Panther Commando

Chapter 2189: brand new camp

Wan Lin quickly raised his hand to return the salute, Wang Hong walked to the door with a smile, and said to the two guards, "This is the owner of the yard. Others can't go in, so you can't stop the owner from the door, right?"

"Hahaha!" Wan Lin and the others all laughed. At this moment, the two leopards on Wan Lin and Xiaoya's shoulders suddenly jumped out from their shoulders, and two meteors crossed the door and entered the top of the two soldiers' heads. in the courtyard.

The two soldiers were startled, and the rifles they held in both hands suddenly raised to protect their chests.

Wan Lin and the others looked at the two guards and smiled, then glanced at each other and nodded. The two guards responded extremely quickly. When the gun body was raised to protect the vital point, they had to counterattack. This shows that the movements and reactions of the two are very sensitive. It seems that the soldiers of the spy battalion are indeed different.

Xiaoya and Lingling also excitedly followed the two leopards and ran into the courtyard. Wan Lin turned his head and said to Wang Hong, "There's no need to trouble these two brothers. We still need guards here?"

Wang Hong laughed, then waved his hands to the two soldiers and ordered: "Go back and inform your company commander that the guarding work in the hospital is over, and you don't need to send anyone here. In addition, the two of you are here to watch today. Don't reveal a word to others!" After speaking, a cold light suddenly appeared in his eyes, and he stared at the eyes of the two warriors in front of him.

"Yes, never leak a word to the outside world!" The two soldiers raised their hands in a salute and shouted loudly, then looked nervously at Wan Lin and the others before turning around and walking to the side.

Wan Lin and the others saw the reaction of the two soldiers and knew that they did not know who was living in this courtyard? It seems that Wang Hong and the others did not reveal their identities to anyone here.

Seeing the two soldiers walking away, Wang Hong turned his head with a smile on his face and said, "Only the old man from the special brigade of the original military region knows your identities here, and the later people don't know this. But it's hard to keep your identities secret for long. It turns out that the people in the special team wouldn't say it, but the leopard commandos are already well-known in international special competitions. As long as these two leopards appear, everyone can guess a **."

Wan Lin looked at him with a smile and said, "This is something that can't be helped. Fortunately, our officers and soldiers are all selected from various units. They know the discipline of confidentiality, as long as they don't talk nonsense outside."

Wang Hong nodded with a smile, strode to the door, turned around and bent over to Wan Lin and the others, making a "please" gesture. Zhang Wa smiled and put his arms around his shoulders and walked into the small courtyard.

The courtyard is very spacious with bluestone paving. There are clusters of green thin bamboos growing in several corners of the courtyard. There are seven or eight gray brick bungalows around the courtyard. The entire courtyard is clean and elegant. barracks.

Wan Lin and the others stared at the brand-new camp in astonishment. At this time, Xiaoya and Lingling ran out of a side room with a smile on their face. Lingling shook the water droplets on her hands and shouted crisply, "That's great. There are also toilets and bathrooms here!" Then he ran to the glass in the next room and glanced inside, then exclaimed, "Oh, there's a kitchen here!"

Lingling exclaimed, and as if she was remembering something, she turned around and took out a yellow crayon from her backpack, followed by running to the window next to the bathroom, where she drew a big head of a beautiful woman with crayons, and took a step back. He narrowed his eyes and admired it beautifully.

"Ah, you guys are occupying it, what about us?" Dali shouted with wide eyes, "Hee hee, go over there, this is for me and Xiaoya!" Lingling turned her head and pointed at the opposite side with a smile. The corner of the wing answered.

"I said why you two ghost girls came in first. It turned out that it was a premeditated plan. When you came in, you grabbed the high-quality terrain!" Muttering vigorously, he pulled Zhang Wa and Kong Dazhuang to the opposite wing, and the three of them turned inside. After a circle, he ran out with a smile on his face, and Dali smiled naively: "Hehehe, it's not bad, there is a big pool inside, enough for a few of our brothers to take a bath!"

Lingling raised her head and said with a smile: "How are you there? Hee hee, Xiaoya and I have a big bathtub alone!"

"Hahahahaha" Wan Lin laughed and walked around all the rooms. After reading it, Wan Lin walked to the courtyard and said to Wang Hong with a smile, "That's great, there are also conference rooms and electronics in the courtyard. The equipment is simply a small combat command center." He said, looking up at a small satellite receiving antenna erected on the roof.

At this time, Lingling stuck her head out of the conference room and shouted excitedly: "It's great, you can receive satellite signals in real time here! Once there is a task, I can read the relevant information returned by the military satellite at any time."

Wang Hong laughed when he saw everyone's excitement, and then said to Wan Lin: "There is an entrance to the bottom of your room, and there is a small weapons storehouse, which is equipped with all kinds of weapons and equipment that each of you needs. , both at home and abroad. In addition, there are two secret passages in the basement, one leads directly to the road outside the camp, and the other leads directly to the mountains. Once there is an urgent task, you can sneak out of the secret passage to avoid disturbing others.”

Wan Lin nodded, knowing that the military region and Wang Hong, the big brothers, had thought very well, and had considered all aspects when building this He turned to look at Wang Hong who was smiling, and raised his hand. He saluted, "Thank you for your care, and thank you brothers!" The surrounding Zhang Wa and Feng Dao raised their arms at the same time, and everyone's eyes flashed with excitement.

Wang Hong raised his hand and pulled Wan Lin's arm down, then waved his hand to a few people around him, and said affectionately: "You can be said to be the best camp in the military region, this is the care of the military region chief, and it is what you deserve. !" After he finished speaking, he laughed: "Li Tou's brigade commander's room is not as good as yours, hahahaha."

Wan Lin and the others all laughed, but then their faces became serious again. They all sighed in their hearts. This is the army's reward to these soldiers who fought **** for the country. The heads of the troops and their comrades are all thinking of them. They never fight alone. Behind them is a powerful army, with these comrades and leaders who provide support all the time! Their blood is not in vain!

Wang Hong then pointed to a room on the side of the conference room and said, "This is your room, and it's convenient for you to work from Kara, so a suite was specially built. The outer room is the reception room, and the inner room is your dormitory. The rest of the brothers are all A room for two."

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