Panther Commando

Chapter 2259: strange off-road


At this moment, the two leopards suddenly rushed over from behind with a cloud of dust, and Ge Liang, the deputy captain beside Xiaoya, suddenly saw two small animals appearing at his feet, and he was so frightened that he exclaimed like a rabbit. He jumped forward, his face turned pale with fright.

Xiaoya quickly ordered the two leopards to follow behind her in a low voice. At this moment, the team members in front heard the exclamation from Ge Liang from behind. They turned their heads and looked back one by one as they ran. At a glance, they saw that it was their fat captain who was startled by the two kittens. There was a burst of laughter in the team, and someone immediately laughed: "Hahaha, Deputy Brigade, you won't let the two kittens be scared like this?" Someone next to him joked: "Hahahaha, I've never seen it before. Run so fast to the deputy brigade!"

The crisp laughter of a female soldier followed closely in the team: "Who said that our little fat deputy brigade can't run fast? Isn't it very fast!" Laughter sounded from the team in front. Shi Geliang's frightened pale face had turned red, and he shouted in front of him angrily: "What are you yelling about? Speed ​​up! Where am I getting fat?"

Before the group of people could finish their words, Xiaohua and Xiaobai suddenly let out a deafening roar, and suddenly jumped over from behind with grinning teeth and rushed towards everyone like two fierce leopards. A group of male and female team members shivered a bit in the deafening roar, and they spread their legs and rushed forward, one by one! None of them thought that these two kittens, who usually looked docile, would suddenly become so vicious.

Everyone laughed when Xiaoya said this. Lingling hugged the little flower on Wan Lin's shoulder. Yu Jing also reached out and hugged Xiaobai into her arms, stroking the soft fur on the two leopards intimately. , eyes full of love. The two leopards also knew that Xiaoya was talking about them, and they both grinned and wagged their tails, looking triumphant.

Xiaoya continued to speak with a smile: "When the team members ran about three kilometers, the team of dozens of people had already opened a distance of nearly one kilometer, and the last dozen team members were sweaty and pale. Alas, what's that called running? One by one, staggering and moving their bodies, I can't walk as fast as me."

"I yelled at them to run forward quickly, but each of these team members were crying and grimacing like garlic mixed under their feet. When I got down, some of them were going to sit down and I was so angry that I shouted loudly, "Deputy Captain, order the team members to speed up!"

When Xiaoya said this, she suddenly covered her mouth and laughed loudly, and then forced back her laughter, opened her arms and said, "I called twice and no one responded, and when I turned around and looked around, I found this fat captain. She had already raised her arms to both sides like an old lady, and staggered forward from side to side with her feet. It's like a chubby chicken that climbed up from the pond." As she spoke, she dangled her arms to both sides, imitating Ge Liang's appearance at that time.

"Hahaha" Several people around laughed when they heard the metaphor of Xiaoya's image, Yu Jing hugged Xiaobai and laughed so much that her whole body trembled, Lingling also held Xiaohua in one hand and pointed at Xiaoya with the other, so she couldn't speak. Come.

Xiaoya held back her laughter and continued, "I was so angry at the time, I reached out and touched my waist, trying to give them two shots to lift their spirits, but I reached out and felt empty, and then I remembered that this was a temporary organization. I didn't bring any weapons on my body. Just when I was so angry that my face turned pale, a loud roar of 'Ow' suddenly sounded behind me, and then I saw Xiaohua and Xiaobai jumping out from behind me. He threw the fat captain to the ground, pouted his big teeth and stretched out to his fat face, then jumped from him suddenly, and shouted at his heels again, the sharp nails on his claws burst out. When she came out, Xiaohua grabbed Ge Liang's trouser leg and pulled a big hole with a 'thorn' sound."

"Ge Liang, who was knocked down, was lying on the ground. He turned his head and saw that two ferocious little animals had knocked him down. Now he was grabbing at his leg with his sharp teeth and his bright nails outstretched, scaring him. With a mad scream, 'Mummy' jumped up from the ground and rushed forward like a smoky smoke. The dozen or so team members in front of them who were shouting that they couldn't run and wanted to sit down suddenly heard Ge Liang's howling, and when they turned around, they saw The two leopards chased after them with grinning teeth. One by one was so frightened that their expressions changed. Everyone screamed and rushed forward like a swarm. It's like a rabbit, the speed is called a fast!"

After Xiaoya finished speaking, she covered her mouth and laughed "giggling", as if the group of team members were still rushing forward amid the roars of the two leopards.

"Hahaha", amid the laughter in the yard, Yu Jing and Lingling, who were laughing so hard, fell off the ponytail with a "crack" and sat down on the ground. The two quickly grabbed Xiaoya beside them, and immediately Xiaoya, who was covering her mouth and laughing, pulled down from the maza and sat down on the ground. The three girls sat on the ground and hugged each other while laughing, their pretty bodies shaking violently with laughter.

Wan Lin and the others laughed and stretched out their hands to pull up the three female Zhang Wa followed and asked, "By the way, you haven't said how you got into the mouse hole? Damn you, you only got into the mouse. It's a hole!" Yu Jing and the three shouted to Zhang Wa in unison, and then laughed crisply.

Lingling said with a smile, "I discussed technical matters with Captain Han of the Electronics Brigade, and when I walked out of their camp, I saw Sister Yu, Xie Chao, Cheng Ru, and Zisheng standing on the shooting range. I walked over and took a look. Yu Jing held up an automatic rifle and was enjoying herself. At this moment, we heard Xiaohua's roar from afar. We turned our heads and saw that a group of soldiers from the Electronic Information Reconnaissance Brigade were rushing into the gate of the camp. Two leopards were chasing after them, baring their teeth and grinning."

Lingling said, bowing her head and kissing the little flower in her arms, and continued: "We all laughed when we saw it, a group of players flew to the training ground, and the two leopards stopped and stared at them from a distance. , with a fierce look in his eyes."

"At this time, Xiaoya helped the fat vice captain and ran over, and the group of players turned around and saw the two leopards stopped, sitting on the training ground with their pale faces. He was panting heavily, the sweat on his face dripped to the ground like rain, the sweat on his body soaked his military uniform, and several team members simply lay on the ground."


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