Panther Commando

Chapter 2362: offended 2

When the two leopards heard the sound, they loosened their tightly wrapped big tails and shook their heads. They ran side by side to the side of the courtyard like a smoky smog, and in a blink of an eye, they got into the green bamboo forest. Li Dongsheng and the others laughed even louder when they looked at the two leopards, and looked at the girls unconsciously.

Yu Jing, Xiaoya, and Lingling all had shy expressions in their eyes. They glanced at Li Dongsheng, Wan Lin, and Cheng Ru shyly and angrily. laugh it out.

Seeing a few girls embarrassed, Li Dongsheng quickly coughed and asked Wan Lin with a smile, "What are these two gems hidden by Xiaohua? Why can't Xiaobai look down on so many beautiful gems?"

Wan Lin restrained his smile and replied, "Hehehe, the green one is a cat's eye, and the white one I don't know. These two gems were secretly hidden by Xiaohua, and they must be the best two among them. Small things can be recognized."

When Yu Jing heard Li Dongsheng's question, she raised her head from the table with a blushing face and smiled: "The white one is a diamond, these two are famous precious gems and are invaluable, these two leopards are indeed Know the goods."

Wan Lin immediately recounted the situation of finding the pirate gem in the cave. Li Dongsheng and the others were amazed when they heard it. Lingling stared wide-eyed and said in astonishment: "There really is a pirate treasure on the desert island! I used to think that This is only in the novels, one day you guys will take us to that deserted island, you haven't found the pirates and treasures."

Lingling stared at the colorful gems with her big eyes, and suddenly turned her head to look at Cheng Ru and complained, "You stupid door god, you don't say anything about such a good place and go around! You stupid thing is really mad at me" "Ah? I didn't know there would be treasures there! Why are you blaming me?" Cheng Ru heard Lingling complaining suddenly, looked at Lingling in astonishment and cried.

"Hahaha" everyone laughed, Lingling covered her mouth and laughed, then she pointed to the two leopards in the corner of the yard, turned her head and stared at Cheng Ru and shouted: "Look at the little flowers, they all know how to hide a few pieces secretly. Baby for Xiaobai, won't you hide a few pieces for me when you go? Your boy will drop the chain at the critical moment, which is mad at me!"

Cheng Ru heard Lingling's angrily complaining and didn't dare to answer. He stared at him for a while, then suddenly turned around and grabbed Zhang Wa who was beside him and shouted, "Stinky baby, hurry up and explain, you hid a few pieces for your family Yingying. Gem? Take it out and give me a piece!" He raised his hand and touched Zhang Wa's pocket.

Zhang Wa leaned back and forth and laughed, stretched out his hands and pulled out several pockets and laughed, "Hahaha, don't turn it over, look at our group of people's pockets are cleaner than our faces, hide your ass."

Everyone's laughter echoed in the small courtyard, and Xiaohua and Xiaobai in the corner of the courtyard were close to each other, and they also laughed strangely with their big mouths "quack quack".

After everyone laughed, Wan Lin pointed to the gold coins and gems on the table and said to Li Dongsheng, "All the treasures we found from pirates are here." Then he turned to look at the two leopards, and whispered with a smile, "Hehehe. , How many gems did Xiaohua hide when she discovered the treasure? Then I don't know! Anyone of you who has the ability, go find it."

After listening to Wan Lin's words, Lingling turned her head to look at Xiaohua and Xiaobai, and said with a smile, "Forget it, if anyone can take out the gems from these two treasures, I will treat them to you!"

Li Dongsheng looked at the treasure on the table, his face suddenly became solemn, and after a while, he said: "This was found on our deserted island in China, and it must be handed over to the state. Lao Hong, you put it away and register. Make a booklet, I will report it to the military district tomorrow and let the relevant departments deal with it. Of course, if Xiaohua hides it, we can't control it, and the treasure that Xiaohua discovered first should be rewarded. "

Wan Lin then called Xiao Hua again and asked him to take out the golden ball found in the crater on the top of the mountain for everyone to see. Xiao Hua heard Wan Lin's order, looked at everyone vigilantly, then stared at Yu Jing, reluctantly spit out the small golden ball, and suddenly raised her right paw to point at Yu Jing. , as if to say: "Don't come here!"

Everyone laughed, and Yu Jing was so angry that she raised her hand to hit Xiao Hua's head, but seeing the cold light of sharp nails looming in the right paw it held, she quickly retracted her hand.

Wan Lin took the golden ball with a smile, then pressed Xiao Hua's claw down, twisted his face and was about to tell everyone what happened when he found the little golden ball, when Xiao Bai, who came with him, suddenly stretched out his claws and grabbed the golden ball. , it took a careful look, and shoved it into Wan Lin's hand disdainfully, then raised its right paw and pushed a handful of small flowers hard, as if complaining that it couldn't open its eyes, and even hid this broken ball.

Xiao Hua lowered her head and glanced at the golden ball in Wan Lin's hand, then looked at Xiao Bai with a grin, turned around and followed Xiao Bai off the table. Wan Lin smiled and watched Xiao Hua and the others leave, and only then did he tell the story of the discovery of the golden ball.

Li Dongsheng took a look at the shiny ball after listening, and then handed it to Yu Jing and asked, "Is there really gold in the volcano?" Yu Jing took the golden ball and looked at it carefully for a while, then handed it to Li Dongsheng to answer. Dao: "Volcanoes are caused by the eruption of underground lava. When the underground lava erupts, it will bring out some precious minerals. This naturally formed gold nugget is commonly known as dog head The shapes are different, this one is so round. It must have been formed by the back and forth of the rain. There may be gold veins near the crater, which requires the geological department to send people to the island to explore."

Li Dongsheng took the golden ball and nodded and said, "Hehe, we only need to find out, the rest has nothing to do with us. Lao Hong, give this together with the gems and gold coins to the military region, and let them go to the geological department to investigate, we This is the end of the mission!" After saying that, he looked at Wan Lin and said with a smile: "You guys really have the destiny to make a fortune, and you will come back with so many valuable things after a trip."

Bao Ya grinned and said dejectedly: "What's the use of taking it back, we don't deserve so many tempting things." Everyone laughed when they heard Bao Ya's complaint, Zhang Wa said with a smile: " You kid doesn't even have a girlfriend, who do you want these treasures for? You are so anxious that you can't wait to pull out your eyeballs and put gems in them."

"Stinky baby, you just cut out your eyeballs and set them with gems! Why do you say our family is mature?" Lingling, who was opposite, leaned out and shouted, raising her hand to hit Zhang Wa again and again. Cheng Ru, who was on the side, saw that Lingling was standing up for himself, and grabbed Zhang Wa and slapped him to Lingling's palm.

Zhang Wa hurriedly leaned back to avoid Lingling's slap, and then raised her hand and slapped herself: "Look at my stinky mouth, I offended two people again!"

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