Panther Commando

Chapter 2399: mountain tank

readx(); Su Qiang, chief of staff of the Blue Army, immediately agreed when he heard the command of the division commander, but then stared at the location of his headquarters on the sand table and hesitated for a while. The tent personally went to the guard company commander to give orders.

The location of their headquarters is surrounded by mountains on both sides, with a large lake of dozens of square kilometers in front, and there are many electronic information and logistics support troops in the mountain pass behind, and these troops are protected by security forces, and the surrounding area can be said to be heavily guarded.

As Su Qiang walked, he looked at the soldiers of the guard company who were standing guard, and then took a few steps forward. He stopped and turned to look at the lookout posts built on the top of the mountain on both sides. A sneer suddenly appeared on his face, and he muttered in a low voice. Said: "Hey, in such a tight guard, I really don't believe that the other party can pass through these many levels and penetrate into this lake!"

He carefully checked the surrounding security status, and then walked to the tents of the side guards with confidence. He knew clearly in his heart: Even if there were special forces of the Red Army infiltrating the vicinity, it could not be a large group of troops, and the officers and soldiers of the division guard company were all elite soldiers selected from the whole division, and none of them were vegetarians. He really I don't believe that a few Red soldiers can pose a threat to their division headquarters!

It was after ten o'clock in the evening on the third day of the exercise, and the night had already enveloped this rolling mountain. The lake in front of the blue army headquarters was like a smooth mirror, reflecting the dim starlight in the sky.

A mountain more than 40 kilometers away from the Blue Army headquarters is rolling. A mountain more than 2,000 meters high rises from the mountains. The steep peak flashes a white light in the dim starlight.

This is the destination of the second group of the Leopard Commando led by Fengdao. They were ordered to sneak into this high mountain top, condescendingly scout the dynamics of the troops near the Blue Army, and at the same time carry out the task of sneak attacking the equipment of the Red Army Information Force issued by Yu Jing .

It was dark in the mountains. An open-top military jeep with no lights turned on was traveling slowly in the rugged mountains. The body was violently bumped with the undulating mountains. The air knife was sitting in the driving position, and the bag was sitting next to it. On the cliff, Lin Zisheng and Kong Dazhuang were sitting behind the car.

The wind knives all wore monocular night vision goggles on their left eyes, and the muzzles of the guns were vigilantly facing the undulating mountains around the body. While driving, Feng Dao carefully observed the rolling hills on the side, and then whispered to Bao Ya next to him: "Old Bao, are you sure that the top of the mountain with the white light in front is our destination?"

"Yes" Bao Ya replied in a low voice, took out a military map from his body and put it on the map to open it. The map immediately showed a dense line of lines. Bao Ya watched for a while, closed the map and whispered, "Yes, that mountain is our destination, and it is 30 kilometers away from our current location. The road from our direction is extremely rugged, and vehicles cannot travel together."

The wind knife slowed down the speed of the car, turned his head to look around, and then slowly parked the car in a low-lying place near the side of the mountain, turned his head to face the back and ordered: "Get off the car, Zisheng is on guard, and the rest of the people hide the car."

Following his voice, several people jumped out of the car like spirit monkeys. Lin Zisheng ran to the side of a hill with a sniper rifle, and the others pulled out their sabres and ran to the surrounding trees and wormwood. .

It didn't take long, the jeeps had been tightly covered with wormwood and branches by the Wind Knife. The Wind Knife stood up from the car and carefully checked the hidden jeep, and then whispered to Bao Ya and several others. : "Battle formation, go!"

When Bao Ya heard the sound, he took the lead with his assault rifle and ran towards the dimly lit mountains in front. Feng Dao and Da Zhuang followed more than ten meters behind. After a few people ran out of dozens of meters, Lin Zisheng on the mountain pack rushed out from the side of the hillside, and ran forward with a sniper rifle. teammates provide cover.

The few people traveled very fast in the dark night, and at three o'clock in the night, they had already climbed up a hill of more than 200 meters in front. Bao Ya, who served as a scout, climbed to the side of the mountain, and suddenly squatted down and made a hidden gesture to the back. Feng Dao was startled and immediately fell on the mountainside.

Bao Ya squatted on the side of the mountain and waited quietly for a while, then slowly stuck out half of his head to look up, then quickly retracted his head, turned around and made a gesture to the people behind.

Feng Dao looked around, made a gesture of standing by for Da Zhuang and Zisheng, and slowly got up and climbed up. He came to Bao Ya, and Bao Ya immediately reported to him in sign language: "Found the Blue Army security personnel, three!"

Fengdao made a clear gesture, then slowly moved his body to the side, slowly squatted under a rock on the top of the mountain, then straightened up from the edge of the rock and looked forward from the side of the rock.

On the top of the mountain, there are trees growing in disorder, and the rocks are ups and downs. Three sentries are distributed around a rock at the highest point of the top of the mountain, looking out to the surrounding mountains. There are also several individual tents standing among the big trees. Apparently this is a permanent outpost for the Blues.

Feng Dao retracted his head and pondered for a while. Bao Ya next to him turned his head to look at Feng Dao and made a gesture. He slashed down with his right hand and asked if Feng Dao went up to deal with these Blue Army sentries?

The wind knife did not answer but raised the muzzle and continued to look towards the mountains ahead. The sound was echoing in the silent mountains.

While observing, Feng Dao secretly said in his heart: The Blue Army's post suddenly appeared here, which means that there must be Blue Army troops around, otherwise they would not have set up a guard post at this high point, but where are the troops?

He observed it carefully for a while, and then put down the gun and issued a covert retreat order to Bao Ya. The two then slowly retreated a dozen meters down the hillside, and came to the surroundings of Lin Zisheng and Kong Dazhuang who were holding their guns at the top of the mountain.

Feng Dao pointed to the hillside in front, Bao Ya immediately bent down and slowly crawled forward, followed by the others who followed Feng Dao and slowly crawled forward. A few people climbed to the front of the mountainside, Bao Ya suddenly stopped and made a gesture backward. The three of Fengdao immediately crawl over, and then looked up to the mountains ahead.

Armored vehicles are densely parked at the foot of the mountain on the right side. At the foot of the mountain near the few people, the tanks stretch out their thick barrels in front of them. There are dozens of them, and there are several parked in the surrounding mountains. There are anti-aircraft missile vehicles, and the figures of security personnel flash from time to time on the surrounding hills, and logistics supply vehicles can be faintly seen in the mountains in the distance.

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