Panther Commando

Chapter 2381: a few small shrimps

readx(); Wei Chao quickly jumped out of the car, bent over and ran under a tree with an automatic rifle, followed by raising his gun to look around] The sergeant who drove the car and the four soldiers behind also quickly jumped out of the car with their guns. Bent over and ran around, a few people knelt down on one knee, or stood behind a tree and raised their guns to aim at the surroundings.

Wei Chao leaned on the tree and carefully observed the movement of the top of the mountain and the surrounding hillsides. After confirming that there was no suspicious situation around, he put down his gun and turned his head to look at the alert movements of the surrounding soldiers, and said in a low voice with a serious expression: " This is the battlefield, as long as your actions are a little negligent, you may be hit in the head by the opponent's bullet!"

When several people around heard the battalion commander's words, they all turned to look at Wei Chao. Wei Chao stared at the sergeant's questioning eyes and said coldly: "Zhang Lei, don't you believe it? Then I'll tell you, when I was on a mission in the special forces, I saw a soldier feel urine in the middle of the night with his own eyes. He was in a hurry, but he was afraid that urine would contaminate his hidden place, so he suddenly left the hidden place and wanted to run behind a rock next to him to solve the problem, but he just ran to the rock and stopped, and there was a hillside hundreds of meters away. There was a faint flame of fire, and the soldier was shot in the head by the opponent's hidden sniper!"

He said, a sad look suddenly appeared in his icy eyes, after a pause, his tone suddenly became low and said: "I was squatting behind another rock more than one meter away beside him, the soldier The blood and **** that spewed out of my head all flew to my face."

His voice was very low, as if he was talking to himself, but also as if he was telling the surrounding soldiers. The few soldiers with guns around heard the battalion commander's quiet voice, and the arms holding the guns shook unconsciously, and a chilly feeling immediately rose on the back of the spine, as if the battalion commander experienced the scene in their own hands. in front of you.

Wei Chao immediately leaned his shoulders against the tree trunk, turned around and pointed to the place where the sergeant was going to park just now and said, "Zhang Lei, look at the place where you were going to park just now, except for the mound on the side, there is nothing hidden under it." As he said that, he turned around and pointed to a mountain more than 300 meters high a thousand meters away from the side and said, "If a sniper is hiding there..."

Before Wei Chao could finish his words, his eyes suddenly saw a faint light flashing from the hillside near the top of the mountain, a cold light immediately appeared in his eyes, and he scolded in a low voice, "Bastard, how dare you come to Lao Tzu's side. Doing reconnaissance, courting death!"

The surrounding soldiers were stunned for a moment, and immediately followed the battalion commander's gaze with their guns raised to the side hillside. There was no movement on the hillside, except for a few scattered small trees and weeds swaying in the breeze. . Several people hurriedly turned their faces to Wei Chao again, wondering who he was scolding just now?

Wei Chao whispered to the soldiers, "At 11 o'clock, there is a rock near the top of the mountain!" The soldiers quickly turned their heads and looked towards the top of the mountain at eleven o'clock. There was still no movement there, but there was no movement. They knew in their hearts that the battalion commander, the old special forces soldier, must not be wrong!

There was a light in Zhang Lei's eyes, and he said in a low voice, "battalion commander, shall we go up and kill these boys immediately?" The eyes of the surrounding soldiers also showed excitement, and they all turned their heads to stare at Wei Chao. Deputy eager to try.

Wei Chao's eyes flashed, he raised the gun and carefully observed the surrounding terrain through the scope, and then ordered Zhang Lei: "You bring two people to the foot of the mountain in front of you, and approach from the side of the hillside, I will bring the other two people. Outflank from the back hillside. Remember, you must not be discovered by your opponent during the action, otherwise you will look good!" He raised his hands and made a sudden closed gesture.

"Understood!" Zhang Lei replied excitedly, but then he asked in a low voice, "battalion commander, do you want to send a few more people in a row?" Xie Chao replied coldly, "How many people want so many people to come over? What? Action!"

Zhang Lei blushed, turned his head to a sergeant and a corporal beside him and whispered, "Follow me!" Wei Chao also turned around and waved at the other two warriors, then bent down and ran towards the hills on the side.

It didn't take long, Wei Chao had already taken two soldiers to the top of the mountain from the side slope. The top of the mountain is bare, with low weeds growing in the low-lying areas of huge rocks, and a few crooked-necked small trees standing tenaciously between the huge rock peaks.

Wei Chao bent down and ran behind a rock near the edge of the mountain, made a covert gesture to the two panting soldiers behind, and then extended his gun muzzle from the side of the rock to look at the hillside in front of him.

On a hillside a thousand meters away, three figures in camouflage uniforms were lying on a rock. They were all holding binoculars to look at the mountains below.

Wei Chao raised the muzzle of his gun and glanced quickly at the top of the mountain in front of him. He turned around and saw that two soldiers were already lying behind the rock, one raised the gun to the front of the hill, and the other was facing the front of the mountain. Xie Chao nodded to the two of them with admiration, then pointed to the top of the side, and then made a flanking gesture forward.

The two fighters immediately bent over and stood up from behind the rock, and with their guns in hand, they ran from the top of the side to the front, pulling the bolt lightly as they ran. Xie Chao followed and extended his muzzle from the side of the looking down at the hillside in the distance.

The figures of Zhang Lei and the three of them have already appeared on the hillside in the distance. The three of them are crawling in the grass close to the target. , to prevent accidents from being discovered by opponents.

Wei Chao paid attention to Zhang Lei's movements for a while, and secretly said in his heart: "It's okay, the movements are very standard!" Then he withdrew the gun body, quickly crawled a few meters to the side of the mountain, and took off from the gun station and chased after the two soldiers in front. .

Wei Chao quickly caught up with the two fighters in front. The two fighters turned their heads and saw the battalion commander catching up. They quickly accelerated to charge forward. Xie Chao suddenly rushed past the two and raised his hand to make a "stop forward" sign. With a gesture, he stopped and turned his head to stare at the two soldiers, then pointed to the side of the mountain.

The two soldiers quickly stopped, glanced at the battalion commander ashamed, and then fell on the ground and crawled towards the edge of the mountain. They approached the target from the top of the mountain just now, but when they got up, they didn't pay attention to the target on the top of the target, so they just ran to the top of the target and wanted to continue running.

Wei Chao also crouched on the ground and crawled behind a rock on the side of the mountain, then raised his gun behind the rock and looked at the position of Zhang Lei and the three of them.

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