Panther Commando

Chapter 2182: affectionate hug


The old man nodded deeply. Last time, Wan Lin and Cheng Ru went abroad to perform a mission with Guoan people. On the way, they suddenly encountered mercenaries from two mercenary groups, Black Eagle and Yamaguchi. The two were trying to distract the pursuers to protect Guoan. comrades-in-arms, resolutely attracted the enemy to the past. Yikanshu·1kanshu·cc

Later, when they were seriously injured and in a precarious situation, grandfather led Qiuqiu and the Leopard team led by Li Dongsheng to run for thousands of miles, arrived at the battlefield almost at the same time, and rescued the two at the critical moment, thanks to Yu Jing The long-term locator handed to Wanlin, otherwise the consequences are unimaginable.

Yu Jing said and laughed: "This magical substance contains huge energy, and the energy in it is basically undetectable when it is used. This thing is amazing! Hee hee, as long as it can be cut out, I can come up with many killing weapons for Wan Lin and the others!"

When she talked about this magical green stone, it was as if she had changed another person. The exhaustion and tension just now seemed to disappear, and she seemed to have an inexhaustible spirit.

She smiled and pointed to Wan Lin and continued to her grandfather: "Grandpa, you don't know this when you are not in the army. But Wan Lin and the others know that the development of many modern weapons is mainly limited by the miniaturization of energy, such as laser weapons and ion weapons. , and many things for civilian use, it is impossible to obtain a larger exhibition due to energy problems, so with these green stone particles, I can gradually make high-energy small batteries, open more advanced equipment, reduce ten thousand Lin and the others are in danger of carrying out missions outside. One look at the book www·1kanshu·cc”

Yu Jing said, with a fiery glow in her eyes, looked down at the two leopards under the experimental bench, and then whispered: "Last time I used the gem on Xiaobai's chest to make one. Micro laser, the battery in it is made of stone powder. Hee hee hee, he knocked down the little devil satellite tens of thousands of kilometers away! Grandpa, these gems are big treasures."

Wan Lin and the others listened to Yu Jing's explanation quietly. They could feel the passion of the scientist from Yu Jing's voice. The calm voice that was eloquently told, and the experimental bench had become abnormal. Like a calm green stone, it contains the huge energy of a wise top scientist!

At this moment, Wan Lin and Xiaoya's hearts were beating violently! Several of them are more powerful than Yu Jing, but they have encountered such great danger in the experiment, so what kind of danger did Yu Jing experience alone at that time? Just got that little powder!

But with this powder, Yu Jing used it to create a miniature high-energy laser that can be carried around, helping them to blind the devil satellites monitoring in the sky in one fell swoop in the special forces competition, allowing them to rush from the **** swarms. Out of the jungle; built an unmanned reconnaissance aircraft that flew in the air for a long time, so that they rescued the national security personnel who had secret anti-terrorism intelligence abroad. To read the book ww to w 1ka book nshu cc

Even for the last bit of powder, she made a precious miniature locator for Wan Lin, and asked Li Dongsheng to lead the Hua Leopard team to rescue thousands of miles to save Wan Lin and Cheng Ru, who were in a desperate situation and were about to perish with the enemy. He was rescued in one fell swoop from the siege of the enemy.

Wan Lin and Xiaoya had excited expressions on their faces. The pure and beautiful scientist in front of them was using his life and intelligence to develop cutting-edge weapons and equipment, and time and time again these flowers who fought **** battles on the front line. Leopard team members, rescued from the desperate situation where it is impossible to escape! This weak looking woman is using her ingenuity to assist her leopard team members in a decisive battle for thousands of miles!

As soon as Yu Jing's voice fell, Wan Lin and Xiaoya's bodies suddenly straightened up, their feet snapped together with a snap, Wan Lin shouted in a low voice, "Salute!" The two of them raised their arms suddenly Between his foreheads, he stared at Yu Jing with a solemn expression.

Yu Jing was stunned for a moment, then slowly turned around to look at Wan Lin and the two who were saluting her, then slowly brought her feet together, and suddenly straightened her body and waved her right hand to her forehead.

The three of them stood in a straight salute, and no one spoke. But the three pairs of bright eyes were all looking at each other excitedly, and there was a sparkle in their eyes.

After a while, Yu Jing slowly put down her arm, took a half step forward, and opened her arms to hug Wan Lin and Xiaoya tightly.

In the huge laboratory, there are pieces of experimental equipment blown down by strong energy. There are countless pieces of glass scattered around the walls and inserted on the walls. The bright lights on the ceiling are flickering with a cold light, and the interior is quiet. Quiet without a sound.

The three soldiers hugged tightly, like a statue of three people standing in this messy laboratory, motionless.

The old man of the Wan family folded his arms in front of his chest, quietly looking at the three children of the Wan family who were hugging everything. The old man knew in his heart that all his emotions and thousands of words were passed on to each other in the silent embrace in front of him, and they no longer needed words to express. The old man's gray eyebrows trembled slightly, and a relieved smile suddenly appeared on his face.

Yu Jing slowly released the arms that hugged Xiaoya and Wan Lin, raised her feet and walked to the old man beside her, stretched out her hands and tightly grasped the old man's big rough hands, raised her face and looked at the old man's wrinkled hands. The face said softly: "Grandpa, thank you! You saved me today, saved my laboratory, and helped me get these precious particles!" Her voice seemed unusually calm, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com Ke's eyes suddenly burst into two crystal tears.

Grandpa laughed, took his hands out of Yu Jing's hands, looked into Yu Jing's eyes kindly and said, "Son, I don't understand these experiments you've done. I'm old, I just hope you can be safe! Can't cut this green stone anymore, it's too dangerous!"

Wan Lin also looked at Yu Jing attentively and said, "Yes, the energy contained in this green stone is too terrifying, and you have to be careful in the future. Thanks to Grandpa being here today, otherwise we wouldn't be able to suppress this fiery energy at all, and even more so. Don't talk about cutting this gem. If you need to cut it in the future, be sure to let us know!"

Yu Jing grinned guiltily, and continued: "I can't do anything either, last time I took a risk to get a little powder, but it was too little, and I had no more materials on hand, so I took the risk and wanted to make some more. So this time I saw that the cold beads can cause the green stone's energy response, so I said to try it again, it was too scary just now."

After speaking, she looked at the laboratory in fear, then looked down at Wan Lin's injured hand and said, "Last time I operated it by myself, I almost destroyed the laboratory. I didn't expect that cold beads would stimulate the green Stone, but still almost out of control."


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