Panther Commando

Chapter 2431: deafening roar

readx(); Everyone in the exercise command center frowned. None of the six Red Army soldiers in front of them were holding weapons, which obviously showed that they had given up their resistance. If the Blue Army soldiers started again now, they would lose their demeanor. .

At this moment, a figure suddenly flew over from the direction of the headquarters. What did he shout? The blue officers and soldiers who rushed towards the six men of the Red Army immediately stopped and turned their heads to look, and then quickly made way for a passage. The tall blue captain also stopped, turned around and trotted over to the passerby with an assault rifle.

The people in the director's headquarters stopped when they saw the blue army soldiers on the screen, and finally breathed a sigh of relief. If many blue army soldiers rushed over just now, the six red army scouts would definitely suffer a lot. Judging from the current situation, the person who rushed from the direction of the headquarters should be a senior officer in the Blue Army headquarters.

At this moment, the image on the screen of the director's headquarters became clearer and clearer. A colonel strode towards the Red Army scout in front of him. His face with glasses was full of fury. After a few words, he was pushed away from him with a hand, and strode to the front of the six Red Army soldiers standing upright in the searchlight column.

At this moment, the screen suddenly turned into a close-up shot, and the six muddy Red Army soldiers and the face of the Blue Army Colonel opposite were clearly displayed on the screen of the command headquarters.

"The colonel is Su Qiang, the chief of staff of the Blue Army," Qi Zhijun said, staring at the left side of the screen, then took a closer look at the six Red Army scouts on the right screen, waiting for him to see the mud all over his body and the camouflage paint on his face. After the soldiers on the red side, he suddenly shouted in astonishment: "It's Colonel Wan and the others!"

He has dealt with Wan Lin and the others many times, and they are very familiar with each other. Now he recognizes Wan Lin and the others at a glance. But here, he didn't dare to directly give the name of the top-secret special warfare unit of the Jacquard Leopard Commando, but only vaguely called Wan Lin Colonel Wan.

The officers of the military regions who were watching from behind heard the word "Colonel", and their eyes widened in astonishment, and then they all looked at each other again. They never imagined that the Red Army would actually send a colonel to personally lead the team to carry out such a dangerous mission.

Sitting on the sofa, Wu Zhen, Southwest Military Region Commander Ouyang Shan, and Changbai Military Region Commander Lu Yi all trembled slightly when they heard Qi Zhijun's astonished cries. They already understood: Li Dongsheng really took the mysterious force of the Chinese Leopard Commando into account. Sent out.

Wu Zhen murmured in a low voice: "No wonder, it turned out to be them!" Several of their old generals realized that those who attacked the Blue Army headquarters and arsenal must be the boys of the Huabao Commando, others. It is difficult to accomplish such a daunting task in the heavily guarded heartland of the Blues.

At this time, Su Qiang, the chief of staff of the Blue Army on the screen, had stopped and was looking at the six Red Army soldiers who had attacked his command post angrily. Take it all down for Lao Tzu and **** it to the command post!"

Following his roar, the tall captain beside him immediately roared: "One platoon, one shift, come on!" He led a dozen soldiers and rushed forward. The body of the gun has been raised high at the front of the few people, and smashed to the front of the few people.

Everyone in the exercise command post had their eyes wide open. No one thought that the blue army chief of staff would be so restless and actually command these red officers and soldiers to be rough!

Just when everyone mentioned their throats, the six Red Army soldiers who were standing upright on the screen suddenly flashed and slammed into the middle of the group of Blue Army soldiers who rushed towards them. He got up and flew towards the blue army crowd on the side. Even the tall captain was grabbed by someone's arm and pulled forward, and then he supported him by the waist and volleyed him and threw him out.

The Blue Army soldiers around "Crash" scattered in shock, and they all quickly put down their weapons and stretched out their arms to pick up the flying companions, followed by more than a dozen officers and soldiers with assault rifles.

In the blink of an eye, the entire lakeshore was full of people, and the six Red Army soldiers were like loaches at this moment, flashing past the opponents and the raised gun butts in the middle of nowhere. From time to time, it flew up and roared towards the surrounding crowd.

A group of officers in the exercise headquarters were all staring at the screen. No one would have imagined that the six Red Army scouts were not only sturdy, but also so agile, that they could face so many blue officers and soldiers without losing the slightest.

Wu Zhen's brows furrowed, and he turned his head to face Qi Zhijun who was stunned to the side, what was he going to say? But Zhong Hanrui, who was sitting beside him, suddenly raised his hand with a smile, grabbed Wu Zhen's raised arm and said with a smile: "Soldiers, who hasn't gotten angry yet? It's better to let them get angry!"

Wu Zhen and Ouyang Shan, the commander of the Southwest Military Region next to him, were stunned for a moment, and then suddenly laughed ""hehehe". They suddenly understood what Zhong Hanrui meant, and the Blue Army's headquarters was taken over. It's really a shame, and it's understandable that they want to vent their anger. Besides, in this kind of these Blue Army soldiers are probably really hard to take advantage of these Leopard players. With smiles on their faces, they turned to look at the screen again.

At this time, the Blue Army soldiers in the battle group were either knocked down, or they flew from the battle group one after another. The blue army soldiers who were rushing around didn't care to continue to charge forward, and they hurriedly stretched out their arms to pick up the flight. The companions who came, the scene was in chaos.

At this moment, a blue light suddenly flew from the side of the mountain. The blue light spot was like a meteor flying close to the rugged mountain. In a blink of an eye, it had rushed to the hills more than ten meters away from the crowd. , followed by a deafening roar, and the blue light suddenly flew into the air with a group of small black shadows, and instantly fell on the shoulders of the blue army chief of staff Su Qiang standing behind. The huge roar was abrupt and deafening, and even the screen in the director's command post shook violently with the roar.

The bustling lakeshore suddenly quieted down. The blue army soldiers, who were swaying rapidly in the beam of light in front of them, heard the deafening roar, and when they turned their heads, they saw a ferocious little animal with blue eyes standing on the shoulder of his chief of staff. One by one, they stopped in horror, their raised hands and feet seemed to suddenly freeze in the air, and they turned their heads and looked behind them motionless.

At this time, the six Red Army soldiers swayed and quickly withdrew from the Blue Army crowd, back to back facing the surrounding Blue Army soldiers in a fighting stance.

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