Panther Commando

Chapter 2218: see blood

readx(); With Xu Liang's trembling voice, Bao Ya who was sitting on the ground suddenly stood up. He strode to the front of a group of team members standing in the shooting position, staring wide eyes and slowly scanning each one In the eyes of the team members, a light suddenly appeared in his eyes. From the red eyes of these team members, he saw passion, blood, and military temperament that refused to admit defeat!

Bao Ya's eyes swept over each team member, and his glittering eyes finally stared at Xu Liang and suddenly shouted: "Okay, I will see such a **** and passionate soldier! A good soldier is death. Die on the training ground, and die on the battlefield! Come on, enough bullets!"

He glanced at the weapons held by everyone, lowered his head and shouted into the microphone in his ear: "Commander Wang, send me five boxes of nine-five automatic rifle bullets." He strode behind everyone and shouted. Said: "All of them, start shooting!"

With his shouting, deafening gunshots suddenly sounded from the shooting range, and the rifles in the hands of the training team members burst into flames. At this time, Xie also strode forward with his automatic rifle, rubbed his right shoulder with his left hand, silently walked to the farthest shooting position, and silently raised his automatic rifle. rifle

The gunshots started suddenly, and Wan Lin and the others who were walking suddenly heard the fierce gunshots coming from behind them. They turned around and looked back one by one. At a glance, they saw Bao Ya standing behind a group of training team members, and one by one. Some of the exhausted team members were lying on the target, some were kneeling on one knee, and some had their legs spread apart, but the muzzles of each and every one of them were spraying clusters of fire in front of them, and a murderous aura was following the fierceness. A rain of bullets filled the shooting range.

Wan Lin and the others glanced at each other, with a look of relief in their eyes. A group of players who can show murderous intent on the training ground, what difficulties cannot be overcome? What else can stop them from being a good scout? !

Several people quietly observed the shooting movements of the training team members for a while, then turned their heads to look at each other and smiled knowingly, and walked towards their small courtyard with their feet raised.

When a few people arrived at the courtyard, Wan Lin waved to them and walked directly into the conference room. After everyone sat down, Wan Lin took out his record book and glanced at them. He looked up at everyone and said, "Judging from today's off-road situation, The physical fitness of these players is good. According to the evaluation standards of the army, the performance of these players has far exceeded the excellent results, but according to the standards of our special forces players, it is still a lot worse. You also talk about this first day. The feeling of the training camp" said and looked at the few people around.

Zhang Wa looked at the crowd and said first: "I paid attention and observed that among the more than a dozen people in the first and second echelons of cross-country, there are seven or eight players who seem to have martial arts skills, and several of them are in the final sprint stage. He didn't give his best, but he has a lot of potential."

Feng Dao nodded and continued: "Yes, I noticed it too. Both Yan Ying and a man named Xie Fan in the second echelon were extremely flexible, and they did not exert all their strength during the whole cross-country, and kept running in the middle of the second echelon. Location, I don't seem to like being in the limelight."

Wan Lin nodded and turned his eyes to Xiaoya and Lingling, Xiaoya said, "Lingling and I focused on the few people who were left behind, two of them didn't seem to be very comfortable, and they basically ran with their stomachs covered from beginning to end. , the two fell behind, which may have something to do with this. However, the player who was eliminated is indeed weaker."

Several people talked about their impressions of the team members in this cross-country, and Wan Lin immediately said with a smile: "The cross-country and shooting results are good or bad, we can't just use this performance as the judging standard, Xiaoya and Lingling. , you recorded what everyone said, and we finally made a comprehensive judgment."

After he finished speaking, he turned to look at Zhang Wa and Dali and Dazhuang and asked, "How are you preparing for the exercise field you set up in the mountains?" Zhang Wa replied, "It has been set up, and the three of us have already found it in the mountains. A terrain suitable for ambushes has been arranged according to the terrain, and Da Zhuang and Da Zhuang have also chosen their machine gun positions, ready to fight at any time!”

A few people around laughed, Xiaoya raised her face and looked at Zhang Wa who was sitting opposite and said, "You must just pay attention to safety. The amount of bombs you set up must be within the safe range."

"Hahahaha, don't worry, this kid kept mumbling during the process of Bray, saying that this thing is too boring! In the end, I had to find a place far away from that area and set up a few big guys, saying this It's like a real battle." Daly said with a smile.

Several people laughed. Wan Lin looked at Zhang Wa and said, "You can watch those two locations. You must avoid accidents and never let soldiers approach." Zhang Wa smiled and replied, "Don't worry, I don't want to see the devil and don't hang up. When the time comes, I'll just ambush there. It's a remote-controlled bomb, and it won't hurt anyone. Hehehe, just to enhance the atmosphere and create the explosion atmosphere of a large-caliber mortar, so that They know what the real battlefield is."

At this time, the door of the conference room was slammed open with a bang, and two leopards got in from outside the door, then jumped onto the conference table, lay down, shook their heads and looked at everyone, looking bored.

Lingling looked at the two leopards and said with a smile, "Where did you go? Why are you covered in dust and still haven't washed it off!" As soon as the words fell, the two leopards who were reminded immediately bounced from the conference table like a spring. Started and hurried to the door.

At this time, Yu Wenfeng stood up in a panic and called to Lingling: "Stinky girl, what kind of bath do you want them to take during the day? The bottle of lotion I used last night is still in there." Then she quickly ran outside Go, "Hahahaha" and the people around Wan Lin immediately burst out laughing.

After a while, Yu Wenfeng walked over with a sad face. Everyone smiled and looked at his empty hands. Big Zhuang asked in surprise, "Where's your lotion?" Yuwenfeng said with a sad face, "What lotion? I ran in. It's been bitten and full of holes, and the two little things are stretching their claws and smearing the lotion on each other!"

Everyone's laughter grew louder, Yu Wenfeng raised his finger and pointed at Lingling who was lying on the table laughing, "Stinky girl, who told you to talk too much? Still laughing."

Wan Lin waved his hand with a smile, and then said to several people: "The technical and tactical level of this group of players is very good, and the technical and tactical training cannot be carried out according to the original training subjects of the army. For these veterans, these are already in the original army and The spy battalion has already undergone rigorous training, and in this training camp, we will focus on examining their performance in the state of war, especially their response at a dangerous moment."

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