Panther Commando

Chapter 2395: *

Following the voice of General Wu Zhen, a mountain col was immediately displayed on the screen. In the green and gleaming col, armored vehicles that were originally camouflaged and immobile were rapidly rushing towards the surrounding area, surrounded by several anti-aircraft missiles responsible for air alert. On the car, missiles have been erected high in the air, and the air defense radar is rapidly rotating.

General Wu Zhen looked at the Red Army armored battalion that was rapidly shifting positions, and said in a low voice to Commander Ouyang of the Southwest Military Region: "The Red Army's intelligence system and command system responded very quickly. After they discovered the Blue Army rocket company, they immediately organized firepower to implement it. A precise strike. Looking at the emergency transfer of the armored battalion now, it shows that the Red Army command has realized that the position of the armored battalion has been exposed. Decisive!"

He turned his head and looked up at the screen, hesitating for a while, and then said: "It stands to reason that the Blue Army found that its rocket company was attacked, and should immediately use the firepower of the surrounding troops to attack this col The howitzer battalion is close to this area, and the firepower can completely strike the Red Army Col, and the helicopter brigade is already in place, why is there no response now?"

Commander Ouyang stared at the screen thoughtfully and replied: "Yes, the self-propelled howitzer battalion of the Blue Army Artillery Regiment is moving very fast, and now it has indeed entered the strike range of the 504 Valley, it should start soon, and the helicopter brigade has also entered As far as I know, Xing Tie, the commander of the Red Army, has a very sharp command style. When he found that his rocket company was destroyed, he would definitely order the newly arrived self-propelled howitzer battalion to open fire. Hehe, I didn’t expect that the exercise had just started, red and blue The battle between the two sides has already entered a white-hot!"

He said, looking at the screen on the side showing the positions of the troops on both sides, and suddenly said with concentration: "How did the Red Army discover this Blue Army rocket launcher company? Could it be that the Red Army has already invaded the Blue Army's information command system? No, our troops The division and brigade-level command system it is equipped with has several firewalls installed, how could it be breached by the Red Army?"

The color of Commander Ouyang's face changed when he heard Commander Ouyang muttering to himself in the observation seat behind him. Many of them are the front-line commanders of the field troops of various military regions. Naturally, they are very familiar with the field information command system that their troops are using. If the blue army command system was invaded during this exercise, it means that they are using the current command system. This command system also has a fatal loophole that may be invaded. If this is on the real battlefield, the consequences are simply unimaginable!

At this moment, the image on the screen suddenly appeared distorted, followed by a white snowflake shrouded in the wide screen. Qi Zhijun's expression changed, he turned his head and strode towards the monitoring equipment on the side.

There was a sound of discussion about status immediately from the spectator seats on the field. One person whispered: "Electronic interference? Could it be that the Red Army has electronically suppressed the Blue Army?" Another person also whispered: "There shouldn't be such a big deal. Power, how much electronic equipment is needed if the battlefield is suppressed in an all-round way, how can they have such a powerful electronic countermeasure equipment for a division-level and a brigade-level organization?"

Everyone stared at the real-time electronic screen covered with snowflakes, and their hearts were full of doubts. Minutes and seconds passed, the director's headquarters was silent, everyone was quietly waiting for the director's department to find out the situation, but they knew in their hearts that in this short period of time, the troops of the red and blue sides must be arrows on the strings. Getting ready for a mortal fight!

Twenty minutes later, Qi Zhijun walked quickly to the veteran generals in the front row and reported, "It has been ascertained that the Red Army has launched several electronic drones to target the Blue Army area near the Red Army's armored assault battalion. Strong electronic jamming was implemented, which not only cut off the communication of the blue army, but also suppressed several drones of our director's department that performed surveillance tasks in that airspace. We just contacted the red command. , they reported that the drone had completed the suppression mission and was evacuating the airspace urgently."

Before he finished speaking, the screen of a snowflake in front of everyone suddenly swayed a few times, followed by the mountain col that appeared just now. There was no armored vehicle quietly in the col, and the Red Army armored assault battalion had quickly evacuated from the col in this short period of time!

At this moment, a whistling rain of bullets flew towards the mountain, and large-caliber grenades swept through the air like a storm, followed by an explosion of fire in the mountain.

"It's very dangerous! If the red side hadn't implemented electronic interference, the battalion's strength would have been lost!" A group of generals in the observation deck took a deep breath while looking at the scene in front of them.

Everyone understands in their hearts that the Red Army drones suddenly implemented strong electronic interference on the local battlefield just now. The purpose is to cut off the connection between the Blue Army headquarters and the howitzer battalion that has arrived, and cover the rapid withdrawal of the Red Army armored assault battalion. And these more than 20 minutes The time has already won valuable breakout time for the Red Army's armored assault battalion.

Everyone held their breath as they looked at the Red Army's mountain col in a sea of ​​ Everyone here is an expert in leading troops, and everyone has realized that the battle around the Red Army's armored assault battalion is far from complete. At the end, the main force of the Red Army has been exposed. Although the Red Army suddenly resorted to electronic interference, this mechanized armored force temporarily escaped the fatal blow, but the Blue Army will never give up and will definitely invest more troops. Contain this red army and strive to wipe it out!

Wu Zhen's gray eyebrows kept shaking, his sharp eyes stared at the electronic screen on the side showing the mobilization of troops from both sides. He also knew in his heart that this local battle surrounding the red armored assault battalion had become red and blue. The fuse of the war between the two sides! The entire battle is unfolding around this node, and the 502, 503, and 505 areas around the 504 area may become important battlefields for this exercise.

Wu Zhen stared at the screen for a while, then turned to look at Zhong Hanrui, the commander of the A military region, and Lu Yi, the commander of the Changbai military region. Seeing that their faces seemed calm, but their eyes had become solemn.

He immediately turned his head to look at Ouyang Shan, the commander of the Southwest Military Region, and said in a low voice, "Hehe, it seems that the red and blue sides are going all out to have a decisive battle in this mountainous area, and the good show is about to be staged! Yes! Now, where did the Red Party get such advanced electronic countermeasure equipment?"

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