Panther Commando

Chapter 2274: dry desert island


Zhang Wa on the side watched everyone take out the salt and eat it, and reminded with a smile: "I can tell you that there is no fresh water found on this desert island. Be careful to eat too much salt and call it water! This little water in the kettle is not enough. Take your time for the things that save your life. We ate it raw when we were out in the wild, so you can try it too."

When everyone heard the reminder from Instructor Zhang, they quickly put away the salt bag again. At this time, everyone suddenly remembered that this is a deserted island. The salt and the water in the kettle on their bodies may have been saved by themselves. Something that really can't be used easily.

Xu Liang quickly put away the salt packet when he heard what Instructor Zhang said, took a saber and cut a piece of raw snake meat into his mouth, chewed it twice with grinning teeth and was about to spit it out. Zhang Wa walked over with a smile, and suddenly stretched out his hand to rest on his chin that was about to open. Xu Liang was caught off guard and tilted his head back, and swallowed the snake meat in his mouth with a "guru".

Everyone around laughed, and He Shuai looked at Xu Liang and said with a smile: "Liangzi, how do you feel? It's more delicious." Xu Liang turned his head and saw Zhang Wa standing beside him and smiling at him. He quickly said: "Hey, it's not bad to swallow it directly, at least I don't know if it's delicious or not, as long as you can fill your stomach."

Zhang Wa patted him on the shoulder with a smile and said, "That's right, it's lucky to be able to find something to eat in the wild, how can you care about whether it's delicious or not? It's all delicious food. Remember, survival in harsh conditions comes first!"

At this time, it was almost noon, the sun had risen above the head, the sky on the island was as blue as wash, and there was not a single cloud in sight. Exhausted.

Seeing the team members finish eating the roasted snake meat, Zhang Dahu, the leader of the training camp, immediately ordered everyone to put out the fire and bury the surrounding ashes with a shovel, then turned his head to look at the chief instructor Wan Lin.

Wan Lin turned his head to look at the forest, hesitated for a moment, and said to Zhang Wa and the others: "That forest seems to be the place where the snakes gather on this desert island. There are indeed too many poisonous snakes in it. Danger."

Feng Dao also nodded and said: "Yes, now everyone has mastered the method of dealing with poisonous snakes, Xu Liang and several others have also overcome the fear of such mollusks, the training purpose has been achieved, there is really no need to go there to take risks" , Zhang Wa on the side also nodded.

Wan Lin then glanced at the other instructors around, and seeing that they were all nodding, he said in a low voice, "Okay, then change direction, and move deeper into the island from the foot of the mountain." After speaking, he turned his head and ordered, "Captain Zhang , ordered the team to advance deep into the island along the foot of the mountain, the situation on the island is unknown, and marched in a battle formation! Remember, maintain a fighting state at all times, and never shoot unless absolutely necessary."

"Yes," Zhang Dahu replied immediately, then turned his head and ordered, "Yan Ying, your second team arrives for reconnaissance, let's go! Yes!" Yan Ying immediately ran forward with his team.

Wan Lin and the others nodded, knowing that Zhang Dahu ordered the second team to come forward for reconnaissance, because the captain Yan Ying came out of the island and is familiar with the environment of the island, so that the risk can be minimized in the event of an accident.

A group of heavily armed players dispersed immediately, forming combat groups one by one in the rugged mountains, followed by the second team in front and ran along the foot of the mountain to the depths of the island.

At this time, it was noon, and strong ultraviolet rays shone on the desert island, and the rocks on the desert island seemed to be steaming with heat. All the training team members carried guns and moved forward quickly through the rugged mountains. Their faces were covered with pea-sized cold beads, and their sleeves and trouser legs had been torn out by thorns and exposed sharp rocks. A crack.

The foot of the mountain is densely covered with thorns and chaotic. The more we went to the center of the deserted island, the more desolate and hot we felt. There were dry vines and withered grass all around. There were no green leaves on the stubbornly growing low trees at the foot of the mountain. It was an eyeful of black rocks and a dry scene, and a stream of heat rose from under everyone's feet, and everything around seemed to be on fire at any time.

The players' feet were covered with thorns and black rocks, and a dazzling glare was reflected on the undulating sea in the distance. At this point, the team members have taken out dark green goggles and put them on their faces to prevent the dazzling dazzling from hurting their eyes.

Wan Lin and the instructors were scattered around, observing the movements of the team members as they walked. At this time, several team members had already taken out the kettle with sweat on their faces, and were twisting the lid to replenish water, but they looked at the sweaty teammates and the steaming rocks around them, and they all quickly twisted it again. Pot lid.

At this time, they had realized that on this deserted island full of dry eyes, they really didn't know if they could add fresh water, so they quickly put down the kettle in their hands reluctantly.

Wan Lin grinned at the movements of several team members, knowing that these team members were aware of the danger. He raised his eyes and looked around, and commanded into the microphone: "Captain Zhang, order the team to speed up!"

"Yes." Following Zhang Dahu's answer, the marching team in front immediately accelerated, each and everyone carrying guns and speeding up.

The training team has been marching in the scorching sun and the rugged desert island for several Every member of the team has been exhausted, and the movements of their feet are a little staggering.

This uninhabited desert island has no way for people to go out at all. The black mountains are covered with pieces of gray-black weathered gravel, and the cracks are full of dry thorns and vines. The trousers of the players were hung up, and blood-stained skin was exposed on the torn trouser legs of many players.

The sun went west, the sky gradually darkened, and the cool sea breeze slowly blew from the sea, and the dazzling dazzling on the sea suddenly disappeared. The turbulent sea seemed to restore its original blue in an instant, only the shore splashed. , the undulating waves still shone with pearly white light.

Wan Lin raised his wrist to check the time, and saw that it was past six o'clock in the afternoon. He turned his face to look at the surrounding instructors, and saw that their faces were also sweating. It really took a lot of physical strength to travel in this complex terrain and scorching sunlight.

He stopped and raised the binoculars to look ahead, lowered his head and was about to order "stop moving forward and rest in place", but suddenly found that Yan Ying, who was serving as a scout in front of him, stopped and spread out his guns at the foot of the mountain. Aim ahead.


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