Panther Commando

Chapter 2256: specialization


Seeing Wan Lin's nervous appearance, Hong Tao quickly waved his hand and replied, "Where do you want to go, the old man's physique? He is a master of internal strength and a master of traditional Chinese medicine, how could there be a problem."

Wan Lin's expression softened only then, looking at Hong Tao with an embarrassed smile, Hong Tao hurriedly said: "That's right, we chatted for a while when Mr. Yu came over this morning. She said that the security force of the institute reported that recently in Some unfamiliar faces appeared around her research institute, and some people deliberately asked about the internal affairs of the research institute. When I reported your exercise to Li Tou last night, Li Tou also said this, and he asked me to do so at the right time. Let me inform you that once it is determined that someone is conspiring to do something wrong, it is very likely that the person who comes here is not good, so it is possible to transfer you to the past."

Wan Lin's face sank, and a cold light shot out from his eyes. Looking at Hong Tao, he said coldly: "Not long after we came back from Lingxiu Mountain, someone appeared around the Weapons Research Institute. It seems that some people are immortal. , these people are most likely a group of people!"

Hong Tao nodded and said: "Li Tou and President Yu also analyzed the same way. Now the Military Region Security Department has ordered the security forces of the institute to strengthen their alerts and notified the national security system to investigate the origins of these strangers. The situation is still unclear, you know. This matter is enough. In addition, the military region security department and the national security system both believe that it is not easy to be alarmed by the grass, so let’s wait and see the changes, and secretly strengthen the alert and secretly investigate.”

Wan Lin said with a sneer on his face: "Come on, those people will not give up after losing one after another in our hands. It is estimated that they have already judged that the gems of Lingxiu Mountain have great scientific research value, so they focused on our research. mechanism."

Hong Tao looked at Wan Lin's stern expression, raised his teacup and said, "Let's ignore him for now. Now that the national security system and the military region security department are paying attention to this matter, they can still make trouble? You should step up the training of these training team members first, if there is a situation, I will You will be informed in time, so don’t tell others about it in advance, so as not to disturb the morale of the military.”

Wan Lin nodded and stood up and said, "Okay, you can inform me at any time if there is any situation. I'll go back and prepare for tomorrow's field training." With that, he strode out of Hong Tao's office.

Wan Lin walked out of the office building of the Brigade Headquarters, and while walking towards his small courtyard, he carefully analyzed the situation just reported by Hong Tao. He carefully recalled what had happened recently, and secretly said in his heart: "If the people who appear around Yu's Research Institute are really outlaws, then the two mercenary groups Yamaguchi and Black Hawk must be inseparable. When abroad, the drone battery developed by President Yu was stolen by Yamaguchi security guards. Although it was snatched back in time, the battery beyond the level of modern technology has been out of sight for so long, and the other party will definitely get rid of the clues. Analyze some of these clues."

Thinking of this, he suddenly slowed down, and there was a chill on the back of his spine. At that time, the Yamaguchi team member who participated in the hijacking of the battery was once captured by the local armed forces. Later, he and Fengdao risked their lives to attack the opponent's camp and killed the Yamaguchi team member to prevent him from revealing more information. But during this period of time, this kid will definitely explain some information about the battery in order to save his life, otherwise those ruthless opponents will never keep him.

And Yamaguchi Security must have some kind of connection with these organizations, otherwise they would not join forces with the Black Hawk mercenary group to cooperate with these organizations to hijack Guoan's anti-terrorist experts. Therefore, the people of Yamaguchi Security will definitely learn something about this mysterious battery from those organizations.

Based on this inference, Yamaguchi Security and the Takahashi family coveted the gem of Lingxiu Mountain this time, and they must have guessed that the gem in the mountain was taken away from Lingxiu Mountain, and the most likely place for this gem must be the military research institute, so they must According to this reasoning, people are sent to spy on relevant information.

Wan Lin thought of this, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he laughed to himself: "Hehe, bastards, then come on! You haven't taken advantage of you abroad, so I don't believe you are in our territory. Benefit from it!"

"What are you muttering to yourself?" Wan Lin didn't finish his voice, when a clear question suddenly came from behind him. Wan Lin quickly stopped and turned around to look, and saw Yu Jing wearing a fitted general. Clothes were walking towards him. Wan Lin hurriedly stood at attention and saluted, smiled and asked, "Aren't you in the electronic information team, why did you come out?"

Yu Jing raised her hand and waved it to her forehead in return, then lowered her arm and replied with a smile: "I have already heard Captain Han report their overall situation. Now come out to see the environment here, and take the backpack to the station by the way." , She looked Wan Lin up and down and smiled, "I asked what you were muttering just now? You are so focused when you talk to yourself."

Wan Lin replied with a smile, "I just came out of Chief of Staff Hong, and I was thinking about suspicious people around your institute." Then, looking at Yu Jing, he said, "Let's go, I'll take you to our little one. Let's take a look, where is Lingling?" He reached out and took her backpack from Yu Jing's shoulder.

"Lingling is discussing business with Han Fei and the others, so I said to go out for a walk. Han Fei wanted to send someone to accompany me, but I didn't ask them to send someone, how good it would be to go around on my own," Yu Jing replied.

The two talked about the research institute as they walked, Yu Jing said: "The situation around the research institute, the military security department has communicated with the national security Two days ago, Deputy Director Wang Molin came to me in person. Over the phone, he took this matter very seriously, saying that some suspicious persons also appeared outside other military research institutions, and he is now sending someone to investigate this matter secretly."

While walking, Wan Lin repeated his analysis just now, Yu Jing said thoughtfully: "Your analysis is very reasonable, the battery on the drone at that time may be the fuse of this incident, otherwise the other party will not directly I noticed our military research institutes. When I was on the phone with Deputy Director Wang, the two of us also analyzed this point. He has ordered his staff abroad to focus on investigating the movements of the Yamaguchi and Black Hawk mercenary groups. We will be notified in time.”

Wan Lin said with a smile: "Deputy Director Wang Molin is an old agent. He is now paying attention to this matter in person, so we don't have to worry about external matters, we just need to do a good job in the internal security of the institute."

Yu Jing also said with a smile: "I think so too. They have their strengths in learning and specialization in art. They are experts, so we don't worry about it. The military area security department will send me a personal guard immediately after discovering the situation, just in time. You guys need me here, otherwise I'll be escorted to and from get off work like a prisoner every day, and it's not a good thing to be followed every day, but I'll be with you at ease." He said "giggling" and laughed.


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