Panther Commando

Chapter 2482: unnamed tombstone

When Professor Chang said this, his face suddenly filled with a sad look, he looked at the group of Wan Lin and continued: "You are all experienced special forces, and you have all seen your comrades fall into the enemy's bullets. Come down, but you all know who your opponents are on the battlefield, and you know who fell to those enemies."

"On the battlefield of our espionage, we agents may face some invisible and intangible enemies, and many of our outstanding team members do not know how they left until the end of their lives. I don't even know who killed me!"

Professor Chang said, looked up at Wan Lin and continued: "You know that I am an old agent who has fought for the country all over the world for most of my life! Later, I was too old to continue fighting on the front line. That's why I was ordered to return to China. Now, I have returned to China for more than ten years, and I have long since stayed away from those espionage battlefields. But you can't think of it, even now, I can see them lying on my bed. All the comrades around you can see the gloomy eyes looking up into the air before they sacrificed."

There was deep sadness in the old man's words. He lowered his eyes and was silent for a while, then suddenly raised his head and said, "You know that I returned to the country because I am old, but you don't know why I am Rejecting the leadership position arranged by my superiors has made my heart unable to calm down because of decades of stressful life."

Wen Meng on the side heard the excited words of the old man, silently wiped the tears from his face, walked to the desk next to him, picked up the professor's teacup, and then walked back and handed it to the excited old man. Wu Xueying also wiped away her tears, and reached out and tightly clasped the old senior's left hand.

Professor Chang raised his teacup and took a sip of water, then took a deep breath and continued to speak: "Whenever I close my eyes in the dead of night, there are often patches of bright red blood in front of my eyes, and there are comrades in arms. Before they died, they had the same frightened and helpless eyes as Xu Li!"

"After returning to China, I declined the arrangement of my superiors and took the initiative to ask to teach at the university, just to calm down my mind, and to pass on the spy warfare experience I have accumulated over the past few decades to the next generation, so that they Know what makes a good agent from the experience of those of our ancestors, and minimize unnecessary sacrifices!"

When the old man said this, tears flashed in his eyes. He took a tissue from Wu Xueying and wiped the corners of his eyes, which were already wet, and then took a few deep breaths to calm his excitement.

He then looked at Chengru's group of people affectionately, and said earnestly: "The battlefield of espionage is a silent battlefield. There may be no gunshots here, but everyone in it may fall at the feet of the enemy at any time! When I give the first class to each class of students, the first theme I talk about is prudence, prudence, and prudence! This is the first thing an agent must master in the turbulent environment of espionage warfare. Elements! Because you can only complete your mission if you survive in secret."

Professor Chang's words were very excited. He looked at the serious-looking special forces members in front of him, and a light suddenly appeared in his eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "Maybe you don't know, there is a cemetery in our martyr's cemetery. A tombstone with no name on it, do you know what that is The real names, in those nameless tombstones, lie our heroes who died on the hidden battlefield!"

When Wan Lin and the group heard this, their expressions suddenly became solemn, their feet slammed together, and they all understood in their hearts: those who rest under the nameless tombstones are real unsung heroes. When they are alive, they can only use code names to perform tasks, but at the expense of their identities, they are still secret agents! Their real names and heroic deeds of fighting for the country may never be known to outsiders!

At this moment, Wen Meng and Wu Xueying had tears in their eyes, and they raised their heads and looked at the old professor affectionately. The two are agents of the General Administration themselves, and they know better in their hearts that an agent who performs a secret mission is sacrificed, and he still cannot reveal his name. Otherwise, the opponent is very likely to obtain their family and relationship information from their real names, which directly endangers the safety of their family members, and may also directly affect the safety of other secret agents and the completion of the entire mission!

At this moment, everyone in the house finally understood that after Professor Chang returned to his hometown, he declined the leadership position arranged by his superiors, and chose to teach in the school silently, because he could no longer forget the swords and swords that he once had. Forget about the comrades lying under the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier!

After dedicating his youth to the motherland, the old man chose an ordinary and peaceful teaching career, and chose to silently pass on his outstanding spy warfare experience to the next generation. Perhaps, this is also the life that his comrades lay under the nameless tombstone the most longing for life.

Everyone in the room stood upright, and everyone looked at the old professor with excitement and reverence in their eyes. The old man retired, but when he was summoned by the motherland, he straightened up his old body again, still put on his armor without hesitation, and reappeared in this **** spy war battlefield. How could such an old man and such a senior not be admired by these steel warriors.

After Professor Chang finished speaking, he turned his head to look at Director Xiao of the Operations Department and said, "Xu Li's sacrifice today is the lesson of blood! But you don't have to be sad, the blood debt must be paid with blood! Wen Meng, Wu Xueying, wipe dry. The tears on your faces, we are all soldiers, and we are all special soldiers who may die for China at any time. Death is commonplace for us people, no big deal! "

When the old professor said this, a cold light suddenly shot out in his eyes: "Death, we are not afraid, but our comrades cannot die in vain, and the blood debt must be paid with blood! !Order……"

Following the sonorous voice of the veteran general, the feet of everyone in the room slammed together, and a murderous aura suddenly burst out from each upright body. A few strands of white water vapor that emerged from several teacups on the table suddenly swayed violently in a fierce murderous aura, twisting and dissipating into the air.

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