Panther Commando

Chapter 2454: Case analysis


Wan Lin then negotiated with Director Xiao of the National Security Bureau the daily contact method, as well as the radio communication frequency and password during the operation, so as to avoid misunderstandings in future operations.

After the negotiation, Wan Lin introduced his own arrangements for Yu Jing's personal protection. After listening, Director Xiao stood up and said: "Okay, then we will keep in touch at any time, and we will keep you informed of the progress of the detection on our side. I will go back now and rearrange it according to the information you provided." He bid farewell to Wan Lin and the others, and strode out with his computer bag in hand.

After sending Director Xiao away, Wan Lin looked at Director Tian and said, "Director Tian, ​​then we will go back too. You can apply for a certificate for us to enter and leave the institute at will, and we will enter and leave as the staff of the institute. There, I will send you the photo of the person who needs the certificate in a moment."

Director Tian immediately said, "You can send the photos and relevant information to my work mailbox, and I will send someone to deliver the pass to you." Wan Lin quickly picked up the phone and notified Lingling, asking her to immediately send these people to herself. The photo was sent to Director Tian.

Wan Lin put away the phone, looked at Director Tian for a while and said, "You should know the identities of us people, please ask us to clear the bottom file immediately after completing the pass, and the video data of us people must not be left in any place."

Director Tian immediately replied: "Don't worry, I am engaged in security work myself, and I still have this string. Letting you send the information to my personal work mailbox is to prepare me to handle the documents for you in person. Let others interfere." Wan Lin and the others quickly got up to thank him, then bid farewell to Director Tian and walked out of the office.

Wan Lin and the others left Director Tian's office and walked directly to their temporary residence. Wan Lin recalled the whole story as he walked. At this time Fengdao pondered and said: "From the current situation, these people are most likely related to the group of people who attacked Lingxiu Mountain. At that time, those mercenaries sent elite personnel to go deep there to try to win the cold stone. Now things are It wasn't too long ago that something happened on the Institute's side, so I think there must be a connection."

Zhang Wa also said: "Yes, Mr. Yu said that the cold stone does have extremely high scientific research value, although most of the cold stone has sunk into the crater, but the opponent does not know these circumstances, so they are in After losing a soldier, he will never give up easily.”

Wan Lin turned his head to look at the two and said, "I'm also thinking about the connection between these two things. From the current point of view, there is indeed a connection between these two things, and it is most likely the work of a group of people. However, from just now From the photos provided by Director Xiao of National Security, it seems that these people are not mercenaries, which is indeed a bit puzzling."

Zhang Wa said: "Yes, I looked at the photos carefully just now. The people in it are of different ages, and there are men and women. Some of them really don't look like strong mercenaries. Director Xiao said just now that their During the surveillance, people found that these people seem to have received good anti-stalking training. In this way, these people may belong to the intelligence personnel who have also received strict training, not those mercenaries. But the question is, how can these intelligence personnel target What about the research institute of President Shangyu?"

Wan Lin nodded thoughtfully, and said in a low voice, "The situation is a bit complicated. On the road in the morning, I was going to kidnap Mr. Yu. Judging from their skills, they must be special forces such as mercenaries. And these people who appeared near the institute, Or maybe it's spies who specialize in spying."

He paused in thought for a while, and then said: "So it seems that the people who aimed at the President Yu and Research Institute may be two different groups: one belongs to the employment group, and the other most likely belongs to the intelligence agency, which shows that At that time, those mercenaries who coveted Hanshi had already contacted outsiders!"

Fengdao took Wan Lin's voice and said, "Yes, after this analysis, the other party must belong to a different organization, and there are not so many professional intelligence personnel in general employment groups."

At this moment, Wan Lin's cell phone suddenly rang. He took out the phone and pressed the answer button to his ear, and Hong Tao's voice immediately came out on the phone: "Captain Wan, I just asked the information team to check, and found that some team members did mention the instructor when they were chatting with the outside world on their mobile phones. I want to leave, but I didn’t mention the specific time when Mr. Yu left. I have reported the situation to the brigade commander, and I am instructing the information brigade to conduct confidential training. It is strictly forbidden for the team members to use the phone to connect to the external network to chat, and cancel the mobile phone positioning function. "

After listening, Wan Lin hung up the phone silently, knowing that these members of the Information Brigade had a short time to join the army, and the string of confidentiality had not been stretched, so it was just through this matter that they were given confidentiality training. Otherwise, once they are targeted by outlaws, the mobile phone may leak the location of the troops and related information.

He immediately turned his head to inform Fengdao and Zhang Wa about the situation on the information team. Zhang Wa said thoughtfully, "From the current situation analysis, the most likely possibility of this leak is that it leaked from the inside of the institute."

Wan Lin nodded, strode towards the station in front, and said, "Come on, let's go back and put on our casual clothes first. When Director Tian sends someone to deliver the pass, we'll go around the institute."

The three returned to the station to open their backpacks, only to find that they did not bring casual clothes when they came. Just when the few people looked at each other, Director Tian personally brought the pass over. He looked at the frowning expressions of the few people, and asked with a smile, "What makes you so worried?"

At this moment there was a sudden screech of brakes outside the door, followed by Lingling and Xiaoya, who ran in wearing grey and blue western-style suits, respectively, with a few big shopping bags in their hands bag.

Xiaoya and the two came in and said hello to Director Tian first. Lingling glanced at Wan Lin and the others, then turned to Xiaoya and said with a smile, "What did I say? These people must be big-eyed. Worrying here."

Xiaoya laughed, raised her hand and threw the shopping bag to Wan Lin and said, "Don't worry, Lingling and I just went to the street to buy a suit for each of you. Hurry up and change, Lingling and I are waiting for you outside. "

Wan Lin and the others were overjoyed and changed into the new clothes that Xiaoya and the others bought. Director Tian looked at a few people with a smile and said, "Hehehe, if I see you outside, I really think you are college students at the school, hurry up." After that, he walked out with Wan Lin and the others. barracks.

Wan Lin and the others walked to the grass-green off-road vehicle. Wan Lin suddenly stopped and turned to look at the black car that was driven by Director Tian. He turned around and ran to the past and said with a smile: "Director Tian, ​​let's change. Change the car?"


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