Panther Commando

Chapter 2345: Turtle in a urn


After Wan Lin finished speaking in a cold tone, he tapped the rock in front of him with his left crutch, and his body suddenly floated out from the ground. In the blink of an eye, he was already standing on a rock four or five meters away behind him, as light as a leaf. A strong murderous aura suddenly erupted in his eyes, and he shouted violently: "Xie Chao, kill this bastard! Those who dare to offend me, kill me!"

"Whoever dares to offend me, kill me! I'll kill this bastard!" Xie Chao's dark face suddenly turned white, he roared, and stomped his feet on the rocks under his feet and rushed towards the opponent with a "squeak".

Just now the pirate chief made an insulting speech, and his heart was already full of anger, but he didn't dare to step forward without the chief instructor's order. Now the chief instructor suddenly gave him an order to do something, and his suppressed anger finally erupted. Come out, scolded, and the leopard rushed out like a leopard!

The surrounding training team members heard the roar from the chief instructor, and at the same time, a strong murderous aura was emitted from their bodies. Boss, kill!!!"

The sound of killing was deafening, and the silent mountain trembled with the roar. Several pirates suddenly heard the deafening roar, and they all trembled violently, and their faces suddenly turned pale.

Just now, Ruan Wenfu was stunned when he saw Wan Lin's sudden announcement of the rank of colonel! He never thought that such a young soldier would have the rank of colonel. At the same time, he also suddenly realized that the opponent was wounded with such sharp skills, and he was not an opponent at all.

Just when he was stunned, a thunderous roar suddenly sounded from the opponent's mouth, his heart trembled, and an aura of death suddenly hit him! He suddenly understood that it is no wonder that these Chinese soldiers are so brave in battle. This is no longer the high seas where pirates like them are rampant. Although this is an uninhabited desert island, what you are walking on is the real Chinese territory. , How can these **** Chinese soldiers allow these outsiders to run rampant here? !

His violent eyes suddenly darkened, and his face was as pale as white paper. He knows that these people have no hope, and there is no possibility of surviving!

At this moment, the soldier on the opposite side had already rushed towards him like an arrow from the string, and the palm of his right hand brought a cold wind straight to his heart and hit him hard!

His dull eyes suddenly flashed a light, his teeth were clenched, and a thought suddenly rose in his heart of despair: even if he died, he would be pulled on the back! He quickly let go of his opponent's right palm, and his left fist slammed into Xie Chao's ear. This kid moves extremely fast, dodging and attacking are launched almost at the same time, a few movements are like thunder, in one go.

Wan Lin and Zhang Wa in the back all nodded their heads when they saw this kid's movements, and praised in their hearts: "No wonder this kid is so arrogant, he really has two strokes in his hands, there is no pretence in fighting, his movements are simple and practical, and tricks can be successful. people die.

Zhang Wa stared at the other party's movements with some worry, and whispered to Wan Lin, "The other party's movements are extremely fast, and his shots are extremely ruthless. Should I go out and replace Xie Chao?"

Wan Lin shook his head lightly and said, "No hurry, I just played against this kid and found that he has a lot of fighting experience and can change his moves very quickly. But his strength in his movements is obviously insufficient. Xie Chao has internal strength and wears protective equipment. As long as It doesn't matter if he doesn't get hit by his opponent. Moreover, Xie Chao is very flexible under his feet and has a very good foundation in Qinggong. As long as he can persist for a while, the opponent's movement speed will definitely decrease, and that's the time for him to win. You monitor the opponent's back. Those pirates, prevent them from jumping over the wall. By the way, try to leave these pirates to the training team and let them practice their skills. "

Zhang Wa nodded, and suddenly understood in her heart: Wan Lin shot with an injury just now, just to test the opponent's strength, to prevent these training team members from being injured by these surrounded pirates.

As the two were talking, Xie Chao had already fought fiercely with the opponent. Both of their fists and feet hit the opponent with the sound of the wind. The body collision sound of "papa" sounded continuously, and the fast-moving footsteps of the two of them were all over the place. Brings up a cloud of dust.

Xie Chao's eyes were wide open, staring at the opponent's eyes with cold eyes, his feet moved quickly around the opponent, his arms raised constantly to block the opponent's punches, and from time to time he slapped the opponent hard.

Wan Lin and the others around them were all focused on the movements of the two on the field. They had already seen that Xie Chao did not force the cold energy out of his body to use his own tricks, and there was no cold aura on the field yet.

Xie Chao rushed out in anger and fought head-to-head with his opponent a few times. Then the irritated expression on his face calmed down, and he suddenly stepped on a strange footwork, suddenly forward, backward, left and right. Moving quickly, the rapidly rotating figure is like a black smoke surrounding the opponent, making it difficult for the opponent to guess the direction of his movement

Zhang Wa looked at Xie Chao's action and nodded, and said to Wan Lin in a low voice, "Xie Chao has experienced several fights with outsiders after the mountain, and he has become much calmer in actual combat."

Wan Lin smiled slightly and replied, "Yes, this kid is very savvy. He saw that his opponent's movements were sharp and fierce, and he couldn't leave his vital parts, so he immediately calmed down and started to deal with his While familiar with the opponent's movement characteristics, while looking for an opportunity to use a cold skill to give the opponent a fatal blow!"

He said, and glanced at the pirates on the opposite side holding daggers and staring nervously at the arena. Zhang Dahu, Yan Ying, He Shuai and a few well-trained team members were already scattered around the pirates within six or seven meters.

Brother Yuwen, Feng Dao, Wang Dali and Kong Dazhuang were also scattered around. They all seemed to be watching the fierce battle on the field casually, but they were already monitoring the movements of several other pirates from the corner of their eyes. Moreover, the fingers of the wind knife are also faintly revealing a few cold lights. Obviously, his flying knife has been unsheathed, and he is always on the lookout for these pirates with sharp blades to hurt people.

Wan Lin saw that Feng Dao and a few people were already monitoring the other pirates, and he immediately calmed down: With his own comrades watching, these pirates are already the turtles in the urn, and they can't make any waves at all!

As soon as he relaxed his expression, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his left leg, and the left leg swayed to the side as soon as it softened. He frowned slightly, gasping for air, and hurriedly supported his body with his left crutch. The injury to his left leg must have been aggravated by the strenuous exercise just now, otherwise such severe pain would not have occurred!


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