Panther Commando

Chapter 2270: overcome fear


After Xu Liang said, he clenched his teeth, and suddenly shook his head to push the snake's head away from his face. He held the two snakes in both hands and suddenly jumped up from the ground. The poisonous snake, who was so frightened that he had no masters, suddenly opened his mouth and laughed.

"Hahaha" everyone around laughed, knowing that this kid forcibly touched the poisonous snake in this kind of coercion, and now the fear in their hearts has disappeared. Seeing that Xu Liang had overcome the fear in his heart, Xie Chao also smiled and let go of the snake's head and walked aside.

Xu Liang shook the bodies of the two poisonous snakes vigorously, turned his head to look at the two teammates who were still paralyzed on the ground with the snake bodies wrapped around their necks, raised his face and shouted arrogantly: "Yang Zi, Xiao Zhang , Get up. Look at your unpromising appearance, two dead snakes have scared you into this?"

Everyone laughed when they heard his voice. This kid looked even more miserable than the two of them just now, but now he is more arrogant.

At this time, He Shuai and Yan Ying also released their hands from the team members and pulled them up from the ground, Yan Ying said with a smile, "That's right, you can see that Xu Liang has survived the way he was scared just now, what's the matter? Are you afraid?" He Liang and He Liang pulled the dead snakes from the necks of the two team members and stuffed them into the hands of the two team members: "Take it, eat snake meat today!"

The two team members with their eyes closed felt that the poisonous snake was being taken away from their necks, so they opened their eyes in horror, looked down at the body of the snake that was stuffed into their hands, grinned and grabbed the snake's tail, grinning. He turned to look at Xu Liang.

At this moment, Xu Liang was grinning, holding the tails of the two snakes upside down, raising both arms forward, keeping the long snakes in his hands as far away from his body as possible. "Hahaha", the two team members also laughed when they saw Xu Liang's current appearance.

Wan Lin walked over with a smile and said, "Hehehe, there's nothing to be afraid of. Surviving in the wild is our life-sustaining treasure. Haven't you seen those jugglers in the city? What about the boa constrictor. By the way, didn't you come into contact with these mollusks when you were training in the original army?"

Xu Liang grinned and said, "I've also come into contact with it. When I was training in the field, I was frightened and smashed the **** of my gun from a distance. How dare I make contact like this now! It scared me to death just now. Hehehe, it's fine now, it's actually nothing."

Wan Lin smiled and nodded and said, "That's right, the enemy with the gun is not afraid, afraid of what this thing will do!" After saying that, he turned his head to look at Yan Ying, He Shuai and Xie Chao and said, "The three of you took them to take the snake When the skin fades away, we will greet these poisonous snakes at noon, and we will be strong after eating them."

"Ah?" Xu Liang and the two trembling team members heard that they were asked to clean up the dead snake, and looked at the Chief Instructor in astonishment while holding the limp long snake.

Xie Chao on the side pushed them with a smile and said, "Let's go, you will be brave enough to eat these guys who scare you." After saying that, he pulled out a sharp saber from his leg and pulled it. Along with Xu Liang, the three walked towards the side of the coast.

Wan Lin raised his hand and took his long whip from Zhang Dahu's hand and tied it around his waist, turned his head to Zhang Wa and the others and said, "Come on, let's grab some snakes and let everyone practice their hands outside first, so I don't dare to bring them inside. Forest."

Zhang Wa and the others smiled and nodded, turned their heads and ran into the forest in front of them. Wan Lin immediately said to Zhang Dahu, "Let everyone stand back and get out of this empty field." After saying that, he also quickly got into the front. forest.

Not long after, long yellow-brown snakes suddenly flew out of the forest, and they suddenly stood up from the ground when they landed. In the open space full of grass and rocks, it seemed that yellow branches suddenly grew up. The lower half of the long snakes were tightly coiled on the ground, the upper half stood up high, and the triangular snake heads were raised and swayed. The cold little eyes stared at the nervous training team members around, and the bright red snake letter quickly swallowed in his mouth, making a "hissing" sound.

In the blink of an eye, seventeen or eight poisonous snakes have been erected in the open space of hundreds of square meters, and several are wriggling rapidly on the undulating grass and black rocks. The yellow-brown snakes wriggled in the open space.

At this time, Wan Lin and a few instructors quickly jumped out of the forest, and several people immediately scattered around the empty field, pulling out the long whip around the waist in their hands and waving them at the poisonous snakes crawling around, throwing strips of The poisonous snake that wanted to escape was driven back into the field.

Several poisonous snakes twisting and trying to escape suddenly saw the whip shadows waving in front of them, turned their heads and swam towards the center of the empty field, seeming to be very afraid of these long whip shadows. Xiaohua was also running back and forth around the empty field at this time, with a low roar in her mouth to drive away the long snake that wanted to sneak away.

Wan Lin looked at the surrounding training team members and found that everyone had a look of horror on their faces. He knew that even these team members who were not afraid of snakes, seeing such a large group of snakes for the first time, was inevitably a little scared.

He coldly ordered to the surrounding team members: "Each person will deal with a poisonous snake and cover each other back to back, the first team, go!" Zhang Dahu immediately shouted to the surrounding: "Squad, go!" Five The team members hesitated for a while after hearing the sound, then glanced at each other, and then stepped into the empty field.

After the first few rounds of elimination, there were only 20 people left in the training team. In addition, Xie Chao, who joined this time, had a total of 21 people. Therefore, the three teams were all composed of seven people, and the team leaders Xu Liang and Xie Chao were working together. Skinning snakes by the coast, so only a small group of five people are here.

The five team members are divided into two groups and enter the field, one is a group of two and the other is a group of three. When a few snakes coiled together near the side of the court saw someone approaching, they immediately erected their upper bodies towards the The snake head suddenly raised, and it bit the approaching person like lightning.

The faces of several team members became very nervous. Although they were not very afraid of these poisonous snakes, the thing in front of them was a deadly poisonous snake. If they were bitten by this guy, their lives could be in danger at any time.

At this moment, two of the three team members saw the snake's head stretched out like lightning, and raised their thick soles in panic and kicked the snake's head out, while the other team member suddenly bowed and stretched out his left hand. , grabbed the underside of a pecked snake's head like lightning, and swung out the saber in his right hand, cutting off the head of the snake with one knife, and then threw the snake's blood-spraying snake body at the two poisonous snakes that were attacking the team members around him. The two erected venomous snakes suddenly attacked, and suddenly hid their protruding upper body back.

The two team members on the side were a little panicked, but when they saw the poisonous snake that had been bitten suddenly dodging back, they quickly took a deep breath and took half a step forward together.

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