Panther Commando

Chapter 2169: coercion

readx(); Obviously, Yu Jing, a great scientist, has given full play to her ingenuity after failing to coerce and lure the two leopards yesterday. She must have racked her brains to figure out a strategy to deal with the two leopards, and found someone yesterday. These special shaped chocolates are made to order.

Xiaoya smiled at the pile of delicious food in front of her. Yu Jing bent down with a smile on her face and opened a box of extremely beautifully packaged chocolates, followed by picking up two rabbit-shaped chocolates, but before she could speak, the two leopards had glowing eyes and small claws. He raised it and grabbed the two little rabbits in Yu Jing's hands.

Yu Jing had been prepared for a long time. With a smile, she suddenly raised the two rabbit-shaped chocolates high, followed by shaking her hands and said, "How can I eat this for free? I'll exchange this with you." Stare at the gemstone necklaces on the chests of the two leopards.

When the two leopards heard that they wanted to exchange gems, the right paw that had just raised the chocolate and shrank back like lightning, and covered the gems in front of their chests. Jing showed a pitiful look.

Yu Jing was so angry that she put the chocolate in her right hand on her left hand, and when she raised her right hand, she angrily tapped Xiao Hua on the head, but then she showed a charming smile, breaking a bit of chocolate from her hand and stuffing it into the mouths of the two leopards. .

Xiaoya watched the movements of Yu Jing and the two leopards from the side, and knew that Yu Jing wanted to give the two leopards some sweetness first, and then fool the two leopards for gems. Sure enough, Yu Jing saw the two leopards greedily snorting the delicious food in their mouths, then raised her eyes and stared at the little rabbit in her hand, she quickly said with a smile: "Delicious, right? This is a small Rabbit chocolate, it tastes so much better than what you used to eat, it's specially made! Do you think this looks like a little rabbit, and there's a little wild boar here too"

As she spoke, she picked up a piece of pig-shaped chocolate and swayed it vigorously, and said to Xiao Bai softly, "Xiao Bai and Big Sister Yu are the best. Would you like to exchange the cold beads in your mouth with me?" The next piece was stuffed into Xiaoya's mouth and said, "Stinky girl, hurry up and help!"

Xiaoya covered her mouth and smiled and looked at Yu Jing, and saw that a thin layer of sweat had appeared on her forehead, and there was an anxious look in her big eyes, but she forced a smile on her face, a helpless expression. look.

Xiaoya understood that Yu Jing already knew that she could not offend these two little things, so she did not dare to forcibly ask for gems. These are two ferocious guys who eat soft and not hard. If you really annoy them, she probably won't want to get gems from them again, so she prepared a new attack strategy in advance, but she didn't expect that doesn't work. Now Yu Jing invites herself to go out, which shows that this great scientist has indeed exhausted his skills.

Xiaoya hurriedly picked up Xiaobai, then picked up a box of beautifully packaged chocolates from the table and said to Xiaobai: "Look at how much delicious food Mrs. Yu bought for you, look at the packaging, it's so beautiful! You look at this again, it really looks like a pheasant..."

As she spoke, she slowly tore open the wrapping paper of the box, took out a piece and said, "Look at this golden yellow one, it's delicious. Do you remember the last time Sister Yu lent you a gem? It was only for a few days, and I don't want it. Yours, it will be returned to you when it is used up, what a good deal for you, you have eaten so many good things, and the gems are returned to you, you have made a lot of money."

Xiaobai listened to Xiaoya's words with her ears pricked up, her eyes glowing red and staring at the delicious food in her hands, then she turned her head to look at the little flower lying on the table with her paws clutching the gems, her big eyes kept wandering.

Xiaoya saw Xiaobai's appearance and knew that it was tempted. She quickly broke the chocolate in her hand in half, handed one to Xiaohua's paw covering the gem on her chest, and stuffed the other into Xiaobai's mouth. She knew that as long as Xiaobai was persuaded to take out the cold beads, Xiaohua would definitely not be indifferent to watching Xiaobai eating delicious food.

Xiaobai stretched out his head and put half a piece of chocolate in his mouth, followed by eating it, his big tail was raised up and slowly swayed, his two red eyes were squinted, and he seemed to be enjoying himself very much. .

Xiaohua looked vigilantly at the half of the chocolate in front of her, and then she raised her eyes to see that Xiaobai was already enjoying herself. With her right paw covering her chest, she quickly stretched out a handful of the delicious food that was in Xiaoya's hand and stuffed it into her mouth. She shook beautifully.

Xiaoya immediately picked up the box of chocolates and said, "It's delicious, I'll lend you the cold beads and gems to Sister Yu, these are yours, I will return the cold beads and gems to you in a few days. Sister Yu can keep her word. already."

As Xiaoya said, the two leopards had already eaten the chocolate in the blink of an eye. At this moment, they were staring at the box in Xiaoya's hand with gleaming eyes, and their mouths were still choking, looking like they couldn't stop.

Seeing that the appetite of the two leopards had been aroused, Xiaoya immediately took out another piece and handed it to the two leopards, and then said, "The two of you have a good discussion, so many delicious food, just Borrowing your cold beads and gems for a few days, what a bargain! Besides, if you offend Big Sister Yu, we won't take you with us when we go out to play in the future." After speaking, he put Xiaobai next to Xiaohua.

The two leopards stuffed the chocolate into their mouths, then glanced at Yu Jing, who was guarding a pile of delicious food, turned their heads, jumped off the platform, and got under the experimental platform. hum.

Yu Jing looked at Xiaoya with a thumbs up, and a smile appeared on her anxious face. She knew that Xiaoya knew these two smart little animals better than herself, and the coercion and temptation at this time had already made the two leopards tempted~ After a while, the two leopards got out from under the table, jumped on the table and jumped directly to Yu Jing's side, Yu Jing quickly took the food on the table in her arms and stared at Looking at the two leopards with big eyes.

Xiaohua stood up, raised her right paw and pointed at the food in Yu Jing's arms, followed by pointing at Xiaobai's mouth and the necklace on her chest, staring at her with a wide mouth and glowing eyes, her mouth still "huchi". ", "Hu Chi" with a threatening voice.

Yu Jing stared blankly at the two leopards, wondering what Xiao Hua meant? Xiaoya was overjoyed and snatched the food from Yu Jing's arms, and then said, "No problem, no problem! Sister Yu can keep her promise." She put the food next to the two leopards, and reached out and took off Xiaohua's neck on the necklace.

At this time, Yu Jing also understood what Xiaohua was expressing, and knew that the two leopards had agreed to Xiaoya's plan, and now she was warning herself not to lose faith and to return the gems to them after they were used up. She was overjoyed and put her hand to Xiaobai's mouth, wanting to take the cold pearl from Xiaobai's mouth.

Xiaoya pulled back Yu Jing's hand, followed by stuffing the necklace with gemstones in her hand into Yu Jing's hand and said, "You can't use your hands!" Then she took out the purple-red color that the old master gave Hanzhu from her pocket. The hardwood packaging box slowly reached Xiaobai's mouth.

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