Panther Commando

Chapter 2180: precious particles

At this time, Yu Jing had loosened the tightly gripped handle, twisted around and grabbed Wan Lin's arm, and asked nervously, "How's the injury?"

She stared at Wan Lin's scorched palm with her big eyes, and there were sparkling tears in her eyes. It should have been her, the experimenter, who was burned. It was Wan Lin who snatched the cutting equipment from her at a critical moment, which caused this little brother to be severely burned! And the handle with ultra-high thermal insulation function on the cutting equipment must have had tiny cracks in the last high temperature, otherwise it will not be suddenly burned this time.

Wan Lin took a breath and shook his head, Xiaoya turned around and grabbed Yu Jing and hurriedly asked, "Is there a first aid kit?" "Is there a first aid kit?" In front of a cabinet on the side, he opened the cabinet door and ran over with a first aid kit with a red cross painted on it.

As soon as Xiaoya took the first aid kit, she quickly opened the lid of the box, stretched out her hand and took out a roll of gauze, and quickly wrapped Wan Lin's right hand tightly, then looked up at her grandfather and asked anxiously, "Grandpa, you Is the powder used suitable for burns?"

Grandpa stared at Wan Lin's right hand and nodded and replied, "No problem, I just watched it, but the skin was burnt, but the muscles inside were not deeply injured. He moved very quickly just now, and released it in time as soon as the heat spread. I got the handle, and I'm not seriously injured!"

At this time, Wan Lin raised his left hand and took off the goggles on his face, followed by wiping the sweat from his face with his sleeve, then endured the severe pain and grinned, pretending to be relaxed and looking at the anxious Xiaoya He Yu Jing said, "It's fine. When I was cooking for my grandpa when I was a child, I was often burned by the burning firewood. Grandpa's medicine is very effective. I feel much better now."

He said, turned his head and glanced at the tray under the green stone, and suddenly shouted with great joy: "Look, cut some small particles!"

Yu Jing immediately stretched out her head. There were six or seven tiny green particles lying quietly in the white tray. She exclaimed in surprise: "Success! Success! We succeeded!" He threw the goggles off his face far away, and tears welled up from his two big eyes like a fountain.

She turned around and hugged Wan Lin in front of her, stretched out her head and kissed his sweaty face hard, then turned around like a surprised little girl and threw herself at the console behind her. He stretched out his hand and took out a small metal box and a pair of tweezers, then lay on the experimental table and held his breath, carefully picking up the small green particles.

The green particles were gently picked up by Yu Jing's slow movements and placed in the small metal box. During this process, her two **** eyes have been yearning for crystal tears, which is the result of their blood and life!

At this moment, Wan Lin, Grandpa and Xiaoya looked at Yu Jing quietly, and their eyes were wet. After going through a thrilling and dangerous moment, they finally obtained the green stone particles that Yu Jing dreamed of, and there was a kind of relief in their hearts for the rest of their lives! The efforts of several people were not in vain, and finally got what Yu Jing, a scientist, wanted from this strange stone.

Xiaoya then probed into the stone that had recovered to dark green. There were several pockmarks on the edges and corners of the stone, and dark green scars were exposed on the pockmarks. She raised her head in astonishment and looked at Yu Jing and exclaimed, "My mother, this green stone is too hard. It took so much effort to grind it down so much?"

Before Xiaoya could finish her words, a yellow shadow dashed onto the test bench like lightning. It turned out that Xiaohua saw that the green stone had been cut off a little, and immediately jumped in front of her gemstone necklace worriedly. Staring at his pale blue gem, his little claws stretched out and slammed on the jig holding its gem, with a worried look in his eyes.

It slammed hard twice but didn't take off its own gem, panting in a hurry, opened its big mouth and showed its sharp teeth, and stuck its head over.

Grandpa smiled and held Xiaohua's body, Wan Lin also turned his head and looked worriedly at the pendant on the fixture, and said to Yu Jing, "Quickly take it off and take a look, Xiaohua is worried about its gem!"

Yu Jing hurriedly put the small box containing the green stone particles on the console next to her, reached out and took the tool to loosen the **** on the fixture, then took off the necklace and carefully observed the blue pendant. He handed the necklace to Xiaohua and said, "My little ancestor, I have completely returned to Zhao. Take a closer look, is it the same as before?"

Xiaoya also stretched her head and glanced at the necklace, with a look of surprise in her eyes, and said, "This gem is too hard, and there is no damage at all!"

Yu Jing nodded and said, "Yes, when I used Xiaobai's pendant, I did a special test. Their gemstones are extremely hard, otherwise I wouldn't dare to lend them these two little ancestors' treasures easily. During the experiment just now, I was also afraid of damaging the small flower, so I cut it with a diamond knife. Who knew that even the knife head was worn out. It seems that the material we have now cannot be cut at all. For this green stone, only the two gems of Xiaohua and Xiaobai can be used."

At this time, Xiaobai also ran The two leopards sat on the test bench, looking nervously and carefully observed the gems. After seeing that they were intact, they opened their eyes. Big Mouth nodded at Yu Jing. Xiaobai immediately stretched out his two front paws to take Xiaohua's necklace, leaned out and awkwardly put the necklace around Xiaohua's neck, the light blue pendant was slanted to the side.

Xiaobai grinned and looked at Xiaohua's pendant on his shoulders, then stretched out his small paws and tugged at its chest, then turned around and ran to the cold bead next to him, with red light in his eyes. He stared at Yu Jing fiercely.

Yu Jing was stunned for a moment, then quickly ran over and stretched out his hand to remove the jig holding the Hanzhu. The Hanzhu immediately fell from the jig, and Xiaobai grabbed the Hanzhu in his claws and quickly stuffed it into his mouth. Then he kept his mouth tightly closed and snorted twice, as if he wanted to use the cold air on the cold beads to release the heat in his body, and then he turned his head and stared at Yu Jing again.

Xiaoya smiled and adjusted the necklace on Xiao Hua's neck. She turned her head and saw Xiao Bai was staring at Yu Jing fiercely. She laughed out loud, and quickly reached out and patted the backs of the two leopards and said: " Thank you, and go eat the delicious food that Sister Yu has prepared for you."

When the two leopards heard the delicious food, their eyes flashed brightly, and then they glared at Yu Jing again, as if complaining that she had put her baby in such a dangerous environment.

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