Panther Commando

Chapter 2311: life and death experience


Several huge rocks are rushing down the mountain like a few crazy tanks. Pieces of huge boulders on the hillside rolled and collided. In the violent collision, pieces of cracked stones continued to splash out, whistling and smashing towards the surroundings.

The stones originally scattered on the hillside also rose in response to the tumbling of the boulders, followed by the boulders and rolled down the mountain quickly. As he rushed towards the foot of the mountain, the entire mountainside trembled violently in this torrent.

The cold moonlight hung slantingly in the dark blue sky, the star-studded stars flashed a silver light in the sky, and the desert island was hazy.

The huge rock rolled to the foot of the mountain with the flying gravel belt behind it, and then vibrated violently a few times at the foot of the mountain, and finally stopped quietly at the foot of the bumpy mountain. The mountainside where the boulder passed has already appeared. A few deep trenches, as if they had just been ploughed by giant machines.

One by one, the training team members had stopped on the surrounding hillsides in pieces. Everyone stared at the dusty hillside in shock, and then turned to look at the cave they had just rushed out of. Everyone's faces were nervous and running fast. The middle became as pale as white paper, and gusts of cool air were rising from their backs.

At this time, the cave where they lived had disappeared, and now there was only a cloud of gray-white dust, which was still slowly spewing out from the crevice of the cave closed by the rock. Fortunately, this mountain on the deserted island is mainly composed of pieces of hard rocks, otherwise the rolling boulders will definitely cause the collapse of the entire mountain to form mudslides, and people on the hillside will definitely be washed down by the turbulent mudslides. , was buried deep beneath a huge earthwork.

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them in horror, and they really felt a lot of fear in their hearts. They ran out of the cave where they were alive and dead just now, but they did not expect to encounter such a dangerous rock fall one after another. If they were a little slower just now, they would not be like the bones in those holes, forever trapped in the depths of this desolate mountain;

At this moment, the chests of each team member were ups and downs violently, and the panting sounds resounded in the already silent mountains along with the bellows being pulled rapidly one by one, all of them staring at everything in front of them as if they were dreaming.

If it was said that when everyone was trapped in the cave in the first few days, they were slowly experiencing the coming of the **** of death, but just now everyone has clearly felt the moment of life and death. This kind of thrilling scene is something that every training team member has never experienced before. It is indeed a real life and death experience! Life and death are just a millimeter between, this is no less than a fierce battle with real guns and live ammunition!

Standing on the hillside, Zhang Dahu stared blankly at the cave above. After a long while, he suddenly turned around, his body was straight, and he raised his hand to Wan Lin and the surrounding instructors and waved to his forehead. shouted, "Salute!"

Following Zhang Dahu's shout, all the team members who were standing on the hillside trembled for a while, and then they straightened up suddenly, their legs that were spread out tightly together, raised their right arm and quickly waved their right hand to Between their foreheads, they all gasped and shouted loudly, "Salute!"

Several tired team members who were clutching their stomachs and squatting on the hillside also stood up suddenly, supporting each other and raising their trembling arms.

The shouts drowned out the sound of waves coming from a distance on the hillside shrouded in moonlight, and the team members stood on the hillside like nails, each with a glittering light flashing in their eyes, looking at the few people on the hillside. The instructor didn't move.

They knew in their hearts: In a critical moment, several instructors saved their lives again! If it wasn't for these instructors who were near the entrance of the cave and rushed into the cave in time, picked up a few physically exhausted team members, and accelerated everyone's rush out of the cave, everyone might have been buried in the dark cave by the collapsed boulders. .

At this moment, the hearts of the training team members were beating violently. At the critical moment, the instructors who were close to the entrance of the cave did not jump out of the cave to escape alone, but rushed into the cave without hesitation, and took everyone away from the dangerous area in time at the moment of life and death. This is a life-saving grace!

In the face of such an instructor and such a comrade-in-arms, they have no words to express their mood at the moment, they can only raise their right arm to these excellent special forces, and pay tribute to their most noble military salute.

The bright moonlight hung obliquely over the deserted island, and on the dark blue sky hung a few stars shining with silver light. The quiet night sky seemed to freeze, quietly staring at the group of people standing straight on the steep hillside.

Wan Lin took a deep breath and calmed down the exhaustion caused by the strenuous running and the severe pain caused by the injury to his left leg. His eyes swept across the training team members who were standing upright on the hillside.

He raised his hand and gently pushed away the Yuwen brothers who were supporting him, and then he straightened up and slammed his right hand to his forehead. Several instructors around him also raised their chests and raised their right arms, looking at the surrounding training with majesty. players.

The eyes of the two groups of soldiers of different identities were facing each other. There was no language exchange at this time, but the twinkling eyes in the dark night had already conveyed the words in their hearts to each other. After a while, Wan Lin shouted in a low voice, "Complete the ceremony!"

He lowered his arms and glanced at the cave that had been closed by Then he turned back and shouted to the bottom of the hillside: "Assemble in small groups and report the number!" The hillside followed suit. He heard the low voices of the three squad leaders, Xu Liang, Yan Ying and He Shuai: "Squad Assemble", "Squad 2 Assemble", "Squad 3 Assemble"...

With a panting sound of counting, Zhang Dahu ran to Wan Lin and reported in a low voice: "Report to the Chief Instructor, the 21 members of the training team have come out of the hole safely", and the voice of the wind knife also sounded: " Report, all instructors are safe!"

When Wan Lin heard that everyone was safe, he immediately ordered succinctly: "Disband!" He sat down on a large rock beside him, sucking in the cold air and stretched out his left leg that had been stained with blood.

Zhang Dahu, who ran over, was stunned when he saw the chief instructor's movements, and then he remembered that the chief instructor and Bao instructor were injured! A wave of heat suddenly rose from the bottom of his heart. Just now, the chief instructor endured the pain in his leg and ran into the hole with the other instructors, risking his life to rescue his own training team members.

Just now, the chief instructor rushed over in the hole and took the team members on his shoulders and ran outside. He followed lightly and ran desperately out, but he was still pulled behind by the injured chief instructor who was carrying the team members.


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