Panther Commando

Chapter 2153: why don't you fight back


When Wan Lin heard Zhang Wa's complaint, his heart moved, and he suddenly thought that Xie Pingping was very introverted and steady. Logically, if he had nothing special, he would never leave his group silently. Something must have happened suddenly. left. ?.?`

He hurriedly said to Zhang Wa, "He should have left the mall, let's go down and talk about it. A young man this big should be fine!" He stepped onto the escalator, and Zhang Wa quickly followed.

Wan Lin and Zhang Wa came to the entrance of the shopping mall and saw Wu Xueying holding Shanhua tightly with her left hand. She took out her mobile phone with her right hand while dialing, and stared at a group of people in the parking lot on the side. Run to the parking lot.

At this moment, the mobile phone in Wan Lin's pocket rang. Wan Lin knew that Wu Xueying must be calling. He did not take out the phone, but ran to Wu Xueying with Zhang Wa. The call was indeed from Wu Xueying. She saw When the two came to Wanlin, they immediately hung up the phone.

Wan Lin ran to her and asked in a low voice, "What's going on?" His eyes followed the group of people in the parking lot. Only then did he realize that three fierce-looking young men were surrounding Xie and a middle-aged woman in her thirties by a car. The clothes of Xie and the woman beside him have been torn by each other. ??.??`c?om

Wan Lin and Zhang Wa frowned, raised their hands and shoved the shopping bags into Yingying and Shanhua's arms, raised their feet and ran to the parking lot.

As soon as Wan Lin and the two approached the parking lot, they heard the woman next to Xie shout, "Do you still have Wang Fa? You steal my wallet and beat people. Come on, someone is playing a hooligan!"

The three boys around heard the woman's cry, and one of them scolded arrogantly: "Damn, I can't stand you for stealing you!" Then they looked fiercely at the officials around them and cursed: "Damn, I think who dares to come up and meddle in business?" The other person threw his fist at Xie and scolded, "You bastard, you dare to take care of Laozi's affairs? Kill you **** and let you meddle in your own business!"

At this time, there were some passersby gathered around, but when everyone saw the menacing young men, they all stopped and watched from a distance, and no one dared to go up. The two onlookers had already hid aside and quietly took out their mobile phones to make a call, apparently calling the police.

When Wan Lin was running, he heard the scolding in front of him and understood immediately. It must have been Xie who saw a thief in the mall just now, so he turned around and followed out, just as the thief attacked the middle-aged woman outside the mall. At the same time, he suddenly grabbed the thief, but was immediately surrounded by the thief's accomplices. ?.?`

Wan Lin quickly grabbed Zhang Wa beside him, shook his head, then slowed down and slowly leaned towards the front parking lot. He wanted to see how Xie handled this kind of thing. In addition, Xie himself had good martial arts, so it should be no problem to deal with a few thieves.

At this time, Zhang Wa looked at the people in front of them, one of them pushed Xie hard, one raised his slap and slapped his head, and the other raised his foot and kicked him. But Xie didn't fight back, one hand moved quickly to block the opponent's fist, his legs flexibly avoided the opponent's big foot, and the other hand protected the eldest sister beside him, his face was extremely ugly.

While the other three started, they yelled at each other: "Bumper, this is Laozi's territory, dare to block our way of making money, you are courting death!" "Kill this **** to death"...

Zhang Wa, who wanted to rush over to help Xie out of the siege, was grabbed by Wan Lin and immediately turned to look at Wan Lin. Seeing that he shook his head to stop him from stepping forward, he immediately understood what Wan Lin meant.

As he followed Wan Lin forward, he frowned as he looked at Xie, who didn't know how to fight back, his teeth rattled. At this time, Wu Xueying pulled Shanhua and ran over with her shopping bag. Yingying looked at the front and said anxiously to the two of Wan Lin, "Thank you, why didn't you fight back? How stupid!"

Saying that, she shoved the shopping bag on her chest into Zhang Wa's arms: "I'm going to clean up these three bastards, it's too crazy!" Shanhua also shouted anxiously at this time: "Brother, fight back!"

Wan Lin grabbed Wu Xueying and said sternly to Shanhua, "Don't bark!" Shanhua glared at her brother anxiously, and quickly closed her mouth, but her eyes were already bursting with tears.

Wan Lin then said in a low voice, "I told Xie Xie not to allow him to use martial arts casually outside. Only when his life safety is threatened, he can use force, but he must not hurt people recklessly."

Only then did Zhang Wa and Wu Xueying understand that Xie Bu, who had good martial arts skills, fought back. It turned out that Wan Lin was afraid that he would rely on martial arts to hurt people outside, and this kid had no social experience, so he definitely didn't know the severity of his attack, so he warned him early on. he has. At this time, Wan Lin did not let the two of them pass, just to exercise Xie's self-living ability in society.

Just when Wan Lin and the others approached the parking lot in front, the three boys surrounding Xie saw that their fists and kicks were basically blocked by this rustic boy, and there was anger in their eyes. , One by one attacked more ruthlessly, and one of the little ones flew up and kicked Xie's stomach violently.

Xie leaned to one side, raised his hand and slapped the opponent's foot. The boy shouted, his body staggered two steps backwards, his face suddenly turned red, he scolded: "Damn, dare to beat Laozi, do him!" Then he suddenly pulled from his waist He took out a switchblade, popped out the sharp blade with a "click", raised his foot and rushed forward, the bright dagger flashed a cold light in the sun, and the right hand tightly grasped the knife handle and stabbed Xie's chest in front of him. !

The onlookers screamed and hurried to the back. Wan Lin and the others were also surprised! Unexpectedly, these boys dared to use the weapon in broad daylight, and they jumped forward suddenly, Wan Lin shouted at Xie at the same time: "Thank you, do it!"

At this moment, Xie, who had been frowning to block, suddenly had a cold light in his eyes, and a cold air rushed out of him.

He let the dagger pierced by the opponent on one side of his body, his left palm suddenly raised upwards, and one hit the opponent's knife-holding arm upwards. At the same time, his right foot flew a side kick, and with a slap, he turned his side to the side. The boy who punched him kicked out, and slammed the shoulder of the other boy in front of him with a swipe of his right palm.

Xie moved quickly, knocking off the three gangsters in front of him in a few strokes, and then his left hand shoved the eldest sister beside him back, like a tiger going down the mountain, rushing towards the boy with the dagger in front of him!

The onlookers were shocked and shouted one by one: "The other party has a knife, dodge quickly!" "You are stupid, dodge quickly!"



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