Panther Commando

Chapter 2342: ferocious pirate


At this time, the training team members who were originally standing on the hillside also rushed down the hillside quickly under Zhang Dahu's order. They witnessed the surrounded pirates with excited expressions in their eyes.

Zhang Dahu, Yan Ying, He Shuai, and Xu Liang ran forward with guns, all staring at the pirates standing in the mountains with daggers like hungry wolves.

Everyone already understood that several pirates were forced to throw away the guns in their hands under the coercion of the dark guns, but they pulled out their daggers at this time, obviously to express their attitude to the opposite chief instructor: they will not surrender until they die, and they will Have a final duel in the form of one-man combat!

At this moment, excited looks appeared in the eyes of every training team member around, what is the best fighting training? These few pirates who are doing all kinds of evil at sea are the best combat targets for their training team members, and it is a rare opportunity to test their combat training results! Therefore, the eyes of each team member showed eagerness to try, and each handed the gun to the left hand, and the right hand had already firmly grasped the hilt of the saber on the leg, raised his foot and rushed to several pirates.

"Retreat and wait for the order!" Several instructors around quickly raised their hands to stop them. At this time, Wan Lin had ordered Xie Chao to step forward. Without his order, no one else could step forward at this time.

Xie Chao was overjoyed when he saw that the chief instructor had agreed to his request. He took a deep breath to calm down his excitement, then stuffed his sniper rifle into Wan Lin's hand and strode up to meet the approaching opponent, walking all the way. When he was about three meters away from the other party, he stopped, and cold air sprayed out from his small eyes, staring at the pirate in front of him.

The pirate leader, who was in his thirties and forties, was striding towards Wan Lin, who had a wound on his leg, holding a knife. The sharp dagger in his hand shone coldly in the sun. Now he suddenly saw the sniper who came after him striding towards him, and he stopped quickly in his heart, holding the dagger in his right hand and looking at the person who came.

This kid just found out that the sniper with the wound on the leg in front of him issued an order. He already guessed in his heart that he was the leader of this group of Chinese soldiers, so he immediately conceived a plan to escape in this desperate situation.

He knew that several of his people had been surrounded by the opponent, and now there was no chance to resist, and the injured leader in front of him was a weakness of the opponent. As long as he used the opportunity of fighting to restrain the opponent, he could coerce the people around him to let go. A few of their own way of life.

So he immediately threw away the gun in his hand at that time, and showed the appearance of fighting to the death with the opponent's single soldier. He knew that in this case, even if the leader of the other party was injured, he would not show weakness in front of many of his subordinates. He would definitely accept his challenge, and that would be his chance to escape. But he didn't expect the sniper beside him to meet him, which made him feel really frustrated and annoyed.

He stared at the sniper in front of him with fiery eyes, and only then did he see that the person standing opposite was actually a thin soldier, only ten years old, with a childish look on his face. He frowned and looked at the other party's neckline again, and immediately realized that the other party was just a private.

There was a look of contempt on his face, and he shook his head at Xie Chao in front of him, and suddenly opened his mouth and said in blunt Chinese: "Rookie Danzi, step back! You are not qualified to stand in front of Lao Tzu." In any army Among them, private soldiers are all symbols of recruits. As long as the soldiers have served for more than one year, they will be upgraded. The person in front of them is so young, so it must be a recruit who has just joined the army.

As he said that, his angry eyes looked over Xie Chao's shoulder to Wan Lin behind him. He didn't expect that the other party despised him so much that he would actually send such a young recruit to deal with him. But his eyes suddenly found that the man behind the crutches was also very young, and there was no military rank hanging on his body!

He looked at Zhang Wa, who was already standing beside Wan Lin, and Bao Ya, who had both hands wrapped in bandages. Only then did he realize that there were no military ranks hanging from their shoulders. He looked at the soldiers who looked very young in astonishment, and turned his head back in disbelief.

At this time, he couldn't believe in his heart that these twenty or so young soldiers in tattered uniforms would wipe out dozens of pirates with rich combat experience, and destroy a few of them. Surrounded here!

A questioning look flashed in his eyes, and he turned to look at the crowd who had just rushed down the hillside behind. Only at this time did he realize that Zhang Dahu, who was rushing from behind, had the rank of captain hanging on his body. Only then did he really believe that these people in front of him were indeed Chinese soldiers.

He quickly glanced at the surrounding Chinese soldiers who were glaring at him, and suddenly realized in his heart that although these people's clothes showed signs of being torn, each soldier was wearing a full set of special equipment. This is indeed true. It's a group of Chinese special forces! No wonder they suddenly appeared on this extremely dangerous desert island, they must be a group of special forces conducting field survival training here.

His eyes suddenly dimmed, and he suddenly sighed in his heart: No wonder so many of his people were defeated by these people. It turns out that these people are indeed facing a group of specially trained Chinese special soldiers!

He raised his eyes and slowly glanced at the few companions behind him, and saw that their eyes became as dull as his their faces became extremely pale, and the daggers they held tightly were slightly trembling.

He looked at a few trembling subordinates, a vicious gleam suddenly appeared in his eyes, suddenly raised the dagger in his right hand and slashed across his left arm, and a stream of blood immediately flowed out from the left arm of the knife light.

He looked at the bright red blood on his arm, and a frantic look flashed in the eyes of several of his subordinates. He raised his hand and put the **** dagger to his mouth, and stuck out his black tongue to the blood on the dagger. After licking it, a series of angry shouts came out of his mouth.

Following the boy's voice, several pirates with dark eyes shook their bodies, and their pale faces showed a look of despair. They suddenly raised the daggers in their hands, and imitated the leader in front of them. He slashed **** his other arm, and at the same time brought the blood-stained dagger to his mouth.

A group of pirates didn't even look at the bloodstained arms, but while licking the blood on the knife, they looked at the Chinese soldiers standing around with their guns in cold light, with a look of despair and madness in their eyes. , They slowly licked off the blood on the dagger, raised the sharp dagger in their hands and strode forward.


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