Panther Commando

Chapter 2476: bloody price

Cheng Ru, Zhang Wa, and Feng Dao clenched their fists suddenly after hearing Wan Lin's narration; Xu Liang and the three also stood up from the bed with a "swoosh", and their bodies were all tense, their eyes twitched. Spit out a roaring flame.

Wan Lin waved his hands to let the three of them sit down, looked at them and said, "That's why we brought you here! The opponents are not only spies engaged in intelligence, but also a group of vicious gangsters. Any negligence may cause irreparable damage. This time, you represent the military region and the special forces brigade to join this operation, so I ask you to be vigilant at all times, and there must be no hesitation in times of crisis. Now is not an exercise, this is your battlefield! "

"Yes!" The three Xu Liang stood up again and answered loudly. Wan Lin immediately stood up and said, "From today onwards, the three of you will follow Professor Chang's body, who is a special commissioner sent by the State Security Administration, and follow his instructions! The three Xu Liang replied without hesitation: "Yes, everything follows the command of Professor Chang!"

Wan Lin glanced at the three of them sharply, and then asked, "Are you all wearing plain clothes?" Xu Liang immediately replied, "I have. Before coming, Battalion Commander Wang briefly told us about the nature of the mission. , so we all brought some plain clothes."

Wan Lin nodded, and was about to continue to warn them of some precautions when the door was suddenly pushed open, and Professor Chang strode in. Wan Lin and the others quickly got up and stood up. Wan Lin said to Professor Chang, "You came just in time. The three team members we transferred from the Special Forces Brigade have already arrived."

After speaking, he raised his finger and pointed at Xu Liang and the three of them to introduce them separately, and then said to the three of them: "This is Professor Chang, I am now appointing Xu Liang as the leader of the guard team, and the three of you will protect Professor Chang from now on. Be safe and accept the command of the professor!"

The three of Xu Liang immediately stepped forward and saluted Professor Chang. Xu Liang shouted loudly, "Report, Xu Liang, Yan Ying, and Xie Chao are instructed to report to you and follow your instructions!"

Professor Chang's bright eyes swept across the faces of Xu Liang and the three of them, and then he stood at attention and raised his hand in return. He then lowered his arm and said, "Very good, you three have worked hard!" Wan Lin looked at Xu Liang and asked the three of them. Said: "Are you carrying a weapon?"

Xu Liang replied immediately: "Report, we are carrying pistols and daggers." Wan Lin nodded and said, "Very good, Instructor Cheng will take you to the military area's arsenal to collect other weapons and equipment in case of emergencies." Yes!" Xu Liang and the others immediately replied loudly.

After Wan Lin finished speaking, he turned his face to look at Professor Chang and asked, "Do you have any special requirements for them?" Professor Chang shook his head gently, and suddenly looked at Xu Liang, Yan Ying and Xie Chao calmly and said. : "I don't have any special requirements for you, as long as the people who follow me are not afraid of death! Are you afraid?"

"Don't be afraid!" The three of Xu Liang heard the old professor's question, and suddenly raised their chests and shouted and replied, "Okay! Just don't be afraid of death, just follow the old man! Put on your plain clothes immediately." His gray eyebrows suddenly stood up, and he commanded in a crisp tone.

The three of Xu Liang immediately opened their backpacks and took out a few plain clothes from the bag. Xu Liang quickly put on a brand-name T-shirt and a pair of jeans; Yan Ying also took out a casual suit and put it on; Xie Chao took out A set of sports clothes and the mountain clothes when they came from the mountains at that time, staring at the two sets of clothes was a little dazed, as if not knowing which clothes to wear?

Professor Chang turned his face to see Xie Chao's movements, and suddenly a kind smile appeared on his face: "Hehehe. Xie Chao, are you not used to this sportswear?"

He heard Wan Lin say that Xie Chao came out of Lingxiu Mountain, which is located in the deep mountains and wild forests, and was not familiar with life in the city, so he immediately guessed that he might not be used to wearing the brand-new sportswear.

Xie Chao blushed and nodded, then looked at Wan Lin with some embarrassment. Wan Lin looked at Professor Chang and said, "Chang Lao, which clothes do you think Xie Chao should wear?"

Professor Chang raised his hand to pick up Xie Chao's mountain costume and glanced at it, then looked at Xie Chao's face and said, "This one is very good, people from the mountains should wear such authentic clothes, so that they won't Arouse the opponent's alert, you follow me, just to be able to dress up as grandchildren."

Zhang Wa on the side looked at Xie Chao's clothes with strong mountain characteristics, and asked worriedly: "Is Xie Chao wearing this clothes too dazzling? It's not good for concealment."

Professor Chang looked at the people around him and said seriously: "You don't understand the psychology of professional agents. Although this mountain costume looks dazzling in the city, if you think about it from the opposite side, the mountain people wearing such costumes , but will not attract the attention of those hostile personnel."

He said, looking at everyone and said earnestly: "Don't you want to receive training for agents? This is a kind of training for agents. Think about it carefully, those who are agents don't want to attract the attention of outsiders. But Xie Chao himself is in the mountains. Man, he looks natural in this outfit. Even if he walks to the spy's side, the other party will only pay attention to whether he is disguised? But looking at his demeanor and actions, he will naturally not suspect that a person like him is a spy. Therefore, he is suitable for hiding his secretly approaching the opponent."

When Wan Lin and the others heard Professor Chang's words, they nodded thoughtfully. Indeed, if they were spies themselves, they would naturally not pay too much attention to a rustic mountain person like Xie Chao. Their eyes would definitely pay attention to those who seem to be inconspicuous, but who are paying attention to themselves from time to time.

Professor Chang smiled at everyone's thoughtful look, and then said with a serious expression: "Actually, the training of secret agents is similar to your training in the army. You can figure out how to deal with it yourself. Just remember, you must put 120% of your energy in the action, and you must not be slack in the slightest. The incident that just happened in the hotel outside your military compound is a **** one. case, it will be the price of blood and life!"

Xu Liang and the others just listened to Wan Lin's introduction to what happened in the hotel outside. At this time, when they heard Professor Chang's advice, their faces immediately became very serious. This is indeed the price of blood and life!

Now it seems that the female national security team member who disguised as a waiter was just because she did not act according to the identity of the waiter she played, so that her opponent could see her real identity at a glance, and she was killed because of this. At the same time, it is precisely because of her recklessness that it also has a huge impact on the detection operation. At present, the only clue has been cut off.

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