Panther Commando

Chapter 2421: close to the target


At this time, the shore facing the gap between the two mountains was quiet. The spacious lake shore was covered with undulating rocks. Between the shore and the mountains behind was an undulating hilly area with an area of ​​about two or three. square kilometers.

A number of military vehicles are parked on the mountain, and there is an obvious warning line about one kilometer near the mountain. Every 100 meters or so, there is a tactical bunker built with the help of the mountainous terrain. There are machine guns on the bunker. They point to the surrounding dark mountains.

There are three or four dark figures lying in each bunker. In the open space not far away, there are anti-aircraft gun barrels that point to the night sky. There are also many anti-aircraft machine guns in the bunker pointing diagonally to the surrounding hillsides.

There were also several missile launch vehicles parked in the middle of the open field, and the missile launchers behind the front of the vehicles were already erected high, facing the dark night sky. There was no light in the darkness of the whole open area, but the gun barrels looming in the silence and darkness filled the mountain with a tense atmosphere.

At this moment, among the dead branches and leaves on the shore that were blown down by the breeze in the lake water on the shore, a few round helmets suddenly appeared silently, and then I saw slowly protruding from the jagged rocks on the shore. A head with a helmet.

Wan Lin was immersed in the lake water, his hands clasped the rocks on the shore and slowly extended his head from between the two rocks, quietly looking at the surrounding open space, and then quickly retracted his head under the rocks. The moment he stuck his head out, he saw a soldier in a bunker above the hill not far away turning his head to look at him, so he quickly retracted his head. But at this moment, his sharp eyes had a panoramic view of the surrounding terrain and the distribution of the blue army bunkers.

He retracted under the rock, immediately raised his hand and made a "follow me" gesture to a few teammates who were leaning closely under the rock on the shore, and then slowly moved to the side. Just now, he swept away and found that a rock more than two meters high stood on the lake more than ten meters away from the side, and the surrounding lake shore was also densely covered with rocks, large and small rocks scattered on the shore, just enough to hide a few people. figure.

Wan Lin moved slowly along the shore to the underside of the boulder, then slowly extended his head from the floating lake surface, his eyes swept around quickly, followed by grabbing a rock on the shore with one hand, and slowly pulled up his body. , then quietly crawled to the shore, crawled behind the boulders on the shore, lay on the ground and raised a gun to look around.

Zhang Wa, who followed closely behind, also rose from the dim lake surface and dexterously turned over to the lake shore, and the rest of the people also climbed up one after another. Wan Lin leaned behind the gun and raised his gun from under the boulder in front to nervously swept across the guard positions of the Blue Army. Then he turned his head and glanced at Zhang Wa on the side. Zhang Wa raised his right hand and made an "ok" gesture, indicating that A few of them have landed safely.

Wan Lin raised his eyes and glanced at the stars that were gradually disappearing in the sky. Suddenly, a look of anxiety appeared in his eyes. He raised his right hand and made a "action" gesture to the people behind him. Climb behind a rock in front of you.

At this moment, a low voice of questioning suddenly came from the darkness ahead: "Password?" Following the questioning, the answering voice followed: "Blue alert, is it about to dawn?" "Haha" The sentinel laughed dryly. twice.

Wan Lin hurriedly lay on the ground again. At this time, he was secretly happy, and finally heard the other party's warning password. He then listened intently, followed by a low voice of conversation: "Company commander, why did you check the post yourself?"

"The exercise has entered a critical moment. I felt uneasy and couldn't sleep, so I came out to take a look and found anything abnormal?" One person replied, "No, everything is normal!" The sentinel immediately reported.

Wan Lin's body was clinging to the rocks on the shore of the lake, listening to each other's conversation nervously, and he always felt something was wrong in his mind?

At this time, a voice sounded from the front: "Open your eyes for me, and immediately warn me when you find the situation. I will go back first." Only the lake behind Wan Lin and the others still made a "rushing" sound.

Wan Lin lay on his back and pondered the conversation between the two in front of him in a low voice. Suddenly, he realized something was wrong. After the company commander from Cha Gang had finished speaking the password, he continued to ask, "Is it about to dawn?" But the other party didn't answer, just laughed twice. This is really not normal. When a company commander asks a question, the sentinel has to answer even if he is polite. How could he just laugh twice?

He suddenly remembered the situation reported by the second group of Fengdao at night, and the blue army used an additional password at night! He suddenly understood that the questioning behind the other party and the dry cough of the sentinel were the passwords attached to the normal password by the Blue Army Command.

Wan Lin complimented inwardly: "What a cunning Blue Army, if it wasn't for Fengdao and the others to remind him, he would have almost been deceived! The veterans of the Blue Army are indeed extraordinary."

He then stretched out half of his head from the side of the rock and looked forward. A sentry in a bunker in front of him was crouching down. Two shadows were walking from the bunker to a certain individual tent a hundred meters away from the side. The two shadows must be the company commanders and correspondents of the Blue Army Headquarters Guard Company.

He raised his head and looked at the positions of the two mountain passes in front of him. A dark blue night sky was revealed above the huge gap. The originally bright stars had become very At this moment, bursts of intense The sound of gunshots and explosions suddenly came from a distance.

Wan Lin, who was about to climb forward, was startled, and quickly stopped and turned his head to look at the surrounding mountaintops. There were explosions and fierce gunshots in several places in the distance, and the sky behind the mountain was dark from time to time. Red, intense gunshots and explosions broke the tranquility of the night, and the whole mountain seemed to suddenly boil.

Zhang Wa and several others on the side of the rock also stared at the surrounding air. The gunshots and explosions emanating from the mountains already showed that the two sides of the exercise had launched large-scale operations in different areas!

Wan Lin paid attention to the ever-changing dark red in the air, and judged the area where the fierce battle was taking place. The terrain of the entire exercise area had already been deeply imprinted in his mind when he and Li Dongsheng discussed the exercise plan. Now, with the flickering red firelight and the sound of gunfire, he has roughly judged the situation. The fierce battle is unfolding in the 502, 503 and 504, 505 areas, and all the gunfire is basically concentrated in that area.

Wan Lin stared at the flickering firelight in the air, his heart suddenly jumped wildly, he knew that the red side had already launched a large-scale head-to-head battle with the blue army!


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