Panther Commando

Chapter 2196: admit failure

When Xie Chao saw the monitor asking himself, he quickly shook his head and replied in a low voice: "It's fine. www*xshuotxt/com" At this moment, laughter suddenly came from the crowd: "Hahaha, monitor Wu, don't worry, Xu Liang didn't Why are you so careful?" The soldiers around "Hahahaha" laughed, and another person shouted: "Xiao Bing, hurry up and go home to practice, you are much more tender with us veterans!"… …

When squad leader Zhong heard the shouting, his face became flushed, and he raised his eyes angrily and glanced at the bellowing soldiers around him. He knew in his heart that these veterans must have bullied this soldier while he was away. He then looked at Xu Liang and shouted angrily: "Xu Liang, what's the matter with you, you bully even a recruit?"

After he finished speaking, he walked towards the pale Xu Liang. He was really surprised: Listening to the tone of the people around him, this kid seems to have won the battle, but now he can't believe you. Xie Chao can't see anything different, why is this Xu Liang shaking all over? ? He just took two steps forward, and at a glance, he saw Company Commander Sun and Battalion Commander Wang standing opposite the crowd, and a few strange men and women in training uniforms standing beside them.

He quickly stopped and looked at the opposite side with an embarrassed look on his face. He didn't expect that things in his class would alarm the company commander and the battalion commander.

At this time, Company Commander Sun saw Squad Leader Zhong looking towards him, so he waved his hand to him quickly, then turned to look at Wang Hong next to him, his face tensed and said: "Batch commander, I'm sorry, this recruit Xie Chao was taken by Xu Liang. Now, what do you think is the right way to deal with it?"

He said this, but there was a playful look in his eyes, and he secretly said in his heart: Let's see how you, the battalion commander, deal with this matter, who asked you to put a new recruit who came in through the back door to me, no wonder Xu Liang, The soldiers around were not pleasing to the eye.

Wang Hong heard his voice and looked up at him, and seeing the look in his eyes, he already understood what this kid was thinking. He grinned, turned his head and glanced at the smiling air knives, and walked towards the field with his feet raised.

At this moment, Zhang Wa said to Wan Lin in a low voice, "Is that Xu Liang all right?" He and Feng Dao looked like a torch, and their sharp eyes had already seen the moves of the two on the field just now, so they naturally knew the outcome of the outcome. . At this time, he saw Xu Liang's body trembling slightly, and he knew that Xie Chao's Chilling True Qi had invaded his body.

Wan Lin raised his head and glanced at Xu Liang's eyes, smiled and shook his head and said, "It's okay, it seems that although Xie Chao mentioned his skills, he was very careful and did not force the cold out in his hands, otherwise this Xu Liang He has been defeated a long time ago, and he will be better in a while. After several fights with outsiders, Xie Chao already understands that the infuriating coldness he has cultivated is very hurtful, so he does not dare to use his full strength unless he has to. already."

At this time, Wang Hong strode up to Xu Liang who was still standing in a daze, looked up at his pale face, then reached out and patted his shoulder and coughed.

Xu Liang quickly turned his head, only to realize that the battalion commander was standing beside him. He quickly stood at attention, his pale face instantly flushed red. He really didn't see the battalion commander coming just now. First, because the cold feeling in his body made him very uncomfortable, and second, he was shocked by the soldier in front of him.

"After fighting for a long time, what do you think of this soldier's kung fu?" Wang Hong asked, staring at his eyes. "Report" Xu Liang's voice was weak, his head lowered, his expression was very depressed, his face had turned into a pig's liver color, and his face was full of embarrassment.

"Raise your head and tell me loudly to everyone! They are all soldiers, what can't you say? Tell everyone the ending of your fight!" Wang Hong suddenly shouted loudly.

"Yes!" Xu Liang took a deep breath and suddenly straightened up, raised his head and shouted loudly, followed by abruptly turning to Xie Chao not far away, straightening his neck and shouting loudly: "I lost, I lost to this Xu Liang. Xiaobing, thank you!" As he shouted hoarsely, the blue veins on his neck were exposed, like earthworms appearing on both sides of the thick neck.

When Xu Liang said this, it was like throwing a heavy bomb into the crowd! Everyone just saw Xu Liang throwing his opponent far away in the fight, which means that he has completely defeated his opponent. If he continued to chase just now, he would definitely knock this soldier who was staggering out of the ground, but no one thought that now Xu Liang actually admitted that he lost, and everyone looked at Xu Liang, whose face was flushed red, in astonishment.

There were only a few veterans in the crowd, nodding their heads slightly. Obviously, they had a lot of skill. They had seen the actions of the two sides just now, and knew that Xu Liang was indeed defeated, but at this time Xu Liang himself shouted that he lost This soldier is now, and several people also appreciate his candid behavior.

At this moment, Xu Liang's face seemed extremely embarrassed as if he was covered with a red cloth, but he saw everyone was looking at him, so he still said loudly: "Don't look at me like that, if you lose, you lose! It's not so shameless, I did lose to this soldier. Before I threw him out, his palm was already on my chest, as long as he exerted his strength at that I was already lying on the ground It's on the ground. I really didn't see it, this kid is actually a master of internal skills, it was he who showed mercy at the last minute and I seized the opportunity to throw him out, so I lost!"

He breathed heavily and said loudly, as if he had spit out a fishbone stuck in his throat. The embarrassed look just now disappeared, and his slightly trembling body suddenly straightened up, as if the hoarse voice just now The shouting had already shouted out the cold breath that had invaded the body.

A look of admiration appeared on the faces of the people around Wan Lin, and they all nodded their heads with a smile when they looked at this thorn. Wan Lin, the master fighters with superb martial arts, had already seen every movement of the two on the field.

Xie Chao's hand had indeed hit the opponent's chest just now, but at the moment when he hit the opponent's chest, he suddenly thought of kindness and suddenly retracted the ferocious force that was infused with Han Gong, and his movements were therefore half a beat slower. Only then did Xu Liang take the opportunity to grab the sleeve and throw it out.

At that time, several people in Wanlin saw that Xie Chao's right hand with Han Gong pressed against Xu Liang's chest like lightning, and they were all shocked. As long as Xie Chao showed his inner strength at this time, Xu Liang would definitely be seriously injured! Several people were about to rush into the arena, but at this moment they suddenly saw Xie Chao's palm pressing on the opponent's heart and suddenly stopped, and several people quickly stopped, the nervous look suddenly disappeared, and his face All showed a satisfied smile.

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