Panther Commando

Chapter 2319: fire suppression



Obviously, Zhang Wa had already shot to cover the seafarers and ran behind her, and now she is facing the powerful firepower of her opponent to block and wait for help alone. The situation is very critical!

"Zhang Wa, pay attention to concealment, reinforcements will be here soon!" Wan Lin ordered into the microphone, and then quickly moved the muzzle to look at the hillside behind Zhang Wa.

The reinforcements Bao Ya and Wang Dali were making use of the obstacles on the hillside, rushing forward quickly and ups and downs, and were approaching the group of sailors who were crawling and crawling back on the hillside.

Wan Lin was lying on the back of the rock on the top of the mountain, condescendingly swept the battle situation around Zhang Wa, and then raised the muzzle to look across from Zhang Wa. On the hillside four or five hundred meters away from Zhang Wa, more than a dozen shadowy figures were lying on the rocks and grass, and clusters of firelight from the muzzle shot out at the place where Zhang Wa was invisible.

While firing at the front, a group of militants moved up and down with the help of the uplifted rocks and clusters of bushes in front of them. It is a group of combatants who have undergone military training or experienced actual combat.

Wan Lin frowned, moved the gun and looked at Zhang Wa's location. The rocks around Zhang Wa were splattered with rubble and dust mist that had been hit by bullets, and the whistling bullets were flying over the heads of him and the sailors.

Zhang Wa was lying on the back of several rocks on the hillside, hiding her body behind a rock, and was changing positions to fire back, trying her best to stop the approaching enemy and prevent the seafarers behind him from being hurt. The situation was very passive.

Wan Lin quickly moved his gun and swept the battlefield situation on the hillside, and he already knew the current situation in his chest. Although Zhang Wa is still fighting alone, Wang Dali and Bao Ya have already appeared on the hillside behind him. As long as the two of them arrive in time, Zhang Wa's current passive situation will be changed immediately. He then moved the muzzle to look behind Zhang Wa.

At this moment, Wang Dali's tall figure was rushing towards a few uplifted rocks on the side, and it was obvious that he wanted to establish a machine gun position there. However, Bao Ya lowered his body like a monkey and shuttled behind a few rocks, and was already close to tens of meters away from the sailor. Two or three hundred meters behind the two of them, Yan Ying and several members of the second team were moving quickly.

Wan Lin immediately moved the muzzle down the hill in front of him, thinking to himself, "Just now Zhang Wa reported that there were 20 to 30 opponents. Why are there only a dozen shadows in sight now, where are the rest?"

Just when he was puzzled, Xie Chao's voice suddenly came from his side: "Chief Instructor, look at the foot of the mountain near the coast and the hillside above!" Wan Lin quickly turned his head and saw Xie Chao who had just rushed past him, He was already lying on the back of a rock seven or eight meters away from the top of the mountain in front of him, panting violently and raising his gun to the hillside below.

Wan Lin hurriedly moved his body forward, and moved his muzzle to aim at a dark cliff near the top of the mountain. Only then did he find that there were seven or eight black figures in the distance, clinging to the rock wall, hiding their bodies. Slowly approach the top of the mountain above Zhang Wa.

"Bastard, this is going to outflank Zhang Wa!" Wan Lin cursed angrily, then lowered his gun and looked towards the coast below the hillside. There must be people on the other side who understand military tactics. Now that they have adopted a flanking strategy, they will definitely flank them from the hillside and the foot of the hill.

Sure enough, in the coastal reef group not far from the foot of the mountain, more than a dozen black shadows are slowly moving forward in the black reef. If you don't pay attention, it is really difficult to distinguish these slow-moving figures from the black rocks and splashing waves.

"You brat! You still have some military common sense, but you want to outflank the position of the sailor from three directions." A cold light suddenly flashed in Wan Lin's eyes, and he moved the gun and aimed under the cliff close to him, aiming at the front one with his hands clenched tightly. Grabbing the black shadow that came forward from the rock wall, he gently pulled the bolt, and then quickly pulled the trigger.

"Pfft", his muzzle trembled slightly, and the black figure a thousand meters away suddenly raised his hands from the steep cliff and fell to the hillside below without a word.

Xie Chao saw from the scope that the chief instructor shot an enemy, and quickly pulled the bolt to aim at the shadow below. Wan Lin shot and killed an enemy, and immediately moved his gun to aim at another shadow behind the kid and pulled the trigger.

At this moment, the pirate with his hands on the rock wall suddenly saw a cluster of blood spurting from the top of his companion's head, and then he raised his hands and fell down the high cliff. His pupils immediately shrank, and his heart immediately reacted: A sniper appeared on the top of the mountain in front!

The boy screamed like a pig to remind everyone behind him. At the same time, he pushed the cliff in front of him and jumped up regardless of his life and death. Like a monkey, he rushed towards a protruding rock six or seven meters below. Wan Lin left the cliff the moment he pulled the trigger.

The bullet fired by Wan Lin whistled past his head, and a piece of flying stone chips immediately appeared on the hard cliff behind him.

The boy was in a cold sweat in the air, and his body fell down on the rock below like lightning. Just when he was lucky to have escaped the deadly bullet on the rock, "Pop", on the rock in front of him Suddenly, there was a crisp sound, followed by a piece of gravel whistling and hitting him, so frightened that he hugged his head and rolled down the side hillside. At this point, he already understood that there was actually a sniper on the top of the mountain that was targeting the body he had just saved.

"Good skills! It seems that he has received strict military training." Wan Lin saw that the target not only dodged his own bullets when he could not be, but also rolled quickly in the bullets fired by Xie Chao, I couldn't help but sigh in admiration.

He turned his head to face Xie Chao on the side and ordered: "Look for the sniping point forward, suppress the enemies on the cliff with firepower, and prevent them from posing a threat to Instructor Zhang and civilians!"

Xie Chao's current position is basically the same as his shooting circle, and it is thousands of meters away from the enemy, so he ordered Xie Chao to continue to look for new sniping points, and use firepower to prevent the enemy on the cliff from flanking Zhang Wa.

"Yes!" Xie Chao replied in a low voice, jumping up from behind the rock on the side, and running forward with a sniper rifle. He knew that he didn't have the level of accurate sniping from kilometers away as a chief instructor, so he immediately picked up the gun and ran forward.

At this time, the boys behind the cliff who were quietly crawling forward had already seen the front comrade fall off the cliff with blood on his head, and then saw another comrade jumping down the high cliff regardless of their lives. Cold sweat broke out all over his body.

A group of people is very clear in their hearts: the opponent's reinforcements have appeared on the top of the mountain, the condescending muzzle has been aimed at the cliff where they are located, and their tactics of concealing and outflanking the opponent on the hillside have failed.

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