Panther Commando

Chapter 2336: turn the tide of the war


Looking at the unfavorable battle situation in front of him, beads of sweat dripped down Wan Lin's face, and his eyes glowed as he pulled the trigger at a pirate who was stooping down and climbing up. He moved the muzzle lightly again, and fired several bullets in succession at the shadowy shadow below.

He pulled the trigger several times in a row with his right hand, held a sniper rifle in his right hand, grabbed his crutches in his left hand and tried a little harder. The side hill suddenly jumped out from behind a rock, and plunged into the back of a rock below the side, followed by rushing out again. , with the help of the towering rocks on the hillside for cover, a few fish leaps have rushed under a rock behind Kong Dazhuang.

He threw himself behind the rock with a stream of dust behind him, let go of his crutches and sniper rifle, leaned back with his left hand and pulled out a small bow from his backpack, followed by a blasting arrow with his right hand and put it on the string, then turned sideways and slammed diagonally upwards. Pull the bowstring, followed by a loose right hand.

At this time, the situation was extremely critical, and the wind knives rushed out from behind the rock regardless of their safety. If there was no strong cover, they could be hit by the enemy's whistling bullet rain at any time. The sniper position Wan Lin was at was far away from the pirates on the hillside in front of him, so he anxiously took the risk of rushing down the hillside at the top of the side, and quickly rushed behind Kong Dazhuang, who was shooting with his machine gun, and used the cover of his machine gun fire. The trump card, trying to use the explosion of fire and smoke to block the enemy's sight, cover the air knife several people into their own battle position.

The full moon-like curved bow made a crisp sound, and helped a short cylinder of short arrows break away from the bowstring like lightning and drilled obliquely upwards. After a while, I heard a loud "boom" from the hillside in front of me. , the entire hillside trembled violently with the sound of the explosion, and a large group of fire followed from the hillside more than 100 meters ahead.

Smoke filled the hillside, and the blown up gravel and soil were flying all over the sky. The countless steel needles hidden in the bomb and the blown up gravel roared towards the surroundings.

The intense sound of gunfire on the hillside immediately disappeared with the sound of the explosion, and the pirates who were shooting on the hillside were shocked by the sudden loud explosion, and one by one they quickly hid their bodies under the rock in the huge explosion shock wave. At this time, no one dared to lean out among the flying steel needles and gravel.

Wan Lin shot the bow and arrow bomb and lay down behind the rock. Then, at the moment when the shock wave of the explosion roared past, he slammed his gun out from behind the rock and looked around.

Feng Dao and Kong Dazhuang had already leaned out in the gunpowder smoke, the muzzle in front of them was spraying fiery snakes, and two strings of bullets roared through the thick gunpowder smoke and flew towards the hillside where the enemy was.

Brother Feng Yu, who was rushing down, had also approached the enemy under the hillside. At this time, they were all hiding behind the rock and raising their guns to shoot down the hill.

Wan Lin saw that the Feng Dao group had entered his position, and immediately moved his gun down and aimed at the hillside where the pirates were in front of him, and shot a black shadow that had just jumped up from behind the rock below. The shadow immediately rolled down the hillside, and he moved the muzzle to aim at another target. Just as he was about to pull the trigger again, a rain of bullets roared from the side and hit the rock in front of him, and the flying debris hit the rock in front of him. The gun barrel "snapped".

"Damn, the reaction is really fast!" Wan Lin scolded in a low voice, quickly withdrew the gun body, and rolled behind another rock on the side, then pulled out a small bow and attached a blasting arrow, then turned over and knelt on one knee He yanked the bow in his hand from behind the rock, and glanced at the pirates who were rushing down the side, then his right hand suddenly released.

"Bang" With the sound of the bowstring, the short arrow flew towards a dark shadow in the distance like lightning. With a scream, a huge explosion sounded "Boom", and the dazzling fire burst into the sky with blood stains. , Pieces of smashed pirate stumps flew over the hillside with countless steel needles in the projectile, and the huge shock wave rolled around the flaming hillside with three or four black shadows, and shrill screams came one after another.

"Looking for death!" Wan Lin cursed angrily as he looked down at the slope, raised his hand and inserted the small bow into the backpack behind him, then grabbed the crutches beside him and slammed the rock in front of him, swooping to the side like an arrow from the string. He rushed to a gully seven meters away, and then endured the severe pain in his legs and quickly climbed down the gully for more than ten meters, then stopped under the rock on the edge of the gully, leaned over and raised his gun to aim at the hillside in front.

At this moment, on the right side of the hillside, except for the hillside where the wind knives were, there was a string of flames, and there was no gunshots below the hillside and on the top of the hill. Wan Lin stared at the top of the mountain, and the figure on the top of the mountain had disappeared in an instant. There were several black figures lying on the hillside below the top of the mountain. Several black figures seemed to be struggling to move on the undulating hillside below.

"Zhang Wa, report the battle!" Wan Lin hurriedly called Zhang Wa. As soon as he finished speaking, he saw several round grenades suddenly fly down from the top of the mountain, followed by Zhang Wa, panting and replying: "Completely wiped out the enemy who rushed to the top of the mountain. Bao Ya and the training team's machine gunner Dahu were attacked by the enemy's saber. It's not a big problem!"

As soon as his words fell, the grenade that flew down the top of the mountain rang out, and a few black shadows crawling under the top of the mountain rolled down in the protruding explosion flames, and then lay on the ground. On the hill below was motionless. Obviously, these are several pirates who were injured by Zhang Wa and the others thrown down the hillside, and now they are blown to pieces by a few grenades that suddenly flew down.

The flames of the explosion have not yet been extinguished. Several black shadows have appeared on the top of the mountain. Two machine guns and four automatic rifles sprayed a string of flames at the same time. Sweeping away Wan Lin saw the flames appearing on the top of the mountain, and his frown immediately loosened, the battle situation has been completely reversed! Now, with the support of the training team, Zhang Wa has wiped out the enemy who rushed to the top of the mountain and re-occupied the commanding heights of the top of the mountain.

He immediately moved the muzzle and aimed at the hillside below. On the hillside in the distance, there are seven or eight black shadows rushing towards the foot of the mountain below, and there are a few black shadows lying on the hillside behind them.

Wan Lin quickly moved the muzzle to aim at the fleeing shadow in the distance. He knew in his heart that these pirates immediately turned around and fled when they saw the general trend, and wanted to escape the battlefield as soon as possible. He lay down behind the gun and quickly locked onto a fleeing enemy, and with a slight movement of his fingers, he pulled the trigger lightly.

With the sound of his sniper rifle, the dark shadow running in the distance suddenly stumbled, and then fell forward. Several shadows around turned their heads and glanced at the blood mist sprayed from the top of their companions' heads, and suddenly accelerated their speed and swayed to the left. Shaking to the right, he rushed down the hillside.

At this moment, the sound of "killing" suddenly came from the top of the mountain behind Wan Lin, and the intense gunfire from the hillside on the left suddenly disappeared.


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