Panther Commando

Chapter 2323: bullets flying


The sound of gunshots that suddenly became fierce reverberated over the deserted island, and a group of startled seabirds suddenly rose from the cliffs in the distance, twittering and flying towards the sea in the distance. Pieces of surging colored clouds flew quickly toward the churning sea.

Machine guns, assault rifles, and explosions sounded like a burst, and the surging waves on the sea suddenly became higher than waves with the sound of gunfire. Splashes of white spray all over the sky. The raging waves seemed to echo the fierce battle that happened suddenly on the deserted island. The originally desolate island became extremely tense amid the fierce gunfire and the sound of the waves.

Wan Lin looked grimly at the hillside and the coast through the scope on his gun, staring at the flames that were spraying out from behind the rocks.

At this point, he already knew in his heart that these pirates had discovered the training team members who had suddenly appeared on the top of the mountain and the hillside in front of them, so they quickly got up and stepped back. Zhang Dahu had discovered the enemy's attempt in time, so he immediately ordered the machine gunners and snipers on the top of the mountain to open fire, blocking the enemy's retreat with firepower.

Wan Lin stared at the opponent's fast-moving figure for a while, and thought to himself: "These pirates have really received strict military training and are very skilled in tactical movements. It seems that these pirates are not a simple mob, they not only have excellent performance AK assault rifles , and the tactical literacy is quite good, it seems that these pirates should not be underestimated!"

He was thinking about it when he suddenly saw two firelights suddenly appearing below the cliff near the top of the mountain, flying straight to the top of the mountain in front. "Hide!" Wan Lin shouted loudly, staring at the two grenades flying toward the top of the mountain, then turned his face to look at the top of the mountain.

Xie Chao and the two machine gunners lying behind the rock on the top of the mountain heard his shout, and were rolling towards the side of the rock with the machine gun in their hands. "Boom", "Boom", the explosion sounded from the top of the rock where Xie Chao was just now, and the two groups of fires that exploded from the top of the rock carried metal fragments and countless rubble, like two funnels from the top of the mountain. It rises, followed by a parabolic fall to the surroundings.

Wan Lin nervously looked at the top of the mountain where the flames erupted. He was about to order the training team to use firepower to suppress the enemy under the cliff, but he opened his mouth and closed it again, just staring nervously at the place where the flames rose. He suddenly remembered that this battle had been handed over to the training team, and this was the best opportunity to train them.

At this time, just after the explosion of the enemy's grenade was extinguished, a few arms were suddenly raised beside the rocks on the top of the mountain in front, and a few grenades emitting blue smoke flew straight down the cliff where the flames had just emerged. The explosions of "Boom", "Boom" and "Boom" sounded from under the cliff, and violent firelight and black gunpowder immediately filled the hillside.

Wan Lin saw that Zhang Dahu had organized a counterattack, and immediately looked worriedly at Xie Chao and the other two machine gunners. At this time, Xie Chao and the two machine gunners were rolling out from under the rock on the side. The three shook their heads and shook off the dust on their helmets and faces. A grenade, then jumped up from the ground and rushed towards the back of the rocks in front, with very standard movements.

"Boom" explosions sounded one after another from under the cliff, and groups of firelights and dust mist rose to the top of the mountain. Wan Lin saw that Xie Chao and the others were okay, so he rolled out behind a rock in front of him with his sniper rifle, and leaned on the side of the rock and stretched out his sniper rifle to look down the cliff.

In the thick smoke of gunpowder, several shadows were being lifted up by the shock wave of the explosion and the fragments of the bomb flying horizontally, screaming and rolling down the hillside from the bottom of the cliff. The other shadows turned around in the thick gunpowder and fled backwards. One of the shadows had already left the companion behind him like a rabbit, and was desperately running towards the distant hillside.

Wan Lin coldly aimed at the black shadow who was throwing away his companion and fled by himself, and was about to pull the trigger, but a red blood mist suddenly rose from the target's head, followed by a staggering one and fell to the front, and then " Gululu" rolled down the hillside.

Wan Lin turned his head and looked towards the top of the mountain. Xie Chao was rolling out from behind a rock with his sniper rifle in his arms. He picked up the gun and rushed behind another rock 40 or 50 meters in front of him. From the crevice in the rock, he raised his gun and aimed at the hillside below.

Wan Lin observed Xie Chao's movements, nodded and praised: "Judging from the distance between Xie Chao and the target, the sniper distance of this gun is 800 meters, and it still accurately hits the head of the fast-moving target. This time, he has acquired such accurate sniper skills in such a short period of time, and he is indeed the material of an excellent sniper, and he is very decisive from firing the gun to pulling the trigger.”

Wan Lin then aimed at the cliff below Zhang Dahu and the others, and pointed his gun at a black shadow running down the hillside. He locked the opponent's head firmly, but then his finger on the trigger was released again. He turned his head and glanced at Xie Chao, who was raising his gun and aiming down. He secretly said, "Forget it, keep it for this kid." Immediately turn the muzzle to aim down the hillside.

The sound of gunfire on the hillside below was deafening. Yan Ying has brought the second team close to the hillside where Zhang Wa and the freighter seafarers are. Several team members are ups and downs on the hillside, using the cover of rocks and bushes to rush forward quickly. With the trigger a string of bullets roared towards the enemy on the distant hillside.

Several pirate shadows were scattered on the hillside several hundred meters ahead. The enemy who tried to flee back just now was also shocked by the machine gun fire and snipers that suddenly appeared on the top of the mountain. Now they are hiding behind the cover and extending their muzzles, shooting at the top of the mountain and the hillside where Zhang Wa is.

Bullets flew across the hillside, and the gravel and dust mist hit by the bullets filled the sky above the hillside. Some damp bushes and grasses had been ignited by the explosion, and black gunpowder smoke was rising upwards.

Wan Lin watched the battle below for a while, and was about to turn his gun to look at the foot of the mountain, but he suddenly felt a tightness in his heart, and quickly let go of the gun and quickly hid behind the rock. Just as he hid his head behind the rock, a few hot winds whistled past the rock, and the rock in front of him also squeaked a few times. The hot wind "cracks and crackles" on his sniper rifle.

"Blind cat meets a dead mouse! These pirates can shoot bullets at Lao Tzu," Wan Lin cursed inwardly, but then he grinned, and he took himself along with him.


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