Panther Commando

Chapter 2354: feeling home


When Wan Lin and a group of training team members took the plane and landed at the airport of the military area, it was almost dusk. Just as the plane landed on the ground and stopped, a pair of grass-green convoys roared over.

As soon as the three military-grade general cars that drove over had stopped, Li Dongsheng took Hong Tao, Cheng Ru, Xiaoya, Lingling and Lin Zisheng out of the cars and strode towards the plane ramp. Several vans and blue-lighting ambulances were also neatly lined up next to the plane. A group of medical staff jumped out of the car with portable stretchers and ran to the cabin door quickly.

The cabin door opened, Wan Lin was the first to appear at the cabin door with Zhang Wa's support, Bao Ya also walked out with his hands covered in bandages, Li Dongsheng and the others looked up at Wan Lin who was covered with bandages on his legs. He Bao Ya was stunned. Xiaoya's eyes widened, and she suddenly rushed out from behind Li Dongsheng. She was about to jump up the gangway. Xiaobai, who was on her shoulder, also roared, and got up and rushed towards Wanlin.

Wan Lin never mentioned that he and Bao Ya were injured in the report. At this time, they were shocked to see the thick bandages wrapped around their legs and hands, and the expressions of several people became extremely nervous.

Li Dongsheng stretched out his hand to stop Xiaoya who was rushing towards the gangway. He stepped forward and hugged Wan Lin down from the gangway. He then shouted sharply to the military doctor who came running: "Stretcher!" Hong Tao who was behind also stepped forward. In one step, he grabbed Bao Ya's arm and hugged him down the ramp, turned around and ran towards the ambulance on the side.

Wan Lin and Bao Ya's eyes were hot, and they quickly shouted: "Li Tou, we're fine, we don't need a stretcher!" Following their shouts, the training team members and Zhang Wa who walked out of the cabin covered their mouths and laughed. stand up.

At this time, Dali bent over and walked out of the hatch with a bandage on his arm. Cheng Ru and Lin Zisheng ran up nervously. Dali quickly pushed them away and said with a smile, "I'm fine here, look at Leopard Tou and Lao Bao." Cheng Ru and the two quickly looked at Dali, turned around and ran down the ramp to Wanlin and Bao Ya.

Li Dongsheng and Hong Tao walked to the stretcher with Wan Lin and Bao Ya in their arms. Regardless of whether they bent over, they pressed them onto the stretcher respectively. Xiaoya, Lingling, Chengru, and Zisheng who ran over would struggle when they stretched out their hands. Wan Lin and Bao Ya, who were about to sit up, held it down, and then hurriedly followed the medics to the ambulance.

At this time, a group of medics also quickly ran into the transport plane. They pressed the injured training team members onto the stretcher one by one, lifted them off the plane, and ran towards the ambulance.

Li Dongsheng watched worriedly as he was being carried by the medics and ran to the ambulance stretcher, then turned around and held the hands of the training team members who stepped down from the gangway, and said loudly: "It's hard work! The cafeteria has already set up the food and drinks!"...

Li Dongsheng and several others put all the training team members into the van, waved to the driver and ordered to return to the brigade directly, and then said to Feng Dao and Zhang Wa behind him, "You two are in my car." Then he strode towards his own. In the jeep, Hong Tao greeted Dali and the others and walked towards the two military general vehicles behind.

On the way, Feng Dao quickly reported Wan Lin and Bao Ya's injuries, Li Dongsheng's frowning brows were loosened, and he scolded in a low voice: "Stinky boy, I have concealed the injury after several calls. !" Then he asked worriedly: "How about the injured training team?" Fengdao quickly replied: "It's okay, the navy medic has checked and there is no danger to life, mainly due to bruises on the battlefield and on the hillside when charging. Injured."

When Li Dongsheng heard that everyone was not seriously injured, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked about the battle situation at that time. Zhang Wa then reported in detail the process of annihilating the pirates.

After listening to the performance of the training team members on the battlefield, Li Dongsheng showed a gratified smile on his face. While driving, he turned his head to look at Fengdao and Zhang Wa and said, "You guys have worked hard, and in such a short period of time, the These boys have been trained for me, be good! I will respect you when I drink later!"

Several grass-green vans and jeeps drove into the headquarters of the special operations brigade and stopped directly in the camp of the members of the training team.

By this time the sky had dimmed. As soon as the van stopped, Zhang Dahu, the captain of the training team, jumped out of the car and shouted, "Assemble!" The team members got out of the carriage and lined up quickly in front of Zhang Dahu.

Zhang Dahu finished the queue with a hoarse voice, turned and ran to the instructors Li Dongsheng and Ji Ji, who had already got off the bus, and shouted loudly, "Report, the training team is assembled, please instruct the leader."

At this time, the officers and soldiers of the surrounding camp saw Zhang Dahu and a group of people suddenly returning in a dusty manner, and all of them came to this side, but then they saw the brigade commander and a group of instructors from the training team jump out of the car behind.

They all hurriedly stopped and looked at Zhang Dahu and the others from a distance, all sniffing hard. At this time, a thick smell of gunpowder and sea water was coming from the group of ragged training team members and instructors in front of them. A group of instructors and group training team members standing upright in the camp were black and thin faces and ragged clothes. Their straight postures and faces had a chilling aura, which made people shudder.

The officers and soldiers around looked at them in astonishment with wide-eyed eyes, with expressions of surprise and envy in their eyes. They have seen from the best officers and soldiers of these special operations brigades that this group of training members of the reconnaissance team with the smell of gunpowder must have experienced another arduous training or a hard battle with real guns and live ammunition~www.wuxiaspot .com~ Otherwise, they wouldn't exude such a strong chilling breath!

Li Dongsheng's eyes flickered over the faces of every team member in front of him. He looked at the black and thin faces and nodded, and then said loudly: "Brothers have worked hard, hurry back to the station to take a bath and change clothes. Gather at the canteen of the Brigade Department! Give me some quickness, good wine and good food are waiting for you, don’t blame me, Lao Li, for not serving me well. Hahaha, hurry up.”

"Hahaha", all the training team members had smiles on their taut faces. They looked at the smiling brigade commander and the familiar military camp, and suddenly a feeling of happiness surged in their hearts, and they went home after life and death. , finally home! Everyone looked at each other around their comrades in arms, then cheered, turned around and grabbed the backpacks of a few weak players and ran to the station...

At this time, Qidong, Wang Hong, Wei Chao and several old Huabao team members accompanied Yu Jing and walked quickly from the direction of the brigade. They were going to meet Wan Lin and the others at the airport, but Li Dongsheng stopped them and only brought Hong Tao and Cheng Ru went to the airport to meet them in person.

When Yu Jing and the others came over, they glanced at the wind knives with thin skin and ragged clothes in surprise, and immediately opened their arms to hug them.


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