Panther Commando

Chapter 2247: Blood Charge


"Bastard!" Xu Liang angrily scolded towards the top of the mountain, pulled the trigger and swept up a shuttle of bullets, and then suddenly pulled out a new clip from his waist with a "click" Inserted into the gun body, his eyes shot out a frenzy of fire, turned around and shouted at the surrounding team members who were shooting upwards: "Damn, being pressed on the hillside is also dead! Fight!" Then he suddenly leaned out from behind the tree and pulled the trigger upwards, then flashed out from behind the tree and ran up.

When the surrounding team members heard his roar, they also roared with blood in their eyes: "Fight!", "Fight!" Along with Xu Liang, they rushed out from behind the cover, shooting towards the top of the mountain while shooting towards the top of the mountain. The top of the mountain rushed wildly.

At this time, Yan Ying, the second team on the opposite hillside, suddenly heard a loud roar coming from the depths of the canyon. He looked up at the opposite hillside, and immediately saw the small team on the hillside in front of him suddenly shouting and rushing up from the hillside!

He was shocked, but his eyes were red at the same time, and he suddenly raised his gun and swept a string of bullets at the top of the mountain, then rolled out of the bushes on the hillside, and shouted at the surrounding team members: "Second team, don't be afraid. Come with me, rush!" He jumped up suddenly, blazing fire from his chest, and rushed to the top of the mountain! With his roar and the figure that he threw out, a group of black shadows stood up behind him, shouting and rushing towards the top of the mountain, and a string of bullets were ejected from the fast-moving shadows to the top of the mountain.

Zhang Dahu, the leader of the training team who was lying on the hillside near Taniguchi, saw the movements of the players in front, turned his head and shouted at He Shuai, the leader of the third team not far away: "Damn, the third team, come on!" He jumped up from the ground and charged towards the left hillside with an automatic rifle.

He Shuai, who was behind him, saw the captain rushing out, and also shouted: "Team Three, come with me!" Like a gust of wind, he rushed up the hillside from the bottom of the valley, and his body instantly rushed past Zhang Dahu in front of him, spraying from his chest. A string of flames swayed to the top of the mountain.

At this time, the leopard team members on the top of the mountain on both sides of the canyon saw the scene in front of them, and immediately hid behind the rocks, followed by looking down from the gaps in the rocks with wide eyes.

The training team members who were suppressed in the valley rushed towards the top of the mountain like crazy, and the bullets flying from the bottom to the top roared and hit the rocks around them. Several tactical dummies lying on the top of the mountain suddenly shot at It flew backwards in the sound, and then landed on the top of the mountain with a "slap" sound, making a "hissing" air leak.

The faces of the Hua Leopard team members suddenly became solemn. Wang Dali raised the muzzle of his machine gun and swept out a string of bullets in the air. A series of heroic laughter suddenly appeared in his mouth: " Hahahaha, it's fun, good work! As expected of a **** soldier brought out by Lao Tzu!"

At this moment, Wan Lin also had a smile on his face, and shouted into the microphone: "Lingling, remove the shield! Use the general frequency!" Then he shouted into the microphone: "I am the chief instructor Wan Lin, and I am the chief instructor Wan. Lin, order: All the training team members stop attacking, stand on standby, and stand on standby!" "I'm Wan Lin, order: All training team members stop attacking, stand on standby! Stand on standby!"

His voice carried a powerful internal force, not only transmitted to the ears of every training team member through radio waves, but also violently vibrated the eardrums of every training team member through the air, and the surrounding dark mountains echoed over and over again. his voice.

The sudden stern command sound made every team member stop on the hillside as if struck by thunder, and the guns were still facing the top of the mountain with their guns on their shoulders, but their fingers had been loosened and tightly clasped. The trigger, all stared blankly at the top of the mountain.

Wan Lin shouted twice in a row, and then shouted again, "Wang Dazhuang, Kong Dazhuang, fire flares!" "Yes!" The roars of Wang Dazhuang and Kong Dazhuang immediately came from his earphones.

Following Wan Lin's order, the deafening gunshots and explosions stopped abruptly! Clusters of flames ejected from the muzzle suddenly disappeared, and the canyon that had just flickered suddenly fell into deadly silence and darkness.

One by one, the **** training team members who were originally suppressed by the dense rain of bullets on the hillside were still standing on the hillside in a stunned shooting posture, as if they had not woken up from this sudden change. . These veterans who have participated in many exercises in the original army can't believe that the bullet rain and the violent explosion just now were just an exercise!

At this moment, two firelights, "Whoosh" and "Whoosh", suddenly spewed upwards from the mountaintops on both sides, followed by two bright flashes above the canyon, and the dark canyon was instantly filled with the slowly falling flares. Reflected as bright as day.

With the lighting of the flares, a loud shout suddenly came from the side of the mountain: "I am Wang Hong, commander of the spy battalion, all the training team members immediately quit the bullets! Immediately quit the bullets! This is an exercise, this is an exercise!"

Following the shout, a figure flew out of the Taniguchi like lightning, rushed to the side slope, followed by jumping up a few times like a monkey on the steep cliff near the top of the mountain, and quickly stood on the top of the mountain. On the rock erected high, he shouted again from the bottom: "I am Wang Hong, and the order: all members of the team must not move their positions, withdraw from the bullets and stand by, and stand on standby!"

Wang Hong's voice was very nervous. At this time, he had seen that most of the team members in the canyon were still in a charging The weapon in his hand was still aimed at the top of the mountain and made a gesture of shooting at any time. I'm really afraid that these frightened team members will pull the trigger again in their nervousness.

Following Wang Hong's shout, a figure with a sniper rifle stood beside him. At this time, all the members of the training team were looking at the top of the mountain. At a glance, everyone saw that the battalion commander and the general instructor Wan were standing on the top of the mountain and looking at them coldly. The two were like two mountain gods in the light of the air flares. Appears unusually tall.

At this time, the light of the two flares became smaller and smaller, followed by two beams of fire on the top of the mountain on both sides, Dali and Da Zhuang carried the bazooka and fired two umbrella flares into the air. The canyon lit up again.

All the training team members had a surprised look in their eyes. They all turned their heads to look around, and immediately found that the team members around them were standing on the hillside with their legs in tandem, and the guns were still on their shoulders, maintaining a posture of shooting at any time.

Every team member's body was covered with mud, and their faces were black and white, covered with dust and gunpowder smoke. Some team members had blood marks drawn by flying gravel on their faces, but no one was there. He fell to the ground in the dense rain of bullets just now.


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