Panther Commando

Chapter 2249: Scale out


Wan Lin turned his head and glanced at Wang Hong. The two jumped off the rock and strode to Zhang Dahu and the others. They also silently took off their helmets. Wan Lin followed and shouted loudly: "Salute! To all the dead dummy brothers. Salute, salute to all dummy brothers in the war!"

"Boom" and "Boom" Following Wan Lin's deep voice, two bright flares were raised on both sides of the mountain top, and the dimly lit canyon immediately brightened up. All the instructors' training team members on the top of the mountain on both sides of the canyon lit up. , all raised their arms suddenly, and paid their solemn military salute to the tactical dummies who fell on the rocks and lay in the battle positions!

At this moment, all the training team members stared at the dummy with broken limbs in front of them, and felt an unprecedented shock in their hearts! Although the tactical dummies in front of them only had the shape of people, and although they did not have life, every team member suddenly felt in their hearts: these motionless dummies were just like those living instructors, they were born with themselves. Dead comrades and brothers! They looked at these broken dummies that had been pierced by their own bullets, and in their hearts there was a feeling of sadness and grief like a comrade-in-arms leaving.

"The ceremony is complete!" Wan Lin looked at the training team members in front of him with bright eyes and shouted in a low voice, and then turned to the instructors on the top of the mountain on both sides and ordered: "All instructors pay attention, put away all the tactical dummies, and together Go back! Yes" With a resounding reply, the instructors immediately bent down and deflated and folded the intact tactical dummies, followed by carefully rolling up the dead dummies and placing them behind them. Backpack.

Wan Lin and Wang Hong then walked a few steps to the side and said something in a low voice. Zhang Dahu looked around at the few players who didn't have guns in their hands, turned around and walked to Wan Lin and Wang Hong's side and asked in a low voice, "Chief instructor, Battalion commander, what about the team members who were shot?"

When he was charging just now, by the light of the explosion, he had already seen behind the team members who were risking their lives to charge, and a few team members were still shivering behind the cover. He knew in his heart that the battlefield performance of these team members had been condescendingly seen by the instructors.

Wan Lin turned his head and glanced at the training team members who were running towards the top of the mountain on both sides. He waved his hands sternly and said, "Go back and talk about it!"

Not long after, a few dark shadows emerged from the night, followed by four transport helicopters roaring and flying over the canyon, Wan Lin followed and shouted into the microphone: "Guide the helicopter to descend and hover! All personnel are ready to board. After he finished speaking, he waved at Wang Hong and Zhang Dahu, and ran towards a slowly descending helicopter on the side.

The four helicopters hovered steadily over the top of the mountain on both sides of the canyon. The instructors and training team members standing on the top of the mountain immediately followed the line and climbed up the ropes thrown from the plane skillfully. Soon, the four helicopters roared into the air, turned their noses and plunged into the dark night sky.

Four helicopters roared and appeared above the brigade headquarters of the special operations brigade. Several bright searchlights on the training ground suddenly lit up at this time, illuminating the entire dark training ground as if it were daylight.

The four helicopters slowly lowered their altitude in the center of the training ground, and then hovered in mid-air. As the cabin door opened, a group of training team members and instructors skillfully descended from the helicopter to the ground, then bent down and quickly ran to the surrounding area, kneeling on one knee, raising their guns to cover the surrounding teammates who descended from behind.

Zhang Dahu was the last to fall to the ground along the ropes. He turned his head and saw that more than a dozen instructors and Battalion Commander Wang were already standing on the empty field next to them, watching the movements of the players after they jumped out of the plane. He hurriedly shouted to the training team members who raised their guns and faced the surrounding training team: "Assemble here!" and ran to the instructors. At this time, the four helicopters also quickly turned their propellers and flew into the air, turning their directions and flying towards the direction of the helicopter brigade in the mountains.

The three squad leaders quickly ran to Zhang Dahu to form a line, Zhang Dahu completed the line, turned and ran to Wan Lin to salute, and reported loudly: "Report to the chief instructor, thirty-three members of the training team line up. Done, please give instructions?"

Wan Lin raised his hand in return and took a step forward. Zhang Dahu immediately turned around and ran to the front of the team. A cold light flashed in Wan Lin's eyes, his eyes swept from the head of the team to the tail, with a cold look on his face.

"Take a break... Stand at attention! The unarmed team members are out!" Wan Lin's eyes swept across the back of the line, and suddenly shouted. All the team members trembled in the low voice. The thirteen team members whose automatic rifles were dropped by the instructor in the canyon were ashen-faced. He lowered his head and stared at his toes.

Wan Lin's eyes swept over the thirteen team members in front of him one by one, a look of regret and guilt suddenly flashed in his cold eyes, and he said in a low voice: "This training team is no longer suitable for you, please everyone. Back to the original company! Thank you for your support to our instructors during this time.”

His words were filled with regret and helplessness. The technical and tactical skills of the players in front of him were not low. Four or five of them were among the best in terms of military qualities, but now he had to organize these thirteen players into a large-scale team. disuse!

The instructors who were lined up behind Wan Lin also had expressions of pity in their But they knew that the psychological quality of these players in the wartime just now was not suitable for them to stay in this place where they might face at any time. The reconnaissance team was in a hail of bullets.

The thirteen players who had been looking at their toes stood blankly in front of the team. At this time, they suddenly raised their heads and looked at the chief instructor in front of them. One of the team members raised his legs and stepped forward to shout loudly. Said: "Chief instructor, give me another chance, I'm not afraid of death, I'm really not afraid of death, next time... next time, I will definitely rush to the front! I... I was... only... just..."

There was a cry in his voice, and there was a strong desire in his eyes full of tears. "Chief Instructor, give us another chance, we are not afraid of death, really not afraid of death!" Several team members next to him also shouted loudly, with a tone of regret and longing in their voices.

Wan Lin waved his hand and replied in a low voice: "Yes, you may not be afraid of death, it's just the first time that you instinctively made an action to protect yourself in this roaring rain of bullets. This is not wrong. It's a normal person's natural reaction in the face of danger! Fortunately, you didn't turn around and run away, and none of you were deserters in the howling bullet rain. I'm very happy about this! You just showed a normal person, in the howling bullet rain. and the expected reaction in a violent explosion."


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