Panther Commando

Chapter 2235: fresh blood


"It's Captain Qin, I didn't forget, how could I forget your brother!" Wan Lin quickly replied, "Hahahaha, I'm in the military area, where are you now? I'm going to visit the old man's house" Qin The leader smiled cheerfully.

"Okay, I'm in the Special Operations Brigade Headquarters of the Military Region. My grandfather has returned to his hometown. Where are you now?" Wan Lin quickly replied. "Haha, great, I guess you're there. Wait for me, I'm driving to the special forces brigade, I'll be there soon" Colonel Qin's loud voice sounded again.

"Okay, I'll pick you up at the gate right away!" Wan Lin replied happily, then hung up the phone and said to Xiaoya, "It's Captain Qin here." Then he strode towards the door, Xiaoya was pleasantly surprised He stood up and said, "Why is he here so late?" He quickly followed Wan Lin.

 . At this time, Wang Hong also stood up and walked beside Wan Lin and the two of them to the door. As he walked, he asked in surprise, "Which commander Qin?" road.

"Qin Yong? Is that Li Tou's old comrade-in-arms?" Wang Hong asked, "Yes, yes, that's him." Xiaoya said with a smile, telling Wang Hong what happened in the county hotel as she walked.

After hearing this, Wang Hong laughed loudly, and then said, "I know him. He came here a few times when Li Tou was in the special forces team. I'll pick him up with you, he, Hong Tao and Qidong are also old friends."

A few people came to the gate of the camp, and in the dark night, they saw a bunch of car lights quickly approaching the gate. Wan Lin and the three hurried up to meet them.

A military jeep drove over at a rapid pace, and then stopped beside Wan Lin and the three with a sudden braking sound. The door opened and three shadows jumped out.

Wan Lin quickly grabbed the head of Qin who jumped out of the car, hugged him with open arms, and then asked in surprise, "Why do you have time to come to us?" After saying that, he raised his eyes and glanced at Qin standing in front of him. The two behind the leader.

"Salute!" A tall figure shouted loudly, followed by a thin senior soldier beside him and raised his right arm in salute. Wan Lin quickly released Captain Qin's hand and raised his hand in return. He fixed his eyes and smiled: "Haha, isn't this Company Commander Zhang and He Shuai!"

It turned out that the two people who followed Captain Qin were also old acquaintances. It was Wan Lin and Xiaoya who knew the good martial arts captain Zhang and the first class soldier He Shuai when they were helping the Machine Walk Group to select candidates for the division's martial arts competition.

At this time, Colonel Qin also greeted Xiaoya, followed by looking at Wang Hong and said with a smile: "Old Wang, why are you in the special forces brigade? How many of Lao Hong's brothers?" Wang Hong raised him with a smile. He saluted and said, "Don't you know? Our special forces have long since been incorporated into the special forces brigade. Lao Hong and the others are also here, and I will call them over later. Don't stand here, let's go. , go inside and talk"

As he said that, he glanced at the captain and the sergeant behind Colonel Qin and said, "please take out your documents and register them, we are more vigilant here."

"Okay, that's how it should be, how can the special forces brigade enter casually!" Colonel Qin quickly took out the documents from his body, turned around and took the documents of his two subordinates, and handed them over to the guards at the door. The guard took a careful look, then turned around to register, and then handed the certificate to Head Qin with both hands.

Wan Lin immediately pulled Head Qin and said, "Let's go, let's go to our station first, we have ready-made dormitories there." Wang Hong also said with a smile: "Yes, your place is a treasure land of feng shui, and my battalion headquarters can't be compared. .I called and called Lao Hong and some of our brothers. We haven't seen each other for a long time."

Colonel Qin nodded with a smile, turned to the tall and majestic Company Commander Zhang and He Shuai and said, "You drive behind me." After saying that, he lifted his feet and followed Wan Lin and the three to the small courtyard near the side of the mountain.

Wan Lin looked at Captain Qin as he walked and asked, "Why are you here so late?" Captain Qin said with a smile, "Hehe, you forgot that you said when you were in my regiment, I want to choose the election myself. The team members who came out were sent over? Just now I thought that you and the old man might be in the special forces brigade, so I made a phone call first, but I didn't expect you to be here."

Wan Lin suddenly realized that at the time of the Machine Infantry Regiment, Captain Qin had said that the officers and soldiers in the regiment who had been selected from the division would be sent to the Special Forces Brigade in person, but they were not expected to be selected so quickly. He asked again in surprise: "Didn't you say that you must participate in the competition in your division before you can decide who will be sent to the special forces brigade?"

Colonel Qin said with a smile: "The military region ordered the subordinate units to speed up the selection process, so our division also proceeded ahead of schedule. Company Commander Zhang and He Shuai won the first and second overall results respectively in the division's military skills competition. Why don't I send them here. Speaking of which, I have to thank the old man and you. After you left, these training team members of mine were all screaming and training **** the training ground."

Wan Lin waved his hands and laughed: "We've only stayed for a day, what can we help you with? Or your soldiers are of excellent quality!" He turned his head and glanced at the jeep behind him, and said to Wang Hong in a low voice, "Wang Ying Commander, I have seen these two people training at Colonel Qin, and they are quite good, so assign these two to me directly?"

"Okay, good, new blood is coming, we will make a first move and then make a concert to settle these two It's better to get the month near the water tower, so that other camps will not see people robbing people. After a while, Lao Hong and the others will come with them. Say it, hahahaha."

Wan Lin and the others all laughed, and Colonel Qin looked at Wan Lin in surprise and asked, "Why are you in this special forces brigade?" Wang Hong explained with a smile, "We invited them here as a Instructor, I want to set up a special reconnaissance team here, so I invited these Buddhas to train the team members."

Captain Qin rolled his eyes and said with great joy, "Hahaha, then the two of us have directly become the backup candidates for the most elite reconnaissance team? Alright, alright, Captain Zhang and He Shuai are your brother! "

Commander Qin is a veteran. As soon as he heard the name of the special reconnaissance team, he knew that this team must be the sharp knife of the elite unit of the special operations brigade. Those who can enter here must be the elite talents in the whole brigade, so he is naturally in his heart. Excited, this is the honor and pride of their troupe.

A few people walked into the headquarters of the Huabao Commando. Captain Qin glanced at the courtyard by the dim street lights in the courtyard. At a glance, he saw a group of shadowy figures sitting on the ground in the spacious courtyard, all of them bowing their heads. What are you doing silently?


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