Panther Commando

Chapter 2272: Life and death comrades


<> "Okay! Grab the tail and throw it hard!" The surrounding team members saw that Xu Liang suddenly changed to another person, and immediately grabbed the vital position of the poisonous snake. Everyone cheered in surprise.

At this time, the big mouth of the poisonous snake was already open, and the forked snake letter quickly stretched out and vomited, obviously feeling suffocated, and the triangular snake head shook desperately.

Xu Liang's right hand clenched the snake's body tightly, sucking in the cold air and staring at the ugly poison in front of him. Now hearing the voices of the surrounding comrades in arms, he quickly raised his right hand high, pulled the long snake body from the ground, stretched out his left hand and grabbed the snake's tail.

Just when Xu Liang was paying attention to the poisonous snake in front of him, a snake on the side suddenly erected its upper body and rushed towards Xu Liang's leg with a "swoosh".

"Be careful!" Everyone suddenly exclaimed, Xie Chao, who was standing on Xu Liang's side and covered behind him, jumped out suddenly, facing the rushing poisonous snake with his right palm and suddenly volleyed a palm, and a chill went straight to the rushing snake's head. go. The body of the poisonous snake that suddenly started the sneak attack suddenly shrank back, and the head of the snake that had pounced on Xu Liang suddenly twisted, reaching towards Xie Chao like lightning.

Xie Chao flexibly flicked to the side under his feet, his left hand stretched out and hit the snake's head with a chill, and at the moment when the snake's head was retracted, his right hand waved a seven-inch position that grabbed the snake and lifted it up sharply. , with his left hand reaching out and grabbing the more than one meter long snake tail, he shook his head, followed by a "pop" and slammed the snake's head to the ground.

At this time, Xu Liang had already grasped the snake body tightly and took a step back. Following Xie Chao's example, he grabbed the snake's tail with his left hand, and threw the snake's head outward with his right hand. His left hand shook a few times, and then he swung it towards him. The other two long snakes that fled backwards in front smashed them.

The two snake heads were smashed in front of the other two snakes by Xie Chao and Xu Liang, and a stream of blood spurted out from the snake heads. The other two escaping poisonous snakes turned their heads to see the scene in front of them, their cold eyes suddenly flashed with fear, and they twisted their long snake bodies and fled to the back.

At this moment, the little flower on Wan Lin's shoulder suddenly sprang out and roared "Ow" at the poisonous snake that was twisting rapidly in the direction of the woods. The two poisonous snakes shuddered in shock. They erected the snakes and looked to the side, "smack", "smack", the figure of the little flower jumped through the middle of the two poisonous snakes like lightning, and the two front claws were passing by. moment. It has been slapped **** the side of the two erected snake heads.

A group of training team members suddenly saw that the little animal of the chief instructor made a move, and looked at the two poisonous snakes that were slapped on the ground in a stunned manner. No one expected this little flower to move so quickly.

At this time, Xu Liang threw his dead hand to the poisonous snake. He raised his eyes and saw Xiaohua's movements. He opened his mouth and praised, "Okay! It's much neater than me! Hehehe" and then threw the poisonous snake on the ground with his face hanging on his face. With a smile, he turned to the other two players behind him and said, "Brothers, it's your turn! Hey, it's nothing. Seeing that I don't have Lao Xu, it's a piece of cake!" He then clasped his fists to thank Xie Chao next to him.

The people around laughed. The two players on the sidelines who still had fearful expressions on their faces saw Xu Liang's arrogant look. One of the players grinned and said, "It's still blowing!" To the teammates beside him: "Go, I really don't believe it! Old Xu, who was scared by the poisonous snake, dared to kill one of his buttocks, so we can't kill him?"

As he spoke, he took his companion and strode towards the two poisonous snakes that Xiaohua slapped on the ground, but when he walked to the poisonous snake coiled on the ground, he carefully slowed down his steps again, with a nervous expression on his face.

Everyone laughed when they saw the two team members who were cautiously walking towards the poisonous snake, and then looked at the two poisonous snakes in front of them. At this moment, the heads of the two poisonous snakes were drooping on the ground, and there was a look of fear in their cold and cold eyes. The fierce ability just now.

The two team members stepped forward and stared fearfully at the poisonous snake that was crawling slowly on the ground for a while, then glanced at each other, grabbed the snake's tail and slammed it up, and once closed its eyes, it fell to the ground with a "pop". .

"Hahaha", the two team members each fell to the long snake in their hands, opened their eyes and looked at the snake body they were holding upside down and suddenly laughed. If they were in the past, even if they were killed, they would not believe that they would grab the poisonous snake and fall to their death.

Zhang Dahu walked over with a smile and said, "Hahaha, isn't that okay? But you two just fell two dead snakes. Those were all cleaned up by our little flower. What are you so ugly?"

As he said that, he turned his head and shouted to the back: "Yan Ying, He Shuai, let's go, let's catch two more snakes and let them play." With that, his tall body swayed, and suddenly burrowed into the forest in front of him. Yan Ying and He Shuai also jumped out after hearing the sound.

After a short time, the three of them ran out from under the head of a snake clutching a snake tightly in their right hands. They then ran to the center of the field and threw the one-meter-long poisonous snake on the ground. Zhang Dahu shouted to Xu Liang and the others, "Come on, Try again!" He turned around and walked to the sidelines with Yan Ying and He Shuai.

"Ah? It's really coming!" Xu Liang and the three exclaimed with wide-eyed eyes. They glanced at each other, raised their feet, and chased the three poisonous snakes in front of them that were escaping in the direction of the woods...

The training team members and several instructors all smiled and looked at the field. They knew that Xu Liang's hands and feet were quite neat. As long as they overcome the fear in their hearts, they would definitely be able to take care of a few snakes.

Sure This time, Xu Liang and the three of them dealt with the three snakes very neatly. Several people stood in the field with their long snake bodies upside down, watching the dead snakes on the ground with their mouths wide open and proud. laughed.

Wan Lin smiled and looked at the proud three people in the field, raised his hand and hugged Xiao Hua who had run back to his shoulders in his arms, then glanced at the dead snakes on the field, strode into the field to face The surrounding training team members said: "Everyone must remember that when we perform the task, we should not kill these animals unless we have to, and only when we have difficulties in survival can we shoot!"

He said affectionately stroking the little flowers and said: "Animals are also friends of our human beings. They are just like us human beings. There must be a reason for them to exist on this planet. When you treat them kindly, they must also exist. I will repay you!"

He raised the little flower, raised his voice and said, "I can tell you today that it is my little flower that has saved the lives of our instructors countless times on the battlefield! It was for us, the instructors, who faced the hail of bullets countless times. Going through fire and water, saving us instructors from the Jedi again and again at critical junctures! Do you say it is an animal? Yes, it is a small animal, but it is our friend who cares deeply, and is our comrade in life and death!"


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