Panther Commando

Chapter 2171: sparkling gems


Xiao Zhang, Yu Jing's assistant, said anxiously and continued: "Mr. Yu is just dying to conduct such a dangerous experiment alone. The last time she cut green stones was very dangerous. I didn't expect that she would do it alone this time Such a dangerous piece of work, I've been locked in it for several hours now. It's fine if you come, otherwise we won't dare to go in again. I've pressed the emergency button now, if Mr. Yu is in thirty seconds If you don't answer us, the door will automatically open!"

Before Xiao Zhang could finish speaking, Yu Jing's urgent voice suddenly appeared in one of the speakers in the box: "What's the emergency? I don't know I'm busy!" Xiaoya hurriedly said loudly to the microphone on the side of the door: "Yu Jing Boss, I'm Xiaoya, now Wan Lin and grandpa are beside you, open the door quickly!"

With the voice, the thick laboratory door made of tens of centimeters thick lead plate suddenly heard a low "humming" sound, followed by slowly sliding to the side, revealing the width of a person's entry. A fiery wave of air rushed out from the door.

Wan Lin and his grandfather flickered and stepped in. Xiaoya also hurriedly walked towards the door, and said to Xiao Zhang who was about to follow up, "Don't come in!" The three of them had just entered the door, Yu Jing pressed the button and closed the heavy door again.

When several people walked into the laboratory, they immediately felt a hot breath coming towards them, and several people quickly turned their eyes and swept the room in astonishment. There is only Yu Jing in the spacious laboratory. There are huge thick heavy metal plates on the windows opposite the door. A large test bench is placed in the center of the room. There are experimental instruments around the experimental bench. Small red, green and green indicator lights were flashing rapidly, and a recorder was spitting out a note recording the experimental data.

There is a white spotlight with more than a dozen lamp heads on the ceiling, which is directly shining on the experimental bench, but the room is not illuminated white by the spotlight overhead, on the contrary, there is a blue and green alarm that complements each other. of light.

The room was scorching hot, and the air seemed so dense that it seemed that it was difficult to breathe. Yu Jing was standing by the door wearing a large goggles, his face was full of sweat, and the white coat on his body was soaked with sweat.

Wan Lin and his grandfather quickly took a look at the indoor environment, and then brought up the cold skills on their bodies. Wan Lin turned around and grabbed Xiaoya's right hand behind him and entered a chill. At this time, his grandfather also caught Yu Jing's wet body In the left hand, the cool cold air immediately drilled into the body along the arms of Xiaoya and Yu Jing, making them feel much more comfortable. Wan Lin and grandfather sent a chill to Xiaoya and both of them, then released their arms and strode towards the experimental bench in the middle of the laboratory.

At this moment, the two leopards were standing on the experimental platform, staring nervously at the flashing green light group in front of them. A fist-sized, plum-shaped green stone was being fixed on a delicate fixture on the platform. The stone shone brightly and darkly with a green luster, and waves of heat were spraying from the stone.

A small blue bead was firmly fixed on the other fixture on the left side of the emerald. At this time, it was also flashing with a blue light. The light blue light seemed to be attracted by the green stone in front, with a lot of stock. The cold air quickly melted into the flickering green stone, and a pale blue necklace with small flowers hanging on a metal shelf in the distance was also shimmering faintly.

The entire sealed laboratory was enveloped by two flickering rays of light, one blue and one green, filled with a mysterious and unpredictable atmosphere.

The ventilation equipment and air conditioners in the room are "humming", but the temperature in the laboratory is still unbearably hot, and the cold breath emanating from the cold beads has rushed towards the green stone with the flickering blue light, followed by Covered by the heat emanating from the shimmering green stones, the interior is sweltering.

After the three of Wan Lin came in, if Wan Lin and his grandfather hadn't mentioned the cold work in time, Xiaoya would have been soaked with sweat just like Yu Jing.

At this moment, Xiaoya followed Wan Lin's side and stretched her head out to look at the stage, and immediately saw a piece of special tempered glass that was more than half a person's height on the experimental bench in front of her. The two gems on the stage are separated. There are two circle ds with a diameter of more than 20 centimeters on the glass. Two thick insulating gloves are placed inside the two circle ds. This device is obviously to prevent the high temperature of the gems and the energy emitted. Injury to experimenter.

The three of Xiaoya saw the situation on the stage clearly, and immediately turned their heads to look at Yu Jing. Yu Jing's face was full of sweat, the white coat on her body was soaked with sweat, and strands of sweat-wet hair were on her face, looking very embarrassed.

Xiaoya immediately asked in surprise: "Why don't you wear protective clothing?" Yu Jing replied quickly: "No, the susceptibility on green stones is extremely low, and green stones will produce drastic temperature changes in the experiment. , I don't have time to pay attention to the temperature record on the recorder by myself, it is difficult to feel the difference in temperature in time when wearing the protective fee. In addition, once a problem occurs, neither the protective clothing nor the isolation board in front of me will work," she said. Then, he pointed to the thick piece of tempered glass that was magical.

Xiaoya and Wan Lin glanced at Yu Jing in astonishment, knowing that she had already left her own safety behind for the sake of scientific experiments. This was originally a job done by a few people, but she drove them all away for the safety of her assistants. Get out of the lab and avoid them being affected when danger occurs! The two of them thought of this, and their eyes immediately showed a look of reverence.

"Don't worry about this for Let's take a look at this green stone, I'm at a loss now!" Yu Jing's voice was very anxious, she raised her hand to wipe the sweat from her face, and then her face was covered with Anxiously, he strode to the front of the stage.

At this time, the heavy metal door of the laboratory has been firmly closed again, and the whole body of Wan Lin and the three have been shrouded in psychedelic colors intertwined with blue and green. Looking at the flickering light on the experimental platform, he followed Yu Jing to the front of the platform with great strides.

Just as Wan Lin's grandfather took a step, he suddenly stopped and frowned, his eyes swept across the laboratory quickly, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then he strode to Wan Lin's side.

Wan Lin followed Yu Jing and stared at the test bench. Only then did he see Xiaohua and Xiaobai clearly in the shimmering luster. At this moment, the two leopards were staring at the test bench, as if they were facing a big enemy. He stood on both sides of the twinkling green stones, his eyes flashing red and blue, and he looked very nervous.

Wan Lin glanced at the laboratory in surprise, and suddenly felt a familiar and powerful infuriating energy suddenly coming from his side.

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