her head with a smile and said, "You are too young to drink, so I can only give you a drink. I drank it. Hehe, will I go buy new clothes with my brother later?"

Shanhua said excitedly: "New clothes? Great", but then looked down at the black cloth clothes on her body and said, "No, Grandpa and Dad said, you can't let you spend money, my clothes are my mother's. New work, very good. Thank you, big brother."

Wan Lin looked up at Xiaoya and nodded, smiled and said, "Big brother is not an outsider, just buy it for you." At this time, Xiaoya took out a stack of banknotes from her bag and handed it to Wan Lin, saying, "This is a Wan, is it enough? By the way, buy Shanhua a mobile phone and let her contact the family once a month. Also, what else does Grandpa need? If the money is not enough, I will go and get some."

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