Panther Commando

Chapter 2178: work together

At this time, Wan Lin stood beside him and looked at Yu Jing quietly, a look of reverence suddenly appeared in his eyes. This dangerous experiment he experienced for the first time suddenly made him understand that Yu Jing, a weak-looking scientist, was silently dedicating his ingenuity and ingenuity in such a small laboratory, silently conducting a field and Dead fight! This is a great scientist who is desperate for research, and a brave and fearless warrior!

Wan Lin looked at Yu Jing's extremely tired expression, his eyes suddenly moistened, and a feeling of pity suddenly rose in his heart. At this moment, his heart was trembling. If they hadn't arrived in time just now, I'm afraid this laboratory building and the wise scientist in front of him would have been wiped out.

Wan Lin raised the towel in his hand and rubbed his wet eyes lightly, then took a deep breath, turned his head and stared at the quiet green stone on the experimental bench for a while, and suddenly asked, "Mr. Didn't you cut some green stone powder? Remember that the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft we used on missions abroad used batteries made of green stone powder!"

Wan Lin's words were like a touch of spring breeze, suddenly blowing through Xiaoya and Yu Jing's depressed hearts. The dull eyes of the two of them lit up at the same time, and Yu Jing, who was originally depressed, suddenly raised her hand and tapped her head hard, and then said loudly: "Oh, why did I forget Xiaohua's baby! Now Hanzhu It can stimulate the gem to emit huge energy, and the hardness of the gem will inevitably weaken at this time, as long as I use the small flower gem to cut, I will definitely get more powder!"

At this time, Yu Jing seemed to be a different person. The body that had just become limp and leaned against Xiaoya suddenly straightened up, and her face also glowed with a bright luster.

Wan Lin and the others quietly recalled Yu Jing's words. They suddenly understood in their hearts that the hardness of this green stone with enormous energy has far exceeded people's imagination. At this time, the hardness will weaken, and if people want to get the powder, they can only cut it at this time, and this is the principle of Yu Jing cutting this green stone! And great danger also accompanies it!

Seeing Yu Jing's surprised look, Xiaoya hurriedly asked, "How did you do it at that time?" Yu Jing raised her foot and walked towards the metal rack on the side of the experiment table, and took the small flower hanging on it. The gemstone necklace was pulled down.

She returned to the test bench and said excitedly, holding the necklace in her hand: "At that time, I violently rubbed the white gemstone on Xiaobai's chest with the green stone. A small amount of green stone powder. The hardness of green stone is extremely high, and there is such a heat wave in the friction, but it is not as violent as before."

When she said this, she stared at the green stone, quickly analyzing the differences between the two experiments in her mind, and then said after a while: "I understand, because my skill is not deep, the stimulation to the green stone was far from the cutting. It is far less than Wan Lin's cutting force, so it did not stimulate such an energy response this time. But this time, with the stimulation of the cold beads, the energy on the green stone is very fierce, and Wan Lin's profound skills are added to the green stone. The power on the stone is very strong, which is why the dangerous situation just now occurs. If the pendant of Xiaohua was used just now, some particles will definitely be cut from the fierce energy that erupts from the green stone!"

She wanted to understand the reason, looked at the light blue pendant in her hand excitedly and said, "The two gems on the chests of Xiaobai and Xiaohua are also unimaginable in hardness, and they are all together with the green stones from cooking. I got it from the pot! Only with the interaction between them, it is possible to cut some green stones, and now there is the stimulation of cold beads, I will definitely achieve the purpose of the experiment!"

Yu Jing said that he picked up the cutting equipment and twisted off the cutting tool that had been ground off in half, and then used a special jig to fix the light blue gem on the necklace on the cutting head, holding the cutting tool. Step over to the test bench.

At this moment, Yu Jing tightly held the tool in her hand and took a deep breath, a firm look flashed in her eyes. She raised her hand and pulled the goggles to her face, twisted to hold the handle on the c-work table, and was about to bring the cold bead that was far away from the green stone close to the green stone.

The moment Yu Jing held the handle, her hand suddenly stopped, she turned her head to look at Grandpa, Wan Lin and Xiaoya, and said in a low voice, "This is my job, and I cut some powder before, and it has been With some experience, it's too dangerous here, I can do the rest of the work alone, you go out first!"

Wan Lin raised his eyes and glanced at Grandpa and Xiaoya. At this time, their eyes were firmly looking at the tools in Yu Jing's hands. When Yu Jing's voice fell, they put the goggles on their faces. The clothes on Grandpa's body also bulged outward at this time. Obviously, both of them have gathered their internal skills and are ready to start the dangerous experiment again!

Wan Lin didn't speak, but raised his hand and vigorously shook the goggles that were still dripping with sweat. He then put the goggles on his face and grabbed the cutting tool in Yu Jing's hand. He said in a low voice: "Let's start! You and Xiaoya control the cold beads!" After saying that, he and grandfather moved suddenly and stood in the middle of the experimental table and the c-work table.

Yu Jing's eyes became A string of hot tears came out of the corners of her eyes and slowly flowed down her cheeks. She did not speak out to persuade her, these are all comrades and relatives who share life and death, and no one will abandon her at this moment!

She looked at the three people in front of her and nodded deeply, and dragged Xiaoya to the c-stage behind her grandfather and Wan Lin. She knew that Wan Lin and his grandfather were covering them with their own bodies. Once a dangerous situation occurred, they could move the Hanzhu distance in time to avoid the situation that was almost out of control just now.

Yu Jing and Xiaoya looked at each other and stretched out their hands at the same time. The four palms were tightly folded together and pressed down on the Hanzhu control handle on the c-working stage, and then slowly moved the clamp holding the Hanzhu to the green stone. moved past.

The cold beads slowly approached the green stone with the fixture. When Lan Yingying's cold beads approached the green stone about one meter, a dazzling blue light suddenly burst out. Throw the stone away!

With the burst of blue light, the dark green stone burst out with a dazzling green light, and a fiery breath rushed towards the surroundings with huge energy. "Work together, let's start!" Yu Jing's eyes suddenly flashed, and she shouted loudly, and the hands she and Xiaoya were holding on to the c-handle suddenly stopped.

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