Panther Commando

Chapter 2434: crazy chariot

? Feng Dao and Bao Ya were lying under the mound, quietly looking at the swamp in front of them, but there was a look of despair in their eyes.

From the anti-aircraft artillery position to here, they are all rolling hills. The rain of bullets fired by the Blue Army can be blocked by the rolling hills, while the swamp in front is an open field, with dense weeds growing on it. Bullet rain. Now as long as the two appear in the swamp, they will be hit by countless laser rays immediately, and they will definitely die on the spot during the exercise.

The air knife pressed his face to the grass and looked sideways at the hillside outside the barbed wire. On the hillside, Kong Dazhuang's machine gun fire has disappeared from time to time, constantly moving quickly on the dark hillside, and the fire from Lin Zisheng's sniper muzzle is also constantly changing its position.

Feng Dao and Bao Ya understood that although the two comrades tried their best to cover the blue army's intensive firepower, they could no longer provide strong firepower support for them.

Feng Dao turned his face to look at Bao Ya, Bao Ya's face was covered with silt, and the protruding goldfish eyes reflected a bright luster in the surrounding firelight. Bao Ya saw Feng Dao looking at him, with a row of large white teeth on his black face, and grinned and scolded in a low voice: "Grandma, is this the end for our brothers?"

Fengdao grinned when he heard his voice, two rows of neat teeth emerged from the mud on his face, and said with a smile: "Hehehe, fortunately the task has been completed." After saying that, he raised his hand to the side of the mountain. He pointed and pointed: "Didn't you hear the sound? The armored vehicles of the Blue Army are all dispatched! Damn, our brothers have annoyed the brothers of the Blue Army this time, and they won't beat us to pieces if they catch us. eggplant?"

"Dare? Lao Tzu will kill them!" Bao Ya's goldfish's eyes showed a fierce light, and he shouted loudly. Feng Dao immediately laughed when he heard his shout.

At this time, the surrounding mountains resounded with deafening gunshots and explosions. Both of them were talking loudly, but in the deafening gunfire, they were still very weak like mosquitoes.

After a while, the sound of gunfire around him suddenly faded away. The two of Fengdao stuck out half of their heads and looked to the side. The two wheeled armored vehicles were rushing towards their location frantically. The double machine guns on the roof of the armored vehicles were spraying a dense rain of bullets on the side mountainside. Obviously It was suppressing the firepower of Kong Dazhuang and Lin Zisheng, and there was no fire to counterattack on the hillside.

At this time, Lin Zisheng had already climbed back into the forest from the pile of rocks under the forest. The dense rain of bullets fired by the Blue Army made him not dare to show his head on the hillside at all. He could only use the rocks on the hillside. And the cover of the low-lying place, quietly crawled back into the forest.

Kong Dazhuang had also retreated deep into the forest with his machine gun in hand. The two of them hid behind a thick tree trunk, using the gaps in the trees to fire a few shots from time to time. At this time, the faces of the two of them also showed helpless expressions like the two Fengdao below.

The deafening gunshots outside the forest made them feel the laser beams penetrating through the gaps in the woods. In this dense rain of bullets, the two of them really have no ability to fight back. The dense rain of bullets shot from all directions has locked them firmly in this small forest.

The sound of gunfire around was getting sparser and sparser. Only two armored vehicles rushing from the arsenal were still emitting violent machine gunfire. There were bursts of blue army soldiers shouting from the surrounding mountains, and groups of angry groups. The blue army rushed towards the position of the wind knife and several people with a gun.

In the forest, Lin Zisheng and Kong Dazhuang were lying on the back of the tree.

When they saw the menacing appearance of these blue army brothers, they already understood in their hearts: a few of them blew up the arsenal under the eyes of these guarding blue army officers and soldiers, which completely angered the blue army guarding the arsenal. Brother, these people didn't shoot when they rushed, obviously they wanted to capture a few of them alive and clean up.

Fengdao and Bao Ya below were still lying beside the dim mound. At this time, their heads were tightly lying on the icy mountain. look.

Bao Ya turned his head to look at the grass in front of him, stared at Feng Dao with wide eyes and shouted: "Come on, let's go, it's a big deal, smoke!" Feng Dao heard his shout, and his eyes also burst out. With a burst of light, he was about to make a sound and rushed out with Bao Ya.

Just when they were about to rush out regardless of their life and death, several deafening explosions of "Boom" and "Boom" suddenly sounded from the side, and a sound of crawler rolling over rocks accompanied by the sound of violent guns was coming from not far away. From the foot of the mountain. Immediately after, on the hillside opposite the Fengdao, the gunshots of Lin Zisheng and Kong Dazhuang counterattacked again.

Feng Dao and Bao Ya's eyes lit up, and they shouted at the same time, "Crush!" They kicked the mud on the back with their feet, rubbed their bodies against the ground and rushed into the grass in front of them. He plunged headlong into the dark muddy water in front of him.

At this point, the two of them already knew: reinforcements must be coming from their side, and the explosion just now must have blown up the two blue army armored vehicles that rushed from the side.

At the same time, Lin Zisheng and Kong Dazhuang on the hillside quickly rolled from behind the tree to the side hillside by the sound of the explosion below the hill, raised their guns and pulled the trigger at the Blue Army soldiers rushing around. While shooting, the two of them swept the surrounding area with surprise from the corners of their" explosions sounded one after another on the hillside and the foot of the mountain where the blue army gathered, and clusters of blue smoke representing the death were coming from. The dense blue army soldiers rose up. The two armored vehicles that were close to the barbed wire had stopped abruptly, and two thick plumes of smoke were rising from their bodies.

Lin Zisheng and Kong Dazhuang were overjoyed when they saw the scene in front of them.

Under the barbed wire outside the Blue Army's arsenal, a crawler infantry fighting vehicle is rushing towards the foot of the mountain like crazy, and a huge flame is spraying from the muzzle of a 100mm low-pressure rifled gun on the turret. Out, a 30mm cannon on the right side of the turret was blaring "bang bang bang" at the blue army soldiers in the mountains, and a 7.62mm vehicle-mounted machine gun installed side by side on the left also sprayed dazzling fire in the dark night , Plumes of smoke are emerging from the blue soldiers in the mountains.

At this time, Feng Dao and Bao Ya, under the cover of ferocious firepower, had quickly drilled into the muddy water of the swamp in front of them, and then they were drilled out of the muddy water outside the barbed wire.

At this moment, a shout suddenly came from the earphones of the two: "Report instructor, I am Xu Liang, the first unit of the special reconnaissance team was ordered to come for reinforcements! Report your location immediately, report your location? "

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