Panther Commando

Chapter 2384: become smart

?Zhang Wa laughed and drove to the hilly area on the side, and a cloud of dust was raised behind the jeep. While driving, he shouted loudly to the back: "Dali, when did you become so smart?"

Covering his stomach vigorously, he smiled and said, "Hey hey, I'm not being smart, I'm really in a hurry!" "Hahahaha" Wan Lin and the others also burst into laughter.

The jeep drove for about two kilometers in the rugged hills. Wan Lin turned his head to look behind him, and saw that the rolling hills and the thick dust mist blocked his vision behind him. The blue officers and soldiers could no longer see their cars on the road. He turned his head and ordered Zhang Wa, "Stop, it will cause suspicion from the other party if you go too far."

Zhang Wa was stunned for a moment, and then realized that she had just vigorously said to the blue officers and soldiers on the road that it was convenient. If you drive too far in this kind of hills, the dust and fog behind will definitely be discovered by the blue officers and soldiers. Suspect. He slowed down quickly, turned the steering wheel and parked the car behind a high hill.

A few people jumped out of the car in dismay, and Wan Lin made a warning gesture to Brother Feng Yu and Dali. The three Dali immediately carried their guns and ran to the mounds on the side. The Yuwen brothers immediately lay on the top of the mounds with long wormwood, hidden in the grass and raised their guns to look around. On the other hand, Dali ran to a distant mound and waved to Yuwen and the two, and crouched down behind a rock.

Wan Lin smiled and looked at the rolling hills around him. He also twisted and climbed up the mound behind him. He concealed his body and raised his binoculars to look at the mountains not far away. The mountains are undulating along the north-south trend, continuously extending into the distance. Pieces of dust are rising from the mountains in the distance. It is obvious that the Blue Army's troops are moving fast in the mountains.

He put down the binoculars, turned his head and glanced at the bottom of the mound. Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa were already squatting on the ground and staring at the military map. Wan Lin twisted a few times from the mound and then strode under the mound. down.

Zhang Wa turned her face to see Wan Lin walking down, and immediately said to him: "Our current location is about 200 kilometers away from the lakeshore where the Blue Army headquarters is located, and there are mountains along the way."

Wan Lin walked over and squatted beside the two of them. He stared at the map Chengru had laid out on the grass for a while, and after a while, he said, "Now the Blue Army's troops are gathering on the front line on a large scale. Sooner or later, when we drive in the opposite direction, we will cause each other's problems. Note that the second lieutenant had doubts in his heart just now, let's give up the motorized on foot and have a chance to seize the other party's motorized transport."

Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa nodded, Cheng Ru pointed to the map and drew a line and said, "Look, do we move better in this direction? There are high mountains and mountains here for stealth, but when we encounter Lan Fang's troops , we also made it easier for us to pass through their collectives."

Wan Lin nodded and said: "Just follow this route. It is very likely that the other party's heavy mechanized troops are hidden on this road, and we are also reconnaissance along the way. Zhang Wa, you drive the car to a position where it is easy to hide and disguise it. "

After speaking, he looked at Cheng Ru and said, "Mark the location on the map. After the exercise, order someone to drive the car back. This is the property of our Red Army. Don't let the Blue Army take it away." Cheng Ru Wen Sheng took out a red and blue pencil from his body and quickly made a mark on the map.

Wan Lin stood up and suddenly felt the backpack on his back moving. He smiled and raised his hand to open the zipper on the backpack and said, "Come out!" Xiaohua jumped out of the backpack when he heard the sound. He quickly jumped up the hills in front of him, turned his head to take a quick look at the surrounding environment, then ran down the hillside to Wan Lin, raised his tail and shook his head excitedly.

Since Wan Lin crossed the dividing line, he was afraid that Xiaohua would attract the attention of the blue officers and soldiers along the way, so he hid it in his backpack behind him. Now that Xiaohua came out and saw that it was a large undulating mountain area, she immediately became excited. For Xiaohua, the king of the mountain, the mountain is its home, so it looks very excited.

Wan Lin smiled and waved to Xiaohua. He turned his head and saw that Zhang Wa had started the jeep and drove slowly towards the mountains. He knew that Zhang Wa was afraid that the dust and mist behind the car would be found by the Blue Army when the speed was too fast, so he drove extremely slowly.

He then pointed to Xiaohua in the direction of the jeep, and whispered, "Help you, Brother Zhang." Xiaohua heard Wan Lin's words, turned around and chased after the jeep in front. Wan Lin said to Cheng Ru, who was beside him, "Let's go." Then he tapped the microphone beside his mouth, and informed the surrounding vigilant three people to set off, then turned around and strode toward the jeep.

Several people walked quickly to the edge of the mountain. Wan Lin looked around vigilantly, and saw that Zhang Wa had parked the car in a low-lying place in the side of the mountain, and was covering the jeep with a camouflage net that was carried on the vehicle.

Xiaohua is standing on a small tree dozens of meters away from the side, shaking her two front claws with sharp nails, and slashing the thick branches around, the ground is full of large and small branches. twigs.

Cheng Ru and Dali hurriedly ran to the tree where Xiao Hua was, stretched out their hands and pulled up a tree branch and ran towards the jeep. Brother Yuwen walked to the other side, bent over and pulled up a long puff of wormwood on the ground. Picking up the wormwood and striding towards the Wan Lin saw that several teammates were busy, so he quickly carried his sniper rifle and ran to a mound on the side, lying on the top and raising his gun to aim at the surroundings , to prevent the emergence of blue officers and soldiers at this time.

It didn't take long, Cheng Ru and several people had covered the jeep with branches and weeds. Wan Lin turned his head and glanced behind him, and saw that the jeep that had just been revealed had been covered with grass-green weeds and branches, forming a whole with the overgrown foot of the surrounding mountains. driving an expensive military jeep.

Wan Lin then twisted his body to retreat from the top of the mound to the slope, stood up, pointed to Zhang Wa and the others, and pointed to the mountain in front of him, then took the sniper rifle on his back and strode forward. Seeing Wan Lin striding out, Xiao Hua excitedly emerged from a bush on the far side of the mountain, turned around and ran in front of Wan Lin.

Located in the underground director's headquarters of the Southwest Military Region, General Wu Zhen with a serious expression was sitting upright on the sofa, holding a blue and white tea bowl in his hand. He turned his head back to focus on the live battle image with clusters of fire and gunpowder on the screen in front of him.

At this moment, he stared intently at a large blaze of fire rising from a mountain in Hongfang, frowned and asked in a low voice, "What troops are deployed in this mountain for the Red Army?"

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