Panther Commando

Chapter 2240: unique


Wan Lin moved his sniper rifle slowly and scanned the mountain tops on both sides of the canyon. Under the rocks and trees on both sides of the mountain, there were more than a dozen figures in camouflage uniforms, each with the muzzle of the assault rifle. They sat under the canyon, and behind the rocks around the green figures, sat their leopard team members, each carefully holding a remote control to adjust the posture of the dummy lying on the ground. `

Wan Lin nodded with satisfaction, knowing that the team members had placed the tactical dummies properly and were ready for battle. He lowered his head into the microphone and said, "Attention to all the team members, once the exercise starts, you must pay attention to conceal yourself, try to use the blank ammunition in the tactical dummy gun to participate in the battle, and control the dummy's shooting rhythm. Snipers and machine gunners use live ammunition. Block off both ends of the sloping valley and create the effect of live bullets flying horizontally."

Following Wan Lin's voice, the Leopard team members on both sides of the mountain raised their guns. Wan Lin turned his head to look at Zhang Wa and said, "You chose this location very well. It is more than 800 meters away from the canyon below, and there is no blind spot in the line of sight. It is very suitable for you to perform bombing operations here."

Zhang Wa grinned, stretched out her hand and took out a square metal box from her backpack, followed by taking out seven or eight remote control devices of various sizes, and then placed them on a flat rock in front of her in order, smiling. He said: "Leopard head, you can see it in a while. It must be more lively than the real battlefield. The fireworks effect of the entire canyon depends on me, a blasting expert."

Zhang Wa raised the binoculars and looked at the valley below, and then grinned proudly: "Hehe, Leopard Head, do you think we are shooting movies here? I think I can become a great director in the future. The war movies that came out are definitely more real than those that are being staged now.”

"Giggle giggle, just blow the doll, and the director?" Suddenly, the crisp laughter of Lingling and Xiaoya came from the side. Wan Lin and Zhang Wa turned their heads to look, Xiaoya and Lingling were coming from the side, all covering their mouths and smiling.

Zhang Wa proudly pointed to the neat row of remote controls in front of her, and said with a smile, "Look at my equipment, doesn't it look like a big director who directs actors to perform?" Ya walked over to Zhang Wa, stared at the remote control on the rock and said, "Hee hee, the doll is a fun thing. I'll press it twice when the time comes?"

Zhang Wa hurriedly stretched out her arms to protect the remote control, and said nervously, "My aunt, this is not something you play with, otherwise your old man will rise up into the sky like a two-kick on his butt, you can Don't rely on me!"

"Fuck you! Brat, you just have a second kick tied to your butt!" Before Zhang Wa's voice could finish, Cheng Ru's voice came from behind. `Zhang Wa turned her head and looked, it turned out that Cheng Ru had quietly walked behind him at some point, so scared that he quickly shrank his neck.

"Hahaha" Wan Lin and Xiaoya on the side both laughed, Lingling looked at the bandage on Cheng Ru's left arm and said with a smile: "Lao Cheng, go back and buy some more kicks, let's tie a few more feet on the doll's buttocks. One, let him have a taste of what it's like to go to the sky with two kicks." "Hahaha, no problem, let's do it like this, to save this kid from threatening us with these things every day" Cheng Ru replied with a big laugh.

Zhang Wa hurriedly shrank his head and smiled and said, "My mother, this is not a couple bullying me. Leopard head, they are too outrageous, they must be separated." "Fuck you, little Yingying. Auntie is not here, you monkey is going to heaven again." Lingling raised her foot with a smile and kicked at Zhang Wa.

Wan Lin hurriedly reached out to stop Lingling and said with a smile: "Hehehe, if you want to clean up this kid, you'd better keep him away from these explosive things, otherwise this kid is too dangerous." Lingling raised her eyes and glanced at the detonator in front of Zhang Wa, and vomited. Sticking out his tongue, he quickly retracted his right leg.

Wan Lin stood up with a smile, raised his sniper rifle and glanced outside Kukou, followed by looking at the time and said to the microphone beside his mouth: "It's still early, everyone rests, eats, and waits for Lao Wang and the others. ."

After he finished speaking, he raised his hand to signal Xiaoya and the others to sit down. Xiaoya and the others turned around and sat on the rock next to them, and all turned around and took out individual soldier rations from their backpacks. Wan Lin sat down with a smile, raised his hand and gently pulled Xiaoya's sleeve, and quietly stuffed the two pieces of jerky from Lingxiu Mountain into her hand.

"Hee hee hee" Xiaoya smiled and hurriedly stuffed the individual rations into her backpack. Lingling on the side stared at Xiaoya's movements with wide eyes, and then grabbed Xiaoya's hand with her eyes shining. She broke open her clenched fist and grabbed the jerky, raised her hand and shoved a piece of Chengru beside her, put the other piece into her mouth and said to Xiaoya with a smile, "Is there still some private goods hidden? Honestly, is it a leopard? the head for you?"

Wan Lin smiled and took out a paper bag wrapped with several pieces of jerky, put it on the rock, and then handed two pieces to Xiaoya and Zhang Wa and said, "I still bring this thing out when I come out, it doesn't take up space and it's delicious. It’s also rich in nutrients.” Then he put a piece in his mouth and slowly chewed it, then raised the water bottle and took a sip.

Several people chewed jerky beautifully, Lingling turned her head to look around, and saw that the other brothers on the top of the mountain on both sides of the canyon were holding a lunch box in one hand and a telescope in the other, looking towards her. She burst out laughing, stretched out her hand and stuffed a few pieces of jerky in the paper bag into Xiaoya's hands, raised the wrapping paper and shook it at the people at while smiling into the microphone and said: " Smelly Dali, are you greedy? Giggling, it's wood, wood."

"Hahaha" everyone laughed, and Dali also shouted through the microphone: "Stinky girl, don't say bring more delicious food!" Zhang Wa smiled and shouted into the microphone: "Hahahaha, you are so kid. If you can eat it, who dares to bring it to you?"

At this moment, Xiaoya smiled and said to Wan Lin, "This stuff is really good. If you add some vegetables in the individual soldier's ration, it will be much better than the individual soldier's ration." It's not easy? You wait." Wan Lin smiled and stood up, raised his feet and ran towards the hillside in front of him, then pulled out his saber on the hillside, bent over and walked on the ground while busy for a while, followed by holding a pile of green wild vegetables in his hands. Walk to the side of a stream.

After a while, he came back holding the green wild vegetables, handed them to Xiaoya and said, "Eat it with jerky, it must have a different flavor", Xiaoya and others quickly put the wild vegetables into their mouths, Xiaoya and Lingling While chewing the jerky and wild vegetables in her mouth, Lingling muttered, "It's so delicious, this is a fully nutritious meal!"

Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa also stretched out their hands to take the wild vegetables and stuffed them into their mouths.


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