Panther Commando

Chapter 2263: Airborne desert island


Wan Lin looked down from the air, and the parachutes had been safely opened above the heads of each team member. The white umbrella flowers were drifting towards a relatively flat open space on the coast below. The open space was covered with black reefs and a Clusters of green weeds, not far from the reef is a glowing green forest.

When he saw the terrain below, he felt a little calmer in his heart, and then he focused on the team members who were falling fast. He soon saw that Xie Chao, who was kicked off the plane by Bao Ya, was floating in the air, and Bao Ya and Bao Ya were floating not far away. The figure of the wind and rain brothers.

When Wan Lin saw that Xie Chao, who was skydiving for the first time, had successfully opened his parachute, with a few of his team members following him, he immediately relaxed a lot.

At this time, the team members had already landed on the open space one after another. Wan Lin also adjusted the paracord and quickly dropped to a grassy field. He landed with his legs slightly bent, and ran a few steps forward before stopping. Quickly remove the umbrella behind him, kneel on one knee and raise the gun to look around to prevent accidents.

The landing site looks like an open space from the air, but when it falls to the ground, Wanlin finds out that this open space was originally a rolling hilly area, with clusters of bushes and weeds covering the hills, and black reefs all over the place. .

The team members who fell to the ground were quickly packing up their parachutes. Wang Dali and Kong Dazhuang, who had fallen first, had already run to the two surrounding hills with their machine guns on them and mounted their machine guns. They knelt on one knee behind the guns to monitor the surroundings. Raise the gun and run to the two high mounds on the side.

At this time, while packing up the parachute, the training leader Zhang Dahu shouted to the surrounding team members: "Alert!" The team members who finished packing followed the order and bent over with assault rifles and ran towards the surrounding hills.

Wan Lin saw that the surrounding team members had entered the guard position, and immediately raised his sniper rifle and looked into the distance. To the north is a towering mountain with lush greenery below and dark brown rocks on the slopes close to the top. To the south is a coast full of teachers and sprays, to the east is a green jungle, and to the west is a steep cliff.

"Zhang Dahu, arrange security personnel, and the rest of the team members gather to count the number of people!" Wan Lin commanded in a low voice into the microphone, "Yes!" Zhang Dahu replied, then turned around and issued a password to the surrounding team members.

One by one, the team members stooped and ran over, and then arranged in two lines according to the battle group. With the number of counts, the voice of He Shuai of the third team suddenly came: "Report, the temporary member of the third team Xie Chao is missing!"

Zhang Dahu was shocked, turned his head to look at Wan Lin, who was striding forward, and reported, "Report, Xie Chao of the third team has not returned!" He then called Xie Chao into the microphone in a low voice.

Wan Lin's face immediately became tense, he raised his sniper rifle and looked to the side. When he landed just now, he saw Xie Chao drifting towards the side of the woods. Sure enough, a white parachute faintly appeared in his scope, and Zhang Dahu's earphone also heard Xie Chao's frustrated voice: "Report Captain, I am hanging on a tree, and Instructor Bao is saving me."

After a while, Bao Ya ran from the side with Xie Chao, and Xie Chao pulled the parachute rope on his body while running. Obviously, Bao Ya climbed up the tree and used a saber to cut off the rope connecting him to the parachute.

Everyone looked at Xie Chao, whose face was flushed, and laughed in a low voice. Xie Chao ran to the front of the team and saluted the captains Zhang Dahu and Wan Lin. Zhang Dahu ordered in a low voice, "Return to the team!" Xie Chao quickly ran to a small team The tail of the line stood at attention.

Wan Lin looked at the darkened desert island, and whispered to Zhang Dahu: "The situation on the island is unknown, we will camp in this hilly area tonight and arrange vigilance! Remember, remind the team members that there are only three days of rations, and the island may There is no fresh water, so be sure to eat properly. Order the correspondent to report to the brigade, and we have reached the island safely.”

"Yes" Zhang Dahu raised his hand to salute, then turned around and ordered the correspondent to report that the training team had arrived at the destination safely. He then glanced at the surrounding terrain, and gave orders to the three teams to establish camps.

The members of the three squads disbanded quickly after hearing Zhang Dahu's order, and set up individual tents according to a triangular area designated by the captain. Wan Lin looked around, raised his feet and walked to the top of a 20- or 30-meter-high hill where Wang Dali was standing on the side. Feng Dao and Zhang Wa also followed from the side.

The night fell, and the deserted island seemed to suddenly become dim in the blink of an eye. The towering mountain tops in the distance showed faint silhouettes, the undulating sea surface on the side was shimmering, and the rhythmic sound of the waves resounded in the rhythm. shore.

Wan Lin walked to Dali, Zhang Wa and Feng Dao also came over with assault rifles, and the three of them squatted beside Dali and raised their binoculars to look around.

After observing for a while, they all retreated to the hillside below the hill. Zhang Wa whispered, "Why does this deserted island give people a gloomy feeling?" Feng Dao also whispered: "Yes, I also have this There is a feeling that no animals have been found on the huge island until now, only a group of seabirds I saw when they landed, shouldn't this? There is green vegetation on the island, and there should be animals."

Wan Lin also nodded and said in a low voice, "It's a bit strange. It's too dark to observe carefully. After dawn, we'll take the team to the side forest. Since it's field survival training, we'll put this place here. The terrain of the deserted island has to be reached. Everyone should be vigilant. We do not have detailed information on this deserted island, and there may be unknown dangers on it.”

After Wan Lin finished looked at the wind knife and said: "You arrange, several of our instructors will also take turns to join the night guard to prevent accidents", "Yes" The wind knife replied in a low voice, then turned his head He looked around and asked in a low voice, "Where's the little flower?"

Wan Lin said with a smile: "When it landed, it sprang out. I guess I saw that the terrain here is different from that on land, so I ran out and walked around. Don't worry about it, no life can hurt it."

The three returned to the downhill and quickly erected the individual tent. The air knife pointed to the microphone and arranged the order for several instructors to be alert at night. Then they moved a rock and sat beside Wan Lin and Zhang Wa. The three of them looked around. All the training team members had silently got into their tents, and the training leader Zhang Dahu was coming here with a lunch box.

Wan Lin pointed to a rock on the side of Zhang Dahu, who was approaching, and then he, Feng Dao and Zhang Wa also took out individual rations and ate them silently.

After a while, Zhang Dahu took the last bite of the food in the box, turned his head to look at the dark deserted island, and whispered to the three instructors, "Why does it feel gloomy here?" Wan Lin and the three raised their eyes to look around, Zhang Wa replied with a smile, "Hehehe, why else would I bring you here?"


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