Panther Commando

Chapter 2329: cover fire


At this time, the pirates who were eager to break out of the siege suddenly saw that their opponents had stepped up their offensive, and immediately changed their strategy.

Wan Lin coldly watched the movements of a group of pirates from behind the sniper rifle, and quickly analyzed in his mind: Judging from the reaction of the enemy now, this group of pirates, in an extremely passive situation, did not make a desperate attempt to break out of the siege. It seemed a little abnormal.

Judging from the tactical actions and response of these pirates, this group of people all have rich combat experience, and they must understand that they can quickly find the weak point of the opponent's firepower, and concentrate their superior forces to forcibly tear a gap in the encirclement and break out of the encirclement. This is them. The only feasible escape plan, but now they have suddenly adopted the strategy of on-site resistance, which shows that these pirates must be resisting on the spot and waiting for help. But where did the reinforcements come from, and how could their reinforcements appear on this deserted island?

Wan Lin thought of this, his heart trembled suddenly, he immediately turned his head to look at the right hillside, and asked hurriedly into the microphone: "Wind knife? Report the situation?" "Report, I am now three kilometers away from you on the top of the mountain. , no abnormalities were found near the surrounding hillsides and the coasts on both sides." The sound of the wind knife came immediately.

Wan Lin immediately relaxed when he heard Feng Dao's report. He was about to order Zhang Wa and the three on the left side of the hill to move to the top of the left side, assisting a small group of Xu Liang and a few others to seal the enemy's retreat. But at this moment, the hurried voice of the wind knife suddenly sounded again in the earphone: "Report, a group of armed men is rushing towards the top of the mountain from the front of the hill, there are about 30 people, dressed as pirates on the left hillside. Again, the origin is unknown."

Wan Lin was startled, but he didn't expect his doubts to be verified immediately. He raised the muzzle of the gun and looked at the mountains on the right. The rolling hills blocked his sight, and he couldn't see the bottom of the mountain at all.

His expression became tense, he pondered for a moment and commanded into the microphone: "Wind and rain, you and Da Zhuang immediately rush to the location of the wind knife to assist him in intercepting the enemy reinforcements, and never let the two enemies meet", "Yes!" A response sounded in his earphones immediately, and Brother Feng Yu and Kong Dazhuang jumped up on the right hillside in front of him.

"Zhang Dahu, remove the radio shield, monitor the enemy's communications, and determine the location of unknown signals around!" Wan Lin then ordered. The source of the militants found by Fengdao was unknown, which made him really feel uneasy. He wondered if there were any enemies in other positions besides the enemy on the right-wing hillside? "Yes" Zhang Dahu's urgent voice followed.

At this time, the training team is doing all it can to annihilate the enemy on the left hillside. If the reinforcement enemy suddenly appears from the training team's side, it will inevitably form a front and back attack on the training team. The training team will definitely suffer heavy casualties among the enemy's superior forces. Wan Lin immediately ordered Feng Dao to intercept the enemy and prevent the reinforcements from appearing on the flank of the training team.

Wan Lin issued an order and immediately looked down the hillside on the left side. The group of pirates below had been surrounded by the training team from three sides. Zhang Wa, Bao Ya, and Wang Dali were organizing more than a dozen freighter employees on the hillside to move to the back. Retreat behind giant rocks.

Wan Lin saw the seaman lying on the hillside and slowly retreating, and anxiously ordered into the microphone: "Zhang Wa, speed up the retreat of the freighter staff, enemy reinforcements have appeared on the right hillside, and the team of Fengdao is intercepting, your team Speed ​​up to bring the seafarers to safety and rush to support immediately!"

"Understood!" Zhang Wa's voice came immediately, and then saw him turn around and swept a string of bullets at the enemy in the distance, then turned his head and shouted a few times to a group of employees who were lying on the hillside and slowly crawling back. Then, while quickly replacing the new magazine, he made a gesture to the surrounding Dali and Bao Ya

Seeing Zhang Wa's gesture, Dali and Bao Ya suddenly leaned out from behind the rock, raised their guns and pulled the trigger at the hidden enemy on the hillside, covering the freighter's crew to speed up and retreat back, and Zhang Wa followed suit. The gun was swept toward the hillside ahead.

The sound of gunshots rang violently in front of Zhang Wa and the others. The surrounding Second Team members saw that the instructors suddenly increased their offensive, and quickly leaned out from behind the hidden rocks and swept out a string of bullets in front of them.

The fire from the position of the enemy on the hillside in front of them immediately weakened. Zhang Wa and Bao Ya immediately leaned out from behind the rock, and two grenades were fired from the muzzle, roaring towards the coast below the mountain, followed by Yang. He raised his arm and threw two grenades towards the front hillside.

The hillside where the enemy was located was covered by a dense rain of bullets, and clusters of explosions followed into the air. A group of pirates who poked their guns from time to time behind the cover were immediately suppressed by the sudden increase in firepower. All of them shrank behind the rocks with their assault rifles, daring not to show their heads. disappeared.

At this time, the enemy's firepower had been suppressed, and the sailor who was lying on the hillside and slowly crawling backward immediately bent over and stood up, quickly rushed towards the giant rock not far away, and in a blink of an eye, he had disappeared behind the black rock.

As Zhang Wa shot forward, he turned his head and glanced back. At this time, he saw that all the employees had reached the safety zone. He immediately stopped shooting and retracted behind the rock. The members of the second team increased their firepower to They got up and rushed out of the invisible rock, swaying from side to side like a cloud of smoke, and ran straight to the top of the mountain.

Dali and Bao Ya also jumped from the ground on the side, bent back and ran a few steps to detour behind the training team members, and rushed towards the top of the side with their guns.

The surrounding Second Team Captain Yan Ying was aiming at the opponent's position, and suddenly saw the three instructors leaving out of the corner of his eyes. He immediately shouted and ordered his Second Team members to provide cover. He took out a grenade and threw it in front of him. Several of the team members also took out the grenades and threw them hard. Several grenades also whistled and flew towards the coast below the side. Following the team members, they crawled forward and quickly filled the positions where the three instructors were just now.

In an instant, the hillside and coast where a group of pirates were located immediately burst into flames. Under the cover of the second team members, Zhang Wa and the three rushed to the top of the mountain in ups and downs.

At this time, Zhang Dahu on the top of the mountain saw the three instructors suddenly running from the hillside to the top of the mountain, and immediately ordered the machine gunner and Xie Chao who were lying not far from him to increase their firepower to suppress the enemy on the distant coast and follow closely. The three groups of players who were on the top of the mountain also raised their arms and threw a few grenades at the enemy on the hillside, and a few grenades flew towards the hillside where the enemy was.


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