Panther Commando

Chapter 2439: Great Wall of Steel

After listening to Qi Zhijun's introduction, Wu Zhen turned around to look at the group of officers behind him, and said solemnly: "You all saw it just now? This is the real scout, the real special forces in our Chinese army! We Huaxia has a long history, there are many martial arts sects and countless martial arts practitioners. As long as you dig carefully, you can recruit them under your command, and you can let these young men and women with enthusiasm enter our army. ."

He twisted his body and pointed at the dozen or so Red Army scouts who were still standing in line on the screen, and said loudly: "Just these dozen or so Red Army scouts, they made the whole Blue Army uneasy, and not only blew up an important military supply. The warehouse, and even went deep into the blue army’s hinterland to take down the blue army’s command post! Their role in this exercise is no less than a heavily armed main force!”

Wu Zhen was shocked, turned around and looked at a group of officers standing at attention and continued: "What is combat power? This is combat power! Although modern warfare is a war in all space, these brave scouts are equipped with these high-tech weapons. It must be even more powerful, it must be an invincible blade! No one or any army can stop these scouts with firm beliefs!"

General Wu Zhen's voice was enthusiastic and high-pitched, and it was agitated back and forth in the director's headquarters. All the officers stared straight at the powerful old general with very serious expressions.

Wu Zhen stopped his voice and looked at the group of soldiers in front of him with piercing eyes. He paused for a while before slowly saying: "The ancient Greek thinker Thucydides had a theory that a newly rising great power will inevitably constitute a defensive great power. Threats and challenges, the established powers will respond in fear, and the final result may be confrontation."

When he got here, his voice suddenly became very high-pitched: "I don't know if this theory is correct, but our China has risen, our army is growing, and some big countries are looking at us! Therefore, we must build a team With an army with strong combat effectiveness, no matter how strong we are, we will never bully the weak or seize an inch of other people's land."

"Today, our motherland is strong, and the days when our Chinese nation was bullied are gone! We don't bully outsiders, but we will never allow any outsiders to invade an inch of our territory! And this protects every inch of China's territory. ⑤⑤⑤⑤, the important task of m.←.c≠om depends on us soldiers; rely on us to build a strong army; rely on us to build an indestructible steel Great Wall on every inch of territory!”

"Yes!" Admiral Ouyang Shan, the commander of the Southwest Military Region on the side, said suddenly and boldly: "In this exercise, the troops on both sides applied the concept of all-airspace operations, used our own high-tech equipment, and played our The brave and fearless military spirit of the Chinese soldiers has created a brand-new combat concept! As long as our soldiers stand up, no one will dare to covet our territory, and no one will dare to collide with the steel Great Wall that our soldiers cast!"

Wu Zhen's eyes lit up, and he looked at the officers in the various military districts in front of him and said loudly: "Commander Ouyang is good! In this exercise, the special operations brigade of the red side has taught every soldier here a lesson. They It has made full use of the information-based combat concept and used information reconnaissance, electronic countermeasures and flexible and maneuverable combat methods in a complex combat environment with ever-changing information. In the course of the war, we need every one of our officers and soldiers to have a strong physique, firm belief and flexible adaptability."

He turned sharply and pointed to the screen on the side, his tone suddenly became deep: "This exercise is worth thinking about by each of us, after you go back, you must carefully summarize the gains and losses of this exercise, and truly sum up a A set of training methods based on actual combat, so that every soldier and every commander of ours has the war chord in the mind, always ready to go to the battlefield of gunfire and smoke, always ready to defend every inch of our territory !"

He turned his head to look at Zhong Hanrui and said, "In this exercise, your special forces brigade has shown momentum and a brand-new combat concept. When you go back, you should take their training methods and the high-tech stuff used in this exercise. , report them all to me."

He laughed and said again: "Get up, this time Lao Lu and his Changbai Military Region won't complain about their defeat. I know that your Military Region Special Weapons Research Institute must have developed a lot of new things. You can't hide it and report it to me when you go back, and the mature things should be promoted as soon as possible."

Zhong Hanrui replied with a smile: "That's natural. This time our special operations brigade did use a lot of high-tech equipment developed by the research institute. These new equipment are used in the exercise for the first time, just to verify that these equipment are used in actual combat. The combat effectiveness in the environment, mature things must be equipped to all our troops of course. Ha ha ha, I knew that your veteran's eyes were already staring at my research institute, and the things I have here can be concealed. You old, cunning general?"

"Hahaha" The people around laughed out Wu Zhen laughed and patted Zhong Hanrui on the shoulder, then turned his head to look at everyone and said, "Okay, this exercise is officially over. Everyone should go back and make a serious summary according to what I said just now, and re-revise the training syllabus of your unit as soon as possible and report it! Brothers, let's go!" He lifted his feet and strode towards the door.

After the exercise was over, Lan Fang's Commander Xing Tie personally dispatched two transport helicopters to send Wan Lin and his party back to Li Dongsheng's Red Army headquarters.

The two helicopters turned their propellers and slowly landed on the open space in front of the Red Army headquarters. When Li Dongsheng heard the report, he immediately ran out of the tent with chief of staff Hong Tao, Yu Jing, and Lingling. Ya, who had just returned with the electronic jamming team, saw the landing helicopter and ran over quickly.

Wan Lin jumped out of the helicopter, turned his head to look at the team members who jumped off one after another and shouted, "Assemble!" A group of Hua Leopard players and Xu Liang's team hurriedly ran behind Wan Lin, standing neatly in two rows. Wan Lin immediately waved to the pilots of the two Blue Army transport planes behind him and shouted loudly, "Thank you, brothers!"

The two pilots in the helicopter turned to look at Wan Lin from the porthole, raised their hands and waved between their foreheads, and then drove the helicopter into the air, turning the direction in the air and flying towards the distant hills.

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