Panther Commando

Chapter 2366: An angry Wan Lin

At this moment, she suddenly remembered the scene when she saw Wan Lin for the first time, and the childish little mountain man seemed to have returned to her eyes.

Xiaoya looked at this man who had turned from a younger brother into a lover with a blushing face, and a strong impulse surged in her heart, she really wanted to take a step forward and hug this beloved man tightly with both hands. At this moment, her eyes were the same as Wan Lin, and there was a blazing light.

At this moment, Bao Ya's surprised voice suddenly came from behind the two of them: "Hey, what are you two doing so mysteriously hiding here?" Wan Lin and Xiaoya, who were in passion, trembled violently. All of a sudden, the arms that the two of them were about to raise to hug were suddenly lowered.

Xiaoya hurriedly took a half step back in panic, while Wan Lin muttered angrily: "Disappointing!" Then he turned his head and stared at Bao Ya and said solemnly: "Xiaoya and I are studying to see if we should take your Cut off the wounded paw?"

"What?" Bao Ya was shocked, he suddenly raised his bandaged hands and took a closer look, staring at Xiaoya with bulging goldfish eyes, and exclaimed: "Xiaoya, what's wrong with my hand injury? Why cut it down, my mother!"

When Xiaoya heard Wan Lin's angry voice, she covered her mouth and tried to laugh, but now that Bao Ya believed it to be true, she couldn't help it. She laughed "giggling" and raised her hand on Wan Lin's chest. He slapped him in front of him, then squatted on the ground with his arms around his stomach and laughed loudly, his whole body shaking violently in laughter.

Seeing Xiaoya's reaction, Bao Ya realized that Wan Lin was joking, and he grinned and kicked at Wan Lin. At this time, Wan Lin held a cane in his left hand, and he turned around like a rabbit and jumped out from Bao Ya's feet, followed by "haha", laughing and limping towards the courtyard.

Zhang Wa and the others stood up from the ground just after the practice, when they heard Xiaoya's crisp laughter coming from outside the courtyard, and then saw Wan Lin running in from outside the courtyard with a big laugh, while Bao Ya grinned and held up two Bandaged slaps followed closely behind. Several people quickly opened their arms to stop the two, Wang Dali asked naively, "Old Bao, why did Leopard Head provoke you?"

"This kid is so outrageous, he and Xiaoya conspired to cut off my claws!" Bao Ya raised his hands and shouted with a grin, and everyone around laughed when he heard it.

At this time, Xiaoya also "giggled" and walked in from the door with a smile. She walked to Bao Ya and stopped laughing, pointed at his raised palms and said seriously: "Old Bao, you have to be careful with these two claws, otherwise it's really dangerous!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard Xiaoya's words, and suddenly remembered that after Bao Ya was injured, he once fought with Zhang Wa and Dali in an enemy group that was several times his own. Strong arms were stabbed by enemy daggers. Therefore, when everyone listens to Xiaoya, they are really afraid of Bao Ya's hand problems, so their expressions become nervous.

Bao Ya was also taken aback, he quickly looked at Xiaoya and asked nervously, "Is there really a problem? Won't you really cut it for me?" At this time, his face was really pale. Seeing his nervous look, Xiaoya quickly waved her hand and said, "The captain was joking with you just now, it's not that serious."

As she said that, she looked at Wan Lin who was leaning on crutches and said, "The injuries of the two of you are not a big problem, but during the battle, you performed a lot of activities and your tendons have been damaged. After the battle, the blood vessels should be adjusted in time, and Xiaohua’s saliva and the elixir left by grandpa would heal the wounds in time. Otherwise, the functions of the injured parts of the two of you will definitely be damaged. "

After she finished speaking, she looked at everyone seriously and said, "I know that everyone has profound skills, and their body's tolerance to pain is far higher than ordinary people. But because of this, once everyone is injured, they often don't pay attention to their own health. Injuries can easily lead to more serious injuries, so everyone must pay attention to protecting themselves in future battles. This time Leopard and Lao Bao's injuries are like this. If there is no elixir for Xiaohua and Grandpa, the two of them will be lost. People are very likely to leave sequelae!"

When everyone heard Xiaoya's instructions, they hurriedly looked at Wan Lin's injured leg and Bao Ya's hands, feeling a little scared in their hearts. At that time on the deserted island, both of them fought bravely to kill the enemy regardless of their injuries, but they almost caused irreparable losses.

After Wang Dali and Kong Dazhuang listened to Xiaoya's instructions, they quickly ran into the house and took out two chairs to Wanlin and Bao Ya, and pressed them onto the chairs one by one. Bao Ya sat happily on the chair, raised Erlang's legs to look at the two of them, and said with a big smile: "Hee hee, it's not bad to have this treatment if you are injured, thank you brothers, continue to maintain it in the future!"

Before he could finish his sentence, Dali and Dazhuang had already raised their palms and slapped him on the shoulder. Bao Ya shrank his head in fright, and hurriedly raised his hands and shouted, "I'm hurt, I'm hurt! I can't! Slap", the two of them saw Bao Ya raising his two bandaged hands, and they were so scared that they quickly retracted their palms.

Everyone laughed when they saw Bao Ya using his two injured hands as shields. At this time, Bao Ya looked down at Wan Lin's left leg, UU reading raised his head and looked at Xiaoya and questioned: "We are just a little bit of flesh, is it really as serious as you said? You are not scaring us, are you? ?"

Xiaoya looked at him and said seriously: "Don't underestimate these flesh wounds. The tendons around our bones play a role in driving joint movement and protecting joints. Once the injury is serious, it may cause problems in the bones and joints. Fighting is all about strenuous exercise. If you don’t pay attention to protecting yourself after being injured, it will bring extremely serious consequences. In severe cases, it may directly lead to disability! I am not trying to scare you.”

She looked at Wan Lin's injured leg and continued: "Some people are born without pain, no matter how many injuries they have, but it is precisely because they do not have these feelings that ordinary people have, and once injured, they are very dangerous. Because they do not know the severity of their injuries after being injured, they are often seriously injured without knowing it, and ultimately lead to their lives in danger. In fact, the pain that we transmit after being injured is the body reminding us There has been a problem with the painful part, you must seek medical care in time to protect yourself, so everyone must not take it lightly in future battles!"

She said seeing Wan Lin and Bao Ya's expressions becoming a little nervous, and quickly said, "Don't worry, you two, I have carefully checked your injuries in the hospital. After you were injured, let Xiaohua lick your wounds in time. , sprinkled on the trauma elixir left by grandfather, and dredged the blood by using his own power, so there is no problem in recovery."

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