Panther Commando

Chapter 2192: not so many rules

?The surrounding soldiers saw the battalion commander come out in person, and quickly put away the smiles on their faces. One by one, they stood up and turned back suddenly with the password, and took twenty steps forward in unison, giving Xie and Xu Liang two. After giving up an empty field of several hundred square meters, Wang Hong followed with a loud command: "Stand still, turn back, and take a breath. www*xshuotxt/comRead the book·kashuhu·"

Wang Hong immediately raised his eyes and looked at Xu Liang in the field, and said coldly: "This is the spy camp, I don't have those secret things here, if you don't like it, just show it on the bright side, don't do those little tricks for me! "

As he said, he suddenly stared at Xie with his head lowered like an air bag, frowned, and then shouted: "Thank you, Private", "Here!" He raised his head and shouted loudly, followed by slamming his feet together, his body stood up like a benchmark, and a gleam of light shot out from his eyes, swept away the dejected and useless look just now.

Wang Hong glanced coldly at Xie, who was standing upright, and said loudly: "You and Sergeant Xu can do some tricks. Remember, if you want to stand firm in the barracks and want everyone to respect you, you have to stand up yourself. , show your true skills to everyone!" After speaking, he glanced coldly at Xu Liang on the side and said, "Xu Liang, don't you look down on this new recruit? Then I will let you stand upright. Bully me here. If you want a book hu·hehe, as long as you have the ability, let's start." After speaking, he turned around and walked back to Wanlin and the others.

Following Wang Hong's shouting, the surrounding soldiers suddenly saw that the soldier who had just looked downcast had suddenly changed into a different person. All of them hurriedly stared at the arena, and the playful expressions on their faces disappeared.

At this time, Xu Liang heard the battalion commander's order, raised his eyes and saw that the soldier in front of him, who had always been submissive, suddenly seemed to have changed. He strode to the center of the venue with a provocative look in his eyes.

He walked to the center of the venue with his feet shoulder-to-shoulder apart, raised his right hand and beckoned to Xie Zhao: "Boy, come on, don't blame my big brother for not giving you face, let you see what our spy battalion really is today. Bing! Hey, if you want to stand here, then you can take out two brushes."

Xie didn't answer when he heard Xu Liang's words, but turned his face to look at Wan Lin with an inquiring look in his eyes. Wan Lin understood that he was asking if he could let go of his hands and feet? He nodded slightly.

At this time, Xu Liang saw the soldier in front of him looking at the people beside the battalion commander. He also turned his face to look at the new strangers beside the battalion commander. A look of contempt suddenly flashed on his face, and he grinned. Xie Xie said with a sneer: "These are the new recruits who came with you, right? Hey, why don't you greet all the people you know? I'll see you recruits together!" Several very young strangers were also regarded as recruits who came in through the back door. To read · kahu ·

Wan Lin glanced at the wind knives around him, and they all shook their heads with a wry smile. When Xiaoya and Lingling heard Xu Liang's words, they covered their mouths and laughed "giggling". The two of them took a step forward and smiled at Wan Lin and the others in a low voice: "What kind of eyesight is this kid, let's Also like a new recruit?"

When the surrounding soldiers heard the crisp laughter, they all turned their heads to this side. Only then did the group of people in camouflage uniforms beside the battalion commander actually have two very beautiful beauties. Just now, Xiaoya and Lingling were standing behind Wan Lin and the others wearing training uniforms, but everyone didn't notice that they were female soldiers.

The eyes of the young warriors all shone brightly. Two young and beautiful female soldiers suddenly appeared in the barracks full of masculinity. This really made these young men feel bright, everyone. His eyes were all focused on the two young and beautiful female soldiers.

The scene suddenly quieted down, and the tense atmosphere just now suddenly eased a lot with the appearance of the two beauties, each with a hazy drunkenness in their eyes, as if they forgot about the two people who were arguing with each other on the field.

Company Commander Sun, who was standing in the field, also turned his head and glanced at Xiaoya and Lingling in astonishment. A light flashed in his eyes, but seeing the stern eyes of Commander Wang next to the female soldier, he hurriedly coughed again and turned his head to look at him. Xu Liang and Xie shouted, "Let's start. Remember, bring out your true skills. There are beautiful women watching here. Don't embarrass me for three consecutive times!" He came and looked straight at the two young girls.

Xiaoya and Lingling saw everyone looking towards them at this time, they quickly covered their mouths and took a step back, put down their hands and hid behind Wan Lin and the others, and looked inside the arena.

Xu Liang glanced at the two beautiful female soldiers outside the field, followed by looking at Xie and waving his hand and said, "Hey, boy, come on, let's have a good experience with the beautiful girl today, and see what our spy battalion really is. What is the soldier like?!" Said, looking lazily at the opposite Xie, with a look of contempt for him.

Xie saw the other person's despising eyes, and a light suddenly appeared in his eyes. He strode up in front of Xu Liang, clasped his fists with both hands, and said coldly, "Then I'll offend Big Brother!" A palm. He knew that the opponent Tuo Da refused to make a move, so he politely slapped the opponent's shoulder without exerting any force.

"Hey, there are not so many rules here, let's see the tricks!" Xu Liang sneered, his body slightly let go of the opponent's hand, and his left arm suddenly raised to hit the opponent's arm outwards, followed by the right side. The thighs were raised suddenly, and the calf used the knee joint as the axis, and kicked it vigorously upward like a spring.

Xie was startled, but he didn't expect the opponent to come up and attack mercilessly. His right arm was vigorously blocked by the opponent, and his body hurried to the side under the opponent's strength, but there was a gust of wind in front of him with a big foot. fly to the front.

"Crack", Xu Liang's big foot firmly kicked Xie's shoulder, Xie snorted and stepped back three or four steps, raised his hand to cover his shoulder, and a look of pain suddenly floated across his dark face.

"Okay!" The surrounding soldiers shouted. Wan Lin and the others all frowned, Xie this kid thought it was a martial arts competition, so he just hit a trick to show respect to the other side, but he didn't expect that the other side would not respond politely with martial arts rules at all. One move, but when he came up, he suddenly and vigorously blocked his hitting palm, followed by a quick forward kick, so Xie was caught off guard immediately.


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