Panther Commando

Chapter 2321: pirates running rampant

Wan Lin glanced coldly at the bullets whizzing past the top of the mountain, still lying on the side of the mountain with a gun aimed at the reefs on the coast. At this time, he was far beyond the effective range of the enemy's assault rifle, and the bullets swept by the enemy were not accurate at all.

He slowly moved the muzzle to search for the enemies around the reef, but the opponents had been frightened by his accurate sniping, and they all huddled under the undulating waves and reefs, daring not to show their faces.

Wan Lin observed the coast in the distance, and sneered at the corner of his mouth. The enemy on the coast had already discovered that he, a sniper hidden on the top of the mountain, had already hid in the blind spot of his shooting, and it was difficult to find the enemy figure from the current sniper position.

He immediately moved the muzzle and looked up the hillside. At this time, Dali and Bao Ya had reached the designated position. Now they were shooting to cover Zhang Wa and the sailors. His goal of delaying the opponent's outflanking of the sailors had been achieved.

Wan Lin quickly retracted his sniper rifle, turned his head and glanced at the **** injured leg, grabbed the crutches beside him with his left hand, twisted his body a few times back from the high rock, pushed the rock in front of him lightly and jumped to the rock Below, look up to the top of the mountain ahead.

On the top of the mountain on the side, Xie Chaozheng was running forward with a sniper rifle in his left hand, and no gunshots could be heard under the cliff. Obviously, Xie Chao's few shots just now have shocked the enemy below the cliff, and now he is changing his sniper position. It seems that he wants to approach from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the cliff where the enemy is, and attack the enemy close to the cliff from a commanding height.

Sure enough, Xie Chao, who was running forward, suddenly raised his right hand, and a grenade with green smoke roared and flew down the cliff in front. Then he saw Xie Chao pounced behind a rock on the side of the mountain with a gun, sniper rifle. Quickly stretch out and aim at the bottom of the cliff in front of the side.

"Boom", a burst of fire followed from under the cliff, Xie Chao immediately stretched out the muzzle of his gun, and immediately saw a few clusters of faint flames quickly ejected from his muzzle. Immediately, I saw him rolling out from the rock to the side of the mountain with the gun, dodging the bullets fired by the enemy below, holding the gun and running forward, raising his hand and throwing a grenade down the mountain in front of him. .

Watching Xie Chao's movements, Wan Lin grinned and said to himself, "This kid is quite nimble. He used a grenade to blast the enemy out of the dead end of the shooting, and quickly shot and killed the exposed enemy, and then quickly changed the sniper location. It seems that The sniper training during this time has been very effective!"

He then turned his head and looked at the top of the mountain behind him. Xu Liang and a few soldiers around him were bending over and running desperately towards this side. Zhang Dahu had already chased Xu Liang from behind, and the two of them raised their guns at him nervously. side run.

Wan Lin leaned against the side of the rock and looked down at the hillside. Wang Dali on the hillside swept a shuttle of bullets towards the coast to suppress the detouring enemy, and then he and Bao Ya rushed forward up and down again. Approaching the hillside where Zhang Wa and the sailors were, Dali was rushing towards a towering rock in front of him with a machine gun.

Wan Lin saw that Dali and Bao Ya, who supported Zhang Wa, had entered the battle position, and finally let go of the hanging heart. At present, the mountainside where the seafarers are located already has Zhang Wa, three powerful team members, and it is impossible for the enemy to outflank them in a short period of time.

He immediately picked up the gun and ran forward with confidence, fell down in a bush near the mountain, quickly extended the sniper rifle down from the branch of the tree, and then turned around to face the original Zhang Dahu. He and Xu Liang pointed to the side hillside, and asked the two of them to quickly hide and observe the battle below.

Zhang Dahu and the two rushed to Wan Lin's side and quickly lay behind the bushes, raising their guns and looking down the mountain through the scope. Zhang Dahu moved his gun and quickly swept across the hillside below, turned his head to Wan Lin and said in a low voice, "Chief instructor, leave these **** to our training team?"

Wan Lin didn't answer immediately, but leaned behind the sniper rifle and aimed down the mountain. At this time, the enemy who flanked Zhang Wa and the freighter staff from the cliffs, hillsides and coasts had been suppressed behind the rock in the sniping by himself and Xie Chao. Now the enemy just sticks out the muzzle from the side of the hidden rock, facing The mountaintop and the hillside where the sailors were chaotically strafed.

And Zhang Wa has received strong and cliff-packed fire support on the top of the mountain and on the hillside, which has relieved the pressure from several directions. Now she is hiding behind the rock, turning around and asking a man in a sailor's costume lying behind him. What?

Wan Lin quietly looked at Zhang Wa on the hillside and waited for a while, and then asked in a low voice, "Zhang Wa, are you sure about the identities of the freighter employees and the militants on the opposite side?" The identities of the two groups of people who are chasing and being hunted down have not been completely determined. At this time, it seems a bit abrupt that they rush into the war, so he must know the true identities of the two groups of people below as soon as possible.

"Report" Zhang Wa's voice immediately sounded: "The crew behind me is a Chinese freighter that was wrecked in a typhoon. Most of them are employees of my country's ocean freighter company, and a few are hired foreign employees. The militants on the opposite side are a group of surrounding The country's pirates are very fierce. According to the seafarers, these pirates cruising in this international waters all year round, often armed hijacking of passing freighters and fishing vessels."

Wan Lin felt relieved when he heard Zhang Wa's Now that the identities of the following two people have finally been determined, a hanging heart has also fallen. Zhang Wa's report has verified what Li Dongsheng informed him. The wrecked freighter is indeed the Chinese freighter that lost contact in the super typhoon, and these militants are also the pirates who harassed the freighter at sea.

Wan Lin confirmed the identities of the two parties below, and immediately raised his guns to take a look at the group of armed men in the distance, and asked hurriedly, "Why are they here at the same time as the pirates?"

After a while, Zhang Wa quickly reported: "At that time, their freighter carried high-end electronic products from the high seas and returned to China. Seven or eight pirate ships disguised as fishing boats followed them. The weather changed suddenly before the typhoon. These fishing boats suddenly accelerated and approached the freighter, presumably trying to hijack the freighter before the weather changed. These fishing boats quickly approached the freighter, and several speedboats drove out from the side of the fishing boat. A group of people on the speedboat shot and quickly approached the side of the freighter. "

"At this time, the seafarers on the freighter realized that the fishing boats that had been following were some camouflaged pirate boats. The captain immediately ordered a change of course and wanted to ram the approaching pirate boats. But the fishing boats on the other side were all refitted high-horsepower boats and were very fast. , it was impossible to approach the other party's ship at all, and several speedboats rushed towards the freighter at a high speed, and the pirates on the speedboat shouted and shot, trying to board the freighter to hijack the goods."

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