Panther Commando

Chapter 2467: Veteran goes out


Wan Lin drove the car back to the military compound. Xiaoya and Lingling returned to the dormitory and changed into their work suits before entering Wan Lin's dormitory.

Xiaoya looked at Wan Lin and said, "If you have nothing to do here, Lingling and I will go back to the institute first. Wen Meng and Yingying are going to monitor that Yang Bin in the afternoon, so there can be no one there with Mr. Yu."

Wan Lin was about to answer when the phone suddenly rang. He took out the phone and put it to his ear to listen, and then said, "Yes, I'll go there right away."

He put down the phone and said to Xiaoya and the two: "Litou called, saying that Director Xiao of the National Security Bureau called and asked me and Director Tian of the Military Region Security Office to have a meeting with them. You can go back to the institute directly, there are We'll talk about it at night." He said hurriedly out of the dormitory, jumped into the car and drove out.

Wan Lin and Director Tian of the Security Department of the Military Region drove to the compound of the National Security Bureau. The two got out of the car and walked directly to Director Xiao's office of the Operations Department.

Director Xiao of the Operations Department of the National Security Bureau saw the two walking in, and quickly stood up from behind the desk to say hello, then greeted him and said, "We have made some progress here, let's go to the small conference room to talk. "He walked out of the office with the two of them, turned and walked into a small conference room on the side.

Wan Lin walked into the conference room and suddenly found a gray-haired old man sitting at the conference table. The old man was staring at a laptop in front of him.

"Professor Chang! Why did you always come in person?" Wan Lin exclaimed in surprise, striding over to the old man. The old man sitting at the desk was Professor Chang who taught several ten thousand younger disciples along with Grandpa Wan Lin.

Professor Chang smiled and stood up from his seat, took Wan Lin's hand and looked up and down, and said kindly, "Aren't you guys asking for some training? I'm a veteran, so I'll go out quickly. By the way, this is your grandfather. Let me bring you something." The old man said, stretched out his left hand and took a small bag from the seat next to him and handed it to Wan Lin.

Wan Lin shook Professor Chang's right hand excitedly, followed by taking the packet and hurriedly asked, "Is my grandfather okay?"

Professor Chang replied with a smile: "Okay, okay, your grandfather heard that I was coming, and quickly made a lot of delicious food for you in the mountains. By the way, there are some trauma medicine secretly made by the old man in the bag, and let me give it to you. You brought them. A few little guys also asked me to bring them to you. They said they missed you."

After Wan Lin heard this, he saw that the little bag in his hand was a little red, and he quickly helped Professor Chang to sit down. At this time, Director Tian and Director Xiao looked at them with some puzzlement. Director Xiao of the National Security Bureau asked, "Chang Lao, how did you know each other?"

Professor Chang replied with a smile: "We've known each other for a long time. Well, let's not mention this, let's all sit down." He waved his hands as he spoke. The affairs of the Wan family are top secret, and he doesn't want to say more about it. aspects of things.

Director Xiao pulled Director Tian of the Military Region Security Office to sit down together, and Director Xiao immediately introduced to Director Tian: "This is Professor Chang of our national security system, and he is a veteran of our bureau. The General Bureau heard that Captain Wan wanted to give his team some skills training in espionage warfare, so he deliberately invited the retired Chang Lao to come out again."

He then introduced Professor Chang: "Chang Lao, this is Director Tian who is in charge of security work in the a military region. I don't need to introduce Captain Wan? You are so familiar with him."

Professor Chang smiled and greeted Director Tian, ​​then looked at several people and said, "This time, the General Administration sent me here with two tasks: one is to temporarily assist you in the detection of relevant research institute cases, and the second is to Train Captain Wan's people."

He raised his eyes and glanced at the computer screen in front of him, and then said: "At present, the General Administration has organized elite forces to carry out investigations, focusing on the investigation of those suspicious persons who have appeared around various military research institutes. From the current investigation As it turned out, several of them were indeed spies from the spy agency of country r."

He looked at Wan Lin and said, "I have already heard about your inference from Deputy Director Wang Molin. You speculate that the other party's action is related to the cold stone in Lingxiu Mountain. From the current intelligence analysis, your inference is very reasonable. The General Administration also found that several famous physicists in country r also suddenly developed a strong interest in some strange physical phenomena in nature. information and do some research together.”

Professor Chang raised his head as he spoke, his two gray eyebrows trembled a few times, and suddenly sneered: "Hey hey hey, night owls come into the house and come here for everything! This shows that the matter of Lingxiu Mountain Hanshi has been revealed, otherwise Those who are engaged in scientific research will not suddenly be interested in this aspect, and they contact our scientific research institutions, presumably to explore the wind."

Director Tian and Director Xiao both looked at Wan Lin and Professor Chang in surprise. They didn't understand what they were talking about. And from the analysis of the current situation, the other party's purpose of action seems to be this mysterious thing.

Seeing the surprised eyes in the two of them, Professor Chang immediately explained: "Captain Wan and the others have discovered a cold rock that they have never seen in nature during their past actions. I don't know about the specific situation. Say more, you know that the other party's actions this time around revolve around this thing."

The two chiefs glanced at each other and nodded and knew in their hearts that this must involve some top-secret things, and they really didn't need to understand it too clearly. Both of them are engaged in security and secret work. They understand that the more they know about some things, the greater the burden on their hearts, which will be detrimental to their work.

Professor Chang immediately looked at Wan Lin and said, "The intelligence analysis obtained from the General Administration shows that the other party's purpose of action is clear, and their target is Yu Jing and the research institute itself, who are in charge of confidential research."

Wan Lin nodded solemnly and said, "Judging from Mr. Yu's attack and the clues that have been discovered so far, the other party's target is indeed directed at Mr. Yu himself and the research institute."

He looked up at Professor Chang and said, "I've always had a question in my heart. A group of mercenaries appeared in Lingxiu Mountain, but now why did a group of personnel specializing in intelligence suddenly appear? According to my opinion of the mercenary group. Understand that they generally rarely work with outsiders."

Professor Chang nodded thoughtfully and said: "This is indeed a bit surprising. From the information obtained by the General Administration, among the suspicious persons around our major military research institutes, some are indeed spies on our watch list. This shows that the mercenary group may have teamed up with the relevant espionage personnel."


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