Panther Commando

Chapter 2451: shoot to kill


After Gao Li finished speaking, he put down the phone, looked at Li Dongsheng and said: "People from the Security Department and the National Security Bureau have carefully investigated the scene. The three murdered gangsters were all around 30 years old, strong and without any documents. They caused the accident. Nothing was found in the truck and off-road vehicle that was in the vehicle. The national security department has found out based on the engine number on the vehicle. Both of these vehicles were stolen last night. It seems that the other party prepared very hastily. At present, the national security department is stepping up its investigation. The origins of these people will be reported to us in a timely manner.”

Li Dongsheng and Wan Lin were stunned after hearing this. Neither of them thought that the vehicle the other party used was actually stolen last night. It seems that the other party's action was really a temporary decision. Li Dongsheng said thoughtfully: "So it seems that the other party did temporarily get the information that Mr. Yu was going to return today, so the hijacking operation was organized by the temporary theft of vehicles last night."

Wan Lin also frowned and said, "Yes, it seems that the information may have been revealed from the research institute's office. I only found out when President Yu left this morning."

The two ministers Gao Li and Li Dongsheng also nodded thoughtfully, Yu Jing frowned for a while and said, "It is still difficult to determine which channel leaked the information I want to go back to, the Electronic Information Reconnaissance Brigade of the Special Forces Brigade. The team members basically knew that Xiaoya and Lingling, three instructors, and I were leaving, so although they didn't know the exact time of my departure, they could guess."

Li Dongsheng and Wan Lin were stunned for a moment, and then they thought that Yu Jing, Lingling, and Xiaoya were the instructors in the information brigade. They had to say hello to these team members when they were leaving, so these team members did know that Yu Jing was going to leave.

Li Dongsheng nodded and said: "I asked the information brigade to check to see if any of their team members disclosed the news of Yu Jing's departure when they were in contact with the outside world. These team members are very young and have not been in the army for a long time. , I don't have the string of confidentiality in my mind, and now I just take this opportunity to give them confidentiality training." After speaking, he took out the phone and dialed Hong Tao.

At this time, there was a knock on the door. Xiaoya and Lingling walked in with Wen Meng and Wu Xueying in casual clothes. Wu Xueying and Wen Meng came in and saluted Gao Li and Li Dongsheng first, then ran to Yu Jing. Taking her hand and looking up and down, the two asked in unison, "You scared us to death."

Yu Jing raised her arms and hugged the shoulders of the two little sisters affectionately. She smiled at Li Dongsheng and Gao Li and said with a smile, "If you are all right? Our sisters are going to make out."

Li Dongsheng stared at her and said, "What do you mean? Wen Meng and Wu Xueying came all the way. Do you think they were looking for you to make out? Sit down for me."

Everyone laughed. Wu Xueying and Wen Meng turned around and saluted Wan Lin again. They sat beside Yu Jing with a smile and looked up at the two chiefs, Gao Li and Li Dongsheng.

Minister Gao immediately went through the incident with a serious expression, and informed Wen Meng and Wu Xueying in detail, and then deployed the personal protection plan he, Li Dongsheng and Wan Lin had just researched.

He finally looked at Xiaoya, Lingling, Wen Meng, and Wu Xueying, and ordered in a stern tone: "The task of the four of you is to protect President Yu's safety closely, and at a critical juncture, you must protect President Yu's safety at all costs. , you can use any destructive weapon. Remember: anyone who tries to harm President Yu will be shot!"

"Yes!" The four of Xiaoya stood up abruptly before standing at attention and answered, with a layer of frost on their pretty faces. Li Dongsheng looked at Wen Meng and Wu Xueying at this time and said, "You guys came by plane and definitely didn't carry any weapons. Now you go to the special weapons warehouse of the military region to pick them up. Wan Lin, you take them over to go through the formalities. receive weapons in the name of

"Yes!" Wan Lin stood up and replied, turned his head to Wen Meng and said, "Come with me." With that, he raised his foot and was about to walk out the door. Yu Jing hurriedly raised her head and shouted hurriedly: "Slow down, get me a pistol too!"

Wan Lin stopped and turned around hesitantly to look at Gao Li and Li Dongsheng. Gao Li pondered for a while, looked up at Yu Jing and said, "Forget it. The other party listed you as a target, not to hurt you, but to obtain your research results and information about Hanshi from you. If you are holding a weapon, you may be listed as an attack target by your opponent, but it is not safe."

Li Dongsheng also quickly said: "Minister Gao is right, if there is a conflict, it will be dangerous for you to hold a weapon. Besides, now that Xiaoya and the others are with you, why are you worried?"

Yu Jing waved her hand in frustration and said, "Forget it, it seems that I don't have the life to hold a gun. Alas, I'm not a soldier, I have no right to hold a gun. Now I'm a major general, so I still don't have the chance to hold a gun. , I'm so anxious! Mengmeng, Yingying, you all go." Everyone laughed when they heard her complaint. Wen Meng and Wu Xueying also covered their mouths and snickered, stood up, and followed Wan Lin to the door.

Gao Li then looked at Xiaoya and Lingling and said, "During this time, if you are with President Yu, don't wear military uniforms. I will apply for an outfit fee for you, and take time to buy a few outfits with Wu Xueying and Wen Meng on the street. Clothes, so that it is not easy to arouse suspicion from outsiders."

Xiaoya quickly waved her hand to decline, Lingling grabbed her hand and said with a smile, "Okay, Give me more." Yu Jing and the others all laughed, Gao Li also Raising his finger and pointing at Lingling, he smiled and said, "You rich girl!"

Gao Li then smiled and said: "By the way, when you go shopping, you also buy two plain clothes for Cheng Ru and the others. They are all secretly protecting them. Wearing military uniforms is too dazzling. I will apply for more funds for you." Ya and Lingling quickly stood up happily, and raised their hands to salute Gao Li together: "Thank you, Minister!"

At this moment, Yu Jing turned her head to look at Xiaoya and Lingling, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Xiaoya and the others suddenly appeared in the research institute, isn't it a bit abrupt? Why do they have to have an identity. Otherwise, let them Dress up as a graduate student of the Army Academy and come to me for an internship, so that I can get along with colleagues in the institute, do you think this is good?" He looked up at Gao Li and Li Dongsheng.

Gao Li nodded immediately and said, "Okay, that's good. You are the Ordnance Research Institute, and they are graduate students of the military academy. You guide them to conduct research and participate in experiments, which is justifiable. Even if outsiders ask, they can easily answer."

Li Dongsheng nodded, turned his head to look at Xiaoya and Lingling and said, "You guys have appeared in the research institute before, so you won't let others recognize you?"


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